KLCI Recovers From Midday Plunge, Closes Above 1640
KLCI Recovers From Midday Plunge, Closes Above 1640
At closing, Kuala Lumpur stock exchange's benchmark KLCI advanced 4.65 points to settle at 1,642.33 points, from Monday's close of 1,637.68 points, surpassing the 1640-mark for the first time since Oct 23.
Market observers noted that the strong ending on the last day of year 2024 was driven by the surge of IHH Healthcare Bhd and telecommunication service provider Axiata Group Bhd towards closing. IHH added seven sen to close at RM7.30 on a volume of 2,537,400 shares/units while Axiata rallied ten sen, or as much as 4.18%, ending the day at RM2.49, recording a trading turnover of 19,695,500 shares/units.
市場觀察家指出,2024年最後一天的強勁收盤是由IHH Healthcare Bhd和電信服務提供商Axiata Group Bhd激增收盤所推動的。IHH上漲7仙收於7.30令吉,交易量爲2,537,400股/單位,而Axiata上漲10仙或高達4.18%,收於2.49令吉,交易量爲19,695,500股/單位。
Throughout the trading day, the index fluctuated from the low of 1,632.85 points to the high of 1,644.54 points, reflecting a gap of 11.69 points. Earlier, during the half-day session, the key index moved within a narrow range of 5.58 points between the intraday low of 1,632.85 points and 1,638.43 points.
This morning, the key index opened 0.75 of a point higher to reach 1,638.43 points. As at 9:03am, the benchmark KLCI retreated marginally by 0.39 of a point, down to 1,637.29 points. Towards late morning, the market sentiment took a negative turn, sending the index down by 2.37 points to 1,635.31 points as at 11:09am. At the conclusion of the half-day session at 12:30pm, the key index gave up 3.4 points to 1,634.28 points.
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