Shares of CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRWD) are trading down sharply on Friday. The move lower was triggered by news of insider selling.
The stock teaches an important technical analysis lesson. This is why it is our Stock of the Day.
One of the most interesting and misunderstood dynamics of technical analysis is its fractal nature. This means the same patterns can be seen on charts of different timeframes.
In the stock market, there tends to be support at price levels that had been support previously. This is because of psychology. It is due to remorseful sellers.
These are people who sold shares while the stock was at support that regretted doing so when the price rallied soon after. Many of them decide to buy their shares back if they can get them at the same price they were sold for.
As a result, when the price drops back to the level that was support, they place buy orders. If there are enough of these buy orders it will form support at the level again.
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As you can see on the 4-month chart, there has been support around the $345.00 level for CrowdStrike. This is a graphical illustration of the sellers' remorse of swing traders. These traders typically have time horizons of a few weeks or months.
4-month chart
One-Day Chart
The same type of action can be seen on a one-day chart. The $350.00 has been support. This is a graphical illustration of sellers' remorse of traders that have short-term time horizons. This support was created by day traders.
1-day chart Technical analysis has a dubious reputation on Wall Street. This shouldn't be surprising. Many analysts don't understand some of the basic principles.
If understood and applied correctly, technical analysis is the study of investor and trader psychology. Charts are graphical illustrations of this psychology.
Regardless of the timeframe of a strategy that is being traded, the people who are doing the trading experience the same emotions. These are what appear on charts. This is why the same patterns appear of charts that have different time horizons.
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Image: Shutterstock
CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.(納斯達克:CRWD)的股票週五大幅下跌。此次下跌是由於內部人士出售股票的資訊觸發的。
在一日圖上也可以看到相同類型的行動。$350.00 一直是壓力位。這是對短期持倉交易者賣方悔意的圖形展示。這個壓力位是由日內交易者創建的。
1天圖 技術面分析在華爾街的聲譽模糊不清。這不應該令人驚訝。很多分析師不理解一些基本原則。