
Dell To Simplify PC Branding In Effort To Boost Demand

Dell To Simplify PC Branding In Effort To Boost Demand

Business Today ·  01/07 00:04

Dell Technologies Inc has announced a significant rebranding of its PCs, moving away from decades-old product names like "XPS" and "Inspiron" in favour of simplified branding centred around the name Dell. This change, revealed ahead of CES 2025, aims to make the company's products easier to remember and recognise, similar to the naming conventions used by Apple Inc.


Chief Operating Officer Jeff Clarke explained, "Customers really prefer names that are easy to remember and easy to pronounce. Buyers shouldn't have to spend time 'figuring out our nomenclature, which at times has been a bit confusing.'"


In an effort to stimulate demand, Dell will divide its new PCs into three tiers: Dell, Dell Pro, and Dell Pro Max. The decision follows years of sluggish PC sales since the pandemic buying surge, with Dell and its competitors like HP Inc. and Lenovo Group Ltd. exploring strategies such as AI-optimised systems and the upcoming end-of-support for Windows 10 as incentives for upgrades.

爲刺激需求,戴爾將把其新電腦分爲三個級別:戴爾、戴爾專業版和戴爾專業版Max。這一決定是在疫情采購激增後的多年疲軟的個人電腦銷售背景下做出的,戴爾及其競爭對手如惠普和聯想集團(ADR)正在探索如人工智能優化系統以及即將結束的Windows 10支持作爲升級的激勵措施。

The new branding scheme immediately sparked comparisons with Apple's device naming conventions. One attendee at the press briefing asked, "Why didn't you choose something original, because you essentially have Apple's branding here?" While some critics pointed out the similarities to Apple's "Pro" and "Pro Max" labels, Dell executives defended the choice, stating that "nobody owns words like 'pro' or 'max,'" and that the decision was based on extensive customer research.

新的品牌方案立即引發了與蘋果設備命名慣例的比較。在新聞發佈會上一位與會者問道,"爲什麼不選擇一些原創的東西,因爲你們基本上擁有了蘋果的品牌?"雖然一些批評者指出與蘋果的"Pro"和"Pro Max"標籤的相似之處,戴爾高管爲這一選擇辯護,表示"沒有人擁有『pro』或『max』這樣的詞,"並且這一決定是基於廣泛的客戶研究。

Kevin Terwilliger, Vice President of Dell's PC business, explained that the company is anchoring its products to a simple, unified brand name for clarity and consistency, much like Apple's approach.


Notably, Alienware, the gaming-focused brand Dell acquired in 2006, will retain its current naming structure and is not part of the rebranding effort. Many of the new Dell-branded PCs will also include neural processing units designed for artificial intelligence tasks.


CEO Michael Dell also emphasised the opportunity in the ageing global PC market, stating, "There's an install base of 1.5 billion PCs — and it's aging — and those PCs will need to be replaced with the AI innovation." He added that the new naming scheme would "make it easier for our customers to do business with us."




