
Public Housing Receives RM185 Million For Upgrading

Public Housing Receives RM185 Million For Upgrading

Business Today ·  02/13 07:38

The government has allocated RM185 million this year to repair facilities at 358 People's Housing Programme (PPR) flats nationwide, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced.


He said this initiative is a priority under the MADANI Government to ensure the welfare of PPR residents, particularly the urban poor, is safeguarded.


"Two years ago, we spent RM100 million, so over the past two years, RM285 million has been spent, but I have no problem because this is not a waste—it is to repair lifts and improve facilities.


"If you live in a house that is in poor condition where the lift doesn't work, the toilet doesn't flush, and the neighbours don't know you, how could you say that home is heaven? That is why the MADANI Government is taking responsibility (to repair), but this effort must be welcomed by the community," he said.

「如果你住的房子條件很差,電梯不行,廁所不能沖水,鄰居不認識你,你怎麼能說家就是天堂?這就是爲什麼馬達尼政府負責(修復)的原因,但這項努力必須受到社區的歡迎,」 他說。

Speaking at the Community Forum (Forkom) event supported by Think City at Lembah Subang 1 PPR, Anwar also announced an additional RM1.2 million allocation for lift repairs at the flats, where breakdowns have been a persistent issue.

在由Think City支持的梳邦谷1號PPR社區論壇(Forkom)活動上,安華還宣佈額外撥款120萬令吉用於公寓的電梯維修,那裏的故障一直是一個長期存在的問題。

He instructed the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) to expedite the repairs so that residents can enjoy a more comfortable living environment before Ramadan.


"After announcing it today, I don't want to hear that nothing has been done for the next two weeks, or that the lift broke down again after Ramadan or after (Hari) Raya. No! I won't accept that. So, by next week, I want a report on whether it is progressing or not," he stressed, adding that he wants Lembah Subang 1 PPR to serve as a model for all PPRs nationwide.

「在今天宣佈之後,我不想聽到接下來的兩週沒有采取任何行動,也不想聽到齋月之後或(開齋節)之後電梯再次發生故障。不!我不會接受的。因此,在下週之前,我想要一份關於進展與否的報告。」 他強調說,並補充說,他希望Lembah Subang 1 PPR成爲全國所有PPR的典範。

Additionally, Anwar urged the state government and local authorities to list PPR residents to ensure fair rental rates are applied.


"If the rent is too high, maybe we can lower it.


"As the government has spent money on providing the housing, the residents must know that the rent must be paid. Maybe we can discuss, we can negotiate a little (to lower the rent), but I want to stress that the rent must be paid. If we want to live comfortably, each of us must do our part," he said.

「由於政府花錢提供住房,居民必須知道必須支付租金。也許我們可以討論,我們可以進行一些談判(以降低租金),但我想強調的是,必須支付租金。如果我們想過上舒適的生活,我們每個人都必須儘自己的一份力量,」 他說。


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