TFSA Investors: 3 Dividend Stocks to Consider Buying While They Are Down
TFSA Investors: 3 Dividend Stocks to Consider Buying While They Are Down
Contrarian investors are searching for undervalued TSX dividend stocks to add to their self-directed Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) portfolios. Buying stocks when they are out of favour takes courage and requires patience to ride out additional turbulence, but the rewards can be significant on a rebound.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Bank of Nova Scotia (TSX:BNS) trades near $73 per share at the time of writing. The stock was as high as $93 in early 2022 and slipped as low as $60 in the past 12 months.
Recent weakness is likely due to news that Bank of Nova Scotia will take a charge of $1.4 billion on the sale of its businesses in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Panama. Investors might be concerned that other assets in Latin America that the company bought over the past two or three decades might also get monetized at a loss as the bank works through its strategy transition.
The new chief executive officer is focusing future capital expenditures on opportunities in the United States and Canada. Bank of Nova Scotia spent US$2.8 billion in 2024 to acquire a 14.9% stake in KeyCorp, a U.S. regional bank. Bank of Nova Scotia also plans to boost its presence in Quebec.
It will take time for the strategy shift to deliver results, but investors get paid well to wait. At the current share price, the dividend provides a yield of 5.8%.
TC Energy
TC Energy
TC Energy (TSX:TRP) is down to $66 at the time of writing from $70 in November. The stock is still up 24% in the past 12 months, so the easy money has arguably been made. Investors who are bullish on natural gas demand in the coming years, however, might consider adding TC Energy on dips.
TC Energy (TSX:TRP) 在撰寫時的股價從11月的70美元下跌到66美元。過去12個月這隻股票仍上漲了24%,因此容易賺錢的機會可能已經過去。不過,對於未來幾年天然氣需求看好的投資者,可能會考慮在價格回調時增持TC Energy。
The company spun off its oil pipeline division in 2024 to focus primarily on natural gas transmission and storage. Power generation assets are also still part of the mix. TC Energy operates more than 93,000 km of natural gas infrastructure in Canada, the United States, and Mexico, which carries roughly 30% of the natural gas used in North America. Gas-fired power generation is expected to surge as new artificial intelligence data centres get built.
該公司於2024年剝離了其石油管道部門,以主要專注於天然氣的傳輸和儲存。發電資產仍然是其業務的一部分。TC Energy在加拿大、美國和墨西哥運營着超過93,000公里的天然氣基礎設施,負責輸送北美約30%的天然氣。隨着新的人工智能數據中心的建立,燃氣發電預計將激增。
TC Energy has increased its dividend in each of the past 24 years. Investors who buy ENB stock at the current level can get a dividend yield of 5%.
TC Energy在過去24年中每年都增加了股息。以當前價格買入ENb股票的投資者可以獲得5%的股息收益率。
Northland Power
Northland Power (TSX:NPI) is down 26% in the past year and currently trades slightly above the 12-month low. The provider of wind, solar, and gas-fired power production has assets in service and under development around the globe. High interest rates and a shift in sentiment away from renewables in the past few years have impacted the sector.
Northland Power (TSX:NPI)在過去一年下跌了26%,目前的交易價格稍高於12個月低點。這家提供風能、太陽能和燃氣發電的公司在全球範圍內擁有在營資產和開發項目。高利率和過去幾年可再生能源情緒的轉變對該板塊產生了影響。
The stock is down to $18 from $50 in 2021, so investors need to be careful. If you have a contrarian style, however, and are positive long-term on renewables, NPI stock might be worth a look with its dividend yield of 6.5%.
The bottom line
Near-term volatility should be expected, and additional downside is certainly possible. However, contrarian dividend investors might want to put BNS, TRP, and NPI on their radar.
短期內的波動應該是可以預期的,額外的下行風險肯定是可能的。不過,反向股息投資者可能想將豐業銀行、TC Energy和NPI列入雷達。