EFP Disposes Of Nearly 15 Million Shares Of YTL Power
EFP Disposes Of Nearly 15 Million Shares Of YTL Power
According to a Bursa filing by utilities firm YTL Power International Bhd on Dec 26, the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has disposed of nearly 15 million shares of the company.
根據公用事業公司YTL Power International Bhd於12月26日向布爾薩提交的文件,僱員公積金(EPF)已處置了該公司近1500萬股股份。
The notice dated Dec 23 was received by the "listed issuer" on Dec 26. Specifically, the total number of shares disposed of amounted to 14,926,300 shares.
「上市發行人」 於12月26日收到了12月23日的通知。具體而言,已處置的股份總數爲14,926,300股。
Following the disposal of the shares, the EPF is no longer a major shareholder of YTL Power.
出售股份後,EPF不再是YTL Power的主要股東。
The shares of YTL Power rallied on Dec 19 after the 1BestariNet investigation concluded with a "no-charges" verdict in favour of the company.
YTL Power的股價於12月19日上漲,此前1BestariNet的調查最後作出了有利於該公司的 「無指控」 裁決。
Based on the closing prices of RM4.08 on Dec 19 and RM4.11 on Dec 23, the proceeds from the sale of shares could total at around RM61 million. On Dec 20, the shares of YTL Power surged to the three-month high of RM4.30, potentially raking in RM64 million for the EPF.
根據12月19日4.08令吉和12月23日4.11令吉的收盤價,出售股票的收益總額可能約爲6100萬令吉。12月20日,YTL Power的股價飆升至4.30令吉的三個月高點,可能爲公積金籌集6400萬令吉。
Market observers noted that between Nov 25 to Dec 13, the EPF bought a total of about seven million shares of YTL Power on two occasions within the price range of RM2.80 to RM3.80.
市場觀察家指出,在11月25日至12月13日期間,公積金在2.80令吉至3.80令吉的價格區間內兩次購買了總共約700萬股YTL Power的股票。
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