
Farmer Mac Appoints Timothy L. Buzby as President and Chief Executive Officer

Farmer Mac Appoints Timothy L. Buzby as President and Chief Executive Officer

cnbc ·  2020/04/13 07:34

WASHINGTON, Oct. 3, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac; NYSE: AGM and AGM.A) today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Timothy L. Buzby, a 12-year veteran of Farmer Mac, as President and Chief Executive Officer of Farmer Mac, effective immediately.

華盛頓,2012年10月3日/美通社/--聯邦農業抵押貸款公司(Farmer Mac;紐約證券交易所:年度股東大會年度股東大會A.)今天宣佈,董事會已任命蒂莫西·L·布茲比(Timothy L.Buzby)為Farmer Mac總裁兼首席執行官,立即生效。布茲比在Farmer Mac工作了12年。

Mr. Buzby has been Farmer Mac's Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer since 2009 and prior to that served as Farmer Mac's Controller beginning in 2000. In those capacities, he has been instrumental in the strengthening of Farmer Mac's capital position, the management of its loan portfolio, and the execution of its business strategy to facilitate and assure credit availability to rural America. The Board of Directors and Mr. Buzby will work together to identify and select a new Chief Financial Officer. In the interim, Mr. Buzby will also continue to serve in that capacity as well.

布茲比自2009年以來一直擔任Farmer Mac的首席財務官兼財務主管,在此之前,他從2000年開始擔任Farmer Mac的財務總監。在擔任這些職務期間,他在加強Farmer Mac的資本狀況、管理其貸款組合以及執行其業務戰略以促進和確保向美國農村提供信貸方面發揮了重要作用。董事會和布茲比先生將共同努力,確定和挑選一位新的首席財務官。在此期間,布茲比也將繼續擔任這一職務。

"Tim knows and understands all aspects of Farmer Mac," said Lowell L. Junkins, Chairman of the Board. "He has been pivotal to the successful strengthening of Farmer Mac financially and operationally. The Board has the highest confidence that Tim is the right executive to lead Farmer Mac as it moves forward with its Congressional mission to help provide enhanced liquidity and assure credit availability for rural America."

“蒂姆瞭解並理解Farmer Mac的方方面面,”董事會主席洛厄爾·L·瓊金斯(Lowell L.Junkins)説。他在財務和運營方面對Farmer Mac的成功加強起到了關鍵作用。董事會最有信心的是,蒂姆是領導Farmer Mac的合適高管,因為Farmer Mac正在推進其國會使命,幫助為美國農村地區提供更高的流動性和確保信貸供應。“

"I am proud and excited to serve as the CEO of Farmer Mac," said Mr. Buzby. "Farmer Mac is uniquely positioned to offer solutions to rural lenders that provide credit to farmers, ranchers, rural utilities, and other rural businesses. I look forward to working with the Board, the highly experienced members of our management team, and the entire Farmer Mac organization to further Farmer Mac's important mission and to help ensure the continued growth and prosperity of rural America while growing the value of Farmer Mac to all its constituencies."

"I能夠擔任Farmer Mac的首席執行官,我感到非常自豪和興奮,“Buzby先生説,”Farmer Mac在向向農民、牧場主、農村公用事業公司和其他農村企業提供信貸的農村貸款機構提供解決方案方面具有得天獨厚的優勢。我期待着與董事會合作,他們是我們管理層中經驗豐富的成員團隊,以及整個Farmer Mac組織,以推進Farmer Mac的重要使命,並幫助確保美國農村的持續增長和繁榮,同時提高Farmer Mac對所有選民的價值。“

Mr. Junkins added, "The Board of Directors and I are grateful to Michael Gerber for his leadership of Farmer Mac and for the guidance and insight he provided as our CEO. He is a true professional who fully dedicated himself to the success of Farmer Mac and its mission during his tenure."

瓊金斯先生補充説:“董事會和我都感謝邁克爾·格伯對Farmer Mac公司的領導,以及他作為我們首席執行官提供的指導和洞察力。他是一位真正的專業人士,在任職期間完全致力於Farmer Mac公司的成功及其使命。”

About Farmer Mac

關於Farmer Mac

Farmer Mac is a stockholder-owned instrumentality of the United States chartered by Congress to help increase the availability of credit in rural America through the operation of a secondary market for eligible loans to agricultural and rural borrowers. Additional information about Farmer Mac is available on its website at

Farmer Mac是美國的一家股東所有的機構,由國會特許成立,通過為農業和農村借款人提供合格貸款的二級市場的運營,幫助增加美國農村地區的信貸可獲得性。有關Farmer Mac公司的更多信息可在其網站www.farmermac.com上獲得。

SOURCE Farmer Mac


