2 Safer, High-Yield Dividend Stocks for Canadian Retirees
2 Safer, High-Yield Dividend Stocks for Canadian Retirees
Canadian retirees ought to exhibit caution when hunting down dividend stocks with yields at the higher end. Indeed, yields may very well be the least attractive feature of a stock. Though it can help many of those living on a fixed income meet their retirement needs, I still think that going beyond a 5% yield requires much more due diligence.
You don't want to feel all the pains that come with a dividend cut. It's just too painful, especially if you're no longer in the labour force. That said, you don't need to stick with 3-4% yielders, especially if you're more than willing to forego a bit of upside potential.
For retirees, passive income can matter a whole lot more than capital gains. That said, total returns, which comprise dividend payments along with capital appreciation, are what investors of all ages should seek to maximize. In this piece, we'll check out two safer, high-yield dividend payers that I think make sense to buy in March.
Restaurant Brands International
Restaurant Brands International (TSX:QSR) looks like an absolute market bargain after tumbling below the $90 per share level. With a 3.9% dividend yield and a very modest 19.9 times trailing price to earnings (P/E), you're getting a lot of stable cash flow-generative firepower with the name.
Whether you're a fan of daily double-doubles from Tim Hortons, the Whopper from Burger King, a three-piece meal from Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, or the new tasty hot subs from Firehouse Subs, there's something for everyone with QSR. With a solid footing in the fast-food value menu wars and modernization (renovation) efforts paying off, I view the quick-serve restaurant chain as a sleeping giant of sorts. Despite doing nothing in five years, shares look poised for greater growth as management pursues international frontiers.
無論你是每天喝TIM Hortons的雙倍咖啡、Burger King的華堡、Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen的三件餐,還是Firehouse Subs的新鮮美味熱三明治,QSR都有適合每個人的選擇。憑藉在快餐價值菜單競爭中的堅實立足點和現代化(翻新)努力的回報,我將這家速食餐廳鏈視爲一種沉睡的巨人。儘管在過去五年中沒有什麼動作,但股價看起來有望實現更大的增長,因爲管理層在追求國際市場前沿。
With the firm buying out partners in Burger King China, it will be interesting to see which angle the firm takes next within the high-growth region. Either way, I'm a fan of the move as the firm looks to team up with dance partners who can take Burger King China to the next level.
隨着公司收購了Burger King在中國的合作伙伴,接下來公司在這個高速增長的地域板塊將採取何種策略將引人關注。無論如何,我對這一舉動表示支持,因爲公司希望與能夠將Burger King中國推向新高度的合作伙伴攜手。
Finally, investing legend Seth Klarman of Saupost recently loaded up on QSR shares in the fourth quarter of 2024. With around 2.9 million shares in the firm, Klarman seems to be a big believer in the deep value to be had in the underrated dividend titan that can keep on growing for years to come. I think Klarman is right on the money with QSR.
Pizza Pizza Royalty
Pizza Pizza Royalty
If a 4% yield isn't enough to satiate your appetite for passive income, perhaps Pizza Pizza Royalty (TSX:PZA) is worth checking out while its yield is above 7%. Though shares have been on a slow-and-steady descent, I view the correction off 2023 highs as more of a buying opportunity than anything else.
如果4%的收益率無法滿足你對被動收入的渴望,或許Pizza Pizza Royalty(TSX:PZA)值得關注,因爲它的收益率在7%以上。儘管股票一直在緩慢而穩定地下跌,我認爲從2023年高點的回調更多的是一個買入機會而已。
If tariffs push Canada's economy into a downturn, affordable and convenient pizzas could be in relatively high demand. With one of the more affordable delivery pizza services in Canada, the firm looks poised to ride out a tariff war rather well. Additionally, Pizza Pizza and Pizza 73 are Canadian brands, which could benefit consumers as they buy into the "buy Canadian" mindset. It applies in the world of pizzas, too, making Pizza Pizza a prime share-taker you wouldn't think of as we progress into 2025.
如果關稅將加拿大經濟推入低谷,便宜而方便的比薩可能會受到相對較高的需求。作爲加拿大價格更實惠的外送比薩服務之一,該公司似乎能夠很好地度過關稅戰爭。此外,Pizza Pizza和Pizza 73都是加拿大品牌,這可能會讓消費者在「買加拿大貨」的思維中受益。這個理念同樣適用於比薩,使Pizza Pizza成爲一個你不會想到的優質股票,隨着2025年的到來。