Future Earning Potential Weighs On Suria Capital
Future Earning Potential Weighs On Suria Capital
MIDF Investment Bank Bhd (MIDF Research) has maintained a SELL call on Suria Capital Holdings Bhd, revising its target price to RM1.02 from RM1.60 following the lower-than-expected fourth-quarter results. The adjustment reflects the impact of Sapangar Bay Container Port (SBCP) transitioning into a joint venture, reducing its direct earnings contribution.
在第四季度業績低於預期之後,MIDF投資銀行有限公司(MIDF Research)維持對蘇里亞資本控股有限公司的看漲期權,將其目標價從1.60令吉上調至1.02令吉。該調整反映了薩潘加爾灣集裝箱港口(SBCP)向合資企業過渡的影響,減少了其直接收益貢獻。
However, the research house remained optimistic about the long-term benefits of the partnership, as DP World's involvement is expected to enhance the port's efficiency and growth prospects. DP World, as one of the top five global port operators with an estimated 9% market share, could bolster SBCP's position in regional trade.
但是,該研究機構對該夥伴關係的長期利益仍然持樂觀態度,因爲預計DP World的參與將提高港口的效率和增長前景。作爲全球五大港口運營商之一,DP World的市場份額估計爲9%,可能會鞏固SBCP在區域貿易中的地位。
Suria posted a core loss after tax and minority interest (LATAMI) of RM2.7 million in 4QFY24, bringing full-year core profit after tax and minority interest (PATAMI) to RM41.7 million, representing 79% of the research house's full-year projection. The shortfall was attributed to SBCP's earnings reclassification, alongside weaker-than-expected conventional cargo volumes, which stood at 93% of the full-year assumption.
蘇里亞在 4QFY24 中公佈的稅後核心虧損和少數股權(LATAMI)爲270萬令吉,使全年稅後核心利潤和少數股權(PATAMI)達到4170萬令吉,佔該研究機構全年預測的79%。短缺歸因於SBCP的收益重新分類,以及低於預期的常規貨運量,佔全年假設的93%。
The transition of SBCP to DP World's management resulted in a sharp -66.1% year-on-year decline in container throughput for 4QFY24, as Suria now holds only a 49% stake in the venture. Conventional cargo throughput also weakened, falling by -10.5% year-on-year, primarily due to lower bulk oil volume at the Sabah Oil & Gas Terminal (SOGT) sufferance wharf. Consequently, port operations revenue declined -36.2% year-on-year, significantly impacting the company's overall performance. The core LATAMI of RM-2.7 million represented a steep -142.7% year-on-year drop compared to the previous year's corresponding quarter.
SBCP向DP World的管理層過渡導致 4QFY24 的集裝箱吞吐量同比急劇下降-66.1%,因爲蘇里亞現在僅持有該合資企業49%的股份。常規貨物吞吐量也有所減弱,同比下降了-10.5%,這主要是由於沙巴石油和天然氣碼頭(SOGT)受災碼頭的散裝石油量減少。因此,港口運營收入同比下降-36.2%,嚴重影響了公司的整體業績。與去年同期相比,-270萬令吉的核心拉美同比下降了-142.7%。
This quarter marked the first full three-month period since the SBCP joint venture transition in September 2024. Compared to the preceding quarter, container throughput similarly fell by -66.1%, reflecting the shift in management control. SBCP previously accounted for 72% of Suria's total twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) volume in FY23, with the remaining volume coming from Tawau Port and Sandakan Port. Meanwhile, conventional throughput declined -3.8% quarter-on-quarter. The quarter's core LATAMI of RM-2.7 million also reflected a -116.9% quarter-on-quarter drop from 3QFY24.
本季度是自2024年9月SBCP合資企業過渡以來的第一個整整三個月的時期。與上一季度相比,集裝箱吞吐量同樣下降了-66.1%,這反映了管理控制的轉移。SBCP此前佔蘇里亞23財年二十英尺當量單位(TEU)總量的72%,其餘來自鬥湖港和山打根港。同時,常規吞吐量同比下降了-3.8%。該季度的核心拉美指數爲-270萬令吉,也反映了比 3QFY24 同比下降-116.9%。
Given the revised earnings structure, MIDF Research has lowered its earnings forecasts for FY25F and FY26F by -35% and -36%, respectively. The research house noted that an earnings catalyst could materialise from a long-anticipated port tariff revision, which, if implemented, could provide a boost to Suria's financial outlook. While the near-term impact of the SBCP transition remains a concern, analysts acknowledge the potential upside from Suria's strategic positioning and DP World's expertise in global port operations.
鑑於修訂後的收益結構,MIDF Research已將其對 FY25F 和 FY26F 的收益預期分別下調了-35%和-36%。該研究機構指出,期待已久的港口費率修訂可能會帶來收益催化劑,該修訂如果得以實施,可能會提振蘇里亞的財務前景。儘管SBCP過渡的短期影響仍然令人擔憂,但分析師承認,蘇里亞的戰略定位和DP World在全球港口運營方面的專業知識具有潛在的上升空間。