
'Meta Ad Changes Threaten Telehealth's Weight Loss Boom' - The Information

'Meta Ad Changes Threaten Telehealth's Weight Loss Boom' - The Information

Benzinga ·  01/08 22:02

Telehealth companies including Hims & Hers, Sesame and Noom have flocked to Facebook and Instagram to promote their booming weight loss drugs.


But pressure from regulators concerned about consumers' health data privacy has prompted Meta Platforms to limit how advertisers target users with health-related ads, starting this month. That is upending weight loss campaigns in the middle of the New Year's resolution marketing season. And more broadly, marketers are scrambling to figure out exactly what kind of weight loss and other health-related products are affected, and trying out workarounds for the new rules.

但是,來自監管機構對消費者健康數據隱私的關注壓力促使Meta Platforms限制廣告商如何瞄準用戶數進行健康相關廣告,從本月開始。這中斷了新年決心營銷季節的減肥活動。更廣泛地說,營銷人員正急於弄清楚到底哪些減肥和其他健康相關產品受到影響,並嘗試爲新規尋找解決辦法。

