
Forman Mills Eyes Expansion With Big Lots Lease Acquisitions in Bankruptcy Auction

Forman Mills Eyes Expansion With Big Lots Lease Acquisitions in Bankruptcy Auction

Forman Mills在破產拍賣中以必樂透租約收購爲擴張目標
Accesswire ·  02/28 20:50

PENNSAUKEN, NEW JERSEY / ACCESS Newswire / February 28, 2025 / Forman Mills, Inc., a leading off-price retailer known for its deep discounts on apparel, footwear, and home goods, is actively pursuing multiple Big Lots store leases as part of the ongoing bankruptcy auction for the embattled discount chain.

新澤西州彭薩肯 / ACCESS Newswire / 2025年2月28日 / Forman Mills, Inc. 是一家知名的折扣零售商,以其在服裝、鞋類和家居用品上的大幅折扣而聞名,正在積極尋求多處必樂透店的租賃,以參與這家陷入困境的折扣連鎖店的破產拍賣。

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Big Lots, Inc. and its subsidiaries filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, citing financial challenges. As part of its restructuring efforts, Big Lots is liquidating certain locations, with leasehold interests up for auction. Forman Mills has expressed strong interest in acquiring a selection of these prime retail spaces to fuel its continued growth.

必樂透公司及其子公司在特拉華州破產法院申請第11章破產,理由是面臨財務挑戰。作爲其重組努力的一部分,必樂透正在清算某些地點,租約權利將被拍賣。Forman Mills 表示出強烈興趣,希望獲得這些優質零售空間中的一部分,以推動其持續增長。

"We see a significant opportunity to expand our footprint and serve more value-conscious customers by taking over strategic Big Lots locations," said Sam Dushey, CEO of Forman Mills, Inc. "These locations align well with our growth strategy, allowing us to bring our unbeatable deals and unique shopping experience to even more communities."

「我們看到通過接管戰略性必樂透店,擴大我們的業務並服務更多關注價值的客戶的重大機會,」Forman Mills, Inc. 的首席執行官薩姆·杜希(Sam Dushey)說。「這些地點與我們的增長策略非常契合,使我們能夠將無與倫比的優惠和獨特的購物體驗帶到更多社區。」

The auction process is being overseen by Gordon Brothers Retail Partners, LLC, which has been managing Big Lots' asset sales, including its real estate portfolio. Forman Mills is currently evaluating and bidding on a number of available leases in Ohio, Indiana, New York, Michigan and Pennsylvania with a focus on high-traffic locations that fit its large-format discount retail model.

拍賣過程由Gordon Brothers Retail Partners, LLC 監督,該公司一直在管理必樂透的資產銷售,包括它的房地產投資組合。Forman Mills 目前正在評估並對俄亥俄州、印第安納州、紐約、密歇根州和賓夕法尼亞州的多處可用租賃進行買盤,重點關注適合其大型折扣零售模型的高流量地點。

With its roots in Philadelphia and a strong presence across urban and suburban markets, Forman Mills has built a reputation for offering brand-name apparel, home essentials, and footwear at deeply discounted prices. The company's interest in Big Lots' leases signals its commitment to expansion, even as the retail industry faces macroeconomic challenges.

Forman Mills扎根於費城,並在城市和郊區市場中擁有強大存在,建立了以深度折扣的品牌服裝、家庭必需品和鞋類而聞名的聲譽。該公司對必樂透租賃的興趣表明它致力於擴張,即使零售行業面臨宏觀經濟挑戰。

Industry analysts note that Forman Mills' bid for Big Lots leases could position the retailer for increased market share, particularly in areas where Big Lots has built a loyal customer base.

行業分析師指出,Forman Mills對必樂透租賃的買盤可能使該零售商在市場份額上增加,尤其是在必樂透已建立忠實客戶基礎的區域。

Negotiations and final approvals will depend on the bankruptcy court proceedings, as well as competitive bidding from other interested retailers and landlords.


About Forman Mills, Inc.

關於Forman Mills, Inc.

Founded in 1981, Forman Mills is a leading off-price retailer known for its wide selection of brand-name apparel, footwear, and home goods at deeply discounted prices. Headquartered in Pennsauken Township, NJ, the company operates over 80 locations across the U.S., providing value-conscious shoppers with an exciting bargain-hunting experience.

Forman Mills成立於1981年,是一家領先的折扣零售商,以其廣泛的品牌服裝、鞋類和家庭用品選擇而聞名,價格大幅優惠。公司總部位於新澤西州彭薩肯鎮,在美國擁有超過80個銷售點,爲注重價值的消費者提供令人興奮的尋寶體驗。

Contact Information


Desiree Atkins
Director of Marketing & Advertising


SOURCE: Forman Mills

來源:Forman Mills

Related Documents:
  • 2.27.25 Forman Mills Press Release -Expansion with Big Lots Lease Acquisitions .pdf
  • 2.27.25 Forman Mills 新聞稿 - 擴張與必樂透租賃收購 .pdf


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