Pertama Digital To Submit Notice To Show Cause Soon
Pertama Digital To Submit Notice To Show Cause Soon
Pertama Digital Bhd will be formally submitting its notice to show cause in the coming days to Bursa Malaysia Bhd.
Pertama Digital Bhd將在接下來的幾天內正式向馬來西亞交易所提交其說明原因的通知。
Its Group Chief Executive Officer Designate Lim Nasrul Halim reassures its shareholders and partners that business operations remain uninterrupted and all ongoing projects and initiatives are progressing as planned.
其集團首席執行官提名人Lim Nasrul Halim向股東和合作夥伴保證,業務運營保持正常,所有正在進行的項目和倡議都在按計劃推進。
"The company will continue to provide timely updates as it moves forward with the notice to show cause process," Lim said in a statement.
Meanwhile, Lim revealed that the company is set to finalise the acquisition of a leading Singapore-based technology company in the following week, expanding its capabilities in monitoring and safety solutions to address critical infrastructure needs within Malaysia's rapidly evolving digital landscape. "At the same time, the company has also secured a major RM150 million funding round, led by MyPay Capital Sdn Bhd, reinforcing its financial resilience and enabling the company to execute strategic initiatives with confidence and stability," Lim said.
與此同時,Lim透露該公司將在下週完成收購一家領先的新加坡科技公司的交易,擴大在監控和安全解決方案方面的能力,以滿足馬來西亞快速發展的數字環境中的關鍵製造行業需求。"同時,該公司還獲得了一輪由MyPay Capital Sdn Bhd主導的15000萬令吉的重大融資,加強其財務韌性,使公司能夠自信和穩健地執行戰略舉措,"Lim說道。
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