
Colibri and Its Option Partner Drills 94.80 G/t Ag and 1.12 % Zn Over 2.50 Metres at the Diamante Property, Sonora, Mexico

Colibri and Its Option Partner Drills 94.80 G/t Ag and 1.12 % Zn Over 2.50 Metres at the Diamante Property, Sonora, Mexico

newsfile ·  2024/12/21 03:33

Dieppe, New Brunswick--(Newsfile Corp. - December 20, 2024) - Colibri Resource Corporation (TSXV: CBI) ("Colibri" or the "Company") and option partner Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (TSXV: SSE) ("Silver Spruce") report drilling and assay results completed at the Diamante property, Sonora Mexico. A highlight of the drilling is the discovery of mineralization following up a resistivity survey which includes an intercept of 94.80 g/t Ag, 0.08 g/t Au, 2.89% Pb, and 1.12 % Zn over an intersection length of 2.50 metres.

加拿大新不倫瑞克省迪普--(資訊CORP - 2024年12月20日)- Colibri Resource CORPoration(TSXV:CBI)("Colibri"或"公司")和選項合夥人白銀Spruce Resources Inc.(TSXV:SSE)("白銀Spruce")報告了在墨西哥索諾拉的Diamante物業完成的鑽探和分析結果。鑽探的亮點是發現了礦化,跟進了一項抗電阻率調查,其中包括在2.50米的交叉長度上截獲了94.80克/噸銀,0.08克/噸黃金,2.89%的鉛和1.12%的鋅。

Colibri and Silver Spruce completed 7 diamond drill holes for a total of 800 m during the 2024 drill program. Two holes were drilled at each of El Pillado and La Prieta zones to follow up on previous positive drill results. Two holes were drilled to test the results of an electrical (resistivity) survey covering part of an extensive color anomaly, approximately 600m x 350 m, located immediately south of El Pillado zone. One hole was drilled to explore El Mezquite-Raisudo target area located approximately 2.3 km south-southwest of the El Pillado. Significant assay results are contained in table 1.

Colibri和白銀Spruce在2024年鑽探計劃中完成了7個金剛石鑽孔,總計80000萬。每個El Pillado和La Prieta區域鑽了兩個孔,以跟蹤之前的正面鑽探結果。兩個孔用於測試覆蓋El Pillado區域南部部分廣泛顏色異常的電性(電阻率)勘測結果,範圍約爲60000萬 x 35000萬。一個孔用於勘探位於El Pillado以南2.3公里的El Mezquite-Raisudo靶區。重要的分析結果見表1。

Ian McGavney, President & CEO of Colibri commented: "We encountered considerable difficulties with core quality and recovery in this year's drill program at Diamante. However, we are very pleased with the result from our El Pillado South drilling which targeted a large colour anomaly extending south of the Pillado zone. Both holes drilled at El Pillado South intersected longer intercepts of highly anomalous mineralization and a higher grade intercept of 94.80 ppm Ag, 2.89% Pb, and 1.12% Zn over a core length of 2.50 m. These results expand the scope of our exploration model and targeting which we believe significantly enhances the discovery potential at Diamante."

Colibri的總裁兼首席執行官Ian McGavney評論道:「在今年的Diamante鑽探計劃中,我們遇到了核心質量和回收方面的重大困難。然而,我們對El Pillado South的鑽探結果非常滿意,該鑽探目標是擴大Pillado區域以南的大範圍顏色異常。兩個在El Pillado South鑽出的孔都截獲了更長的高度異常礦化及更高品位的截獲,爲94.80ppm銀,2.89%的鉛和1.12%的鋅,核心長度爲250萬。這些結果擴展了我們的勘探模型和靶向的範圍,我們相信這顯著增強了在Diamante的發現潛力。」

Table 1: Significant Assay Results


AgEq is calculated using the following metal prices: US$2654 per ounce Au, US$30.61 per ounce Ag, US$0.92 per pound Pb, and US$1.40 per pound Zn. No metallurgical recoveries have been applied.


El Pillado


El Pillado has been the object of past small scale underground mining. Test pits and a decline date back to the 1800's and more recent test mining was completed at El Pillado during the 1990's. El Pillado zone is located at the northwestern end of large SE-NW trending colour anomaly measuring approximately 600 m x 350 m. Colibri and partner Silver Spruce have completed geological mapping and sampling at El Pillado and in 2022 completed 940.5 m in 9 reverse circulation ("RC") drill holes (Figure 1). Highlights of the 2022 drilling include:

埃爾皮亞多曾是小規模地下采礦的對象。測試坑和一個下坡洞可以追溯到1800年代,而在1990年代,埃爾皮亞多進行過近期的測試採礦。埃爾皮亞多區位於大型SE-NW走向的顏色異常的西北端,面積約爲60000萬 x 35000萬。Colibri和合作夥伴Silver Spruce在埃爾皮亞多完成了地質製圖和取樣,並在2022年完成了94050萬的9個反循環("RC")鑽孔(見圖1)。2022年鑽探的亮點包括:

  • 0.18 g/t Au, 145 g/t Ag, 1.35% Zn and 1.01 % Pb over an intersection length of 12.0 m
  • 0.21 g/t Au, 42 g/t Ag, 2,14 % Zn, and 0.68% Pb over an intersection length of 16.5 m
  • 0.04 g/t Au, 6.27 g/t Ag, 0.78 % Zn, and 0.12 % Pb over an intersection length of 10.5 m
  • 0.18克/噸黃金,145克/噸銀,1.35%鋅和1.01%鉛,交匯長度爲12.0米
  • 0.21克/噸黃金,42克/噸銀,2.14%鋅,和0.68%鉛,交匯長度爲16.5米
  • 0.04克/噸黃金,6.27克/噸銀,0.78%鋅,和0.12%鉛,交匯長度爲10.5米

The 2024 drilling at El Pillado was planned to intersect a northeasterly trend of mineralization evident in the 2022 drilling. Both holes drilled in the 2024 program intersected multiple mineralized intervals indicated by the occurrence of fault rocks hosting vein quartz with or without galena, sphalerite, or pyrite and sericite alteration. Significant intercepts from El Pillado drilling are contained in table 1.


El Pillado South


During 2024, Colibri and Silver Spruce completed 2 lines of electrical exploration (resistivity) located approximately 125 m southeast of the historical Pillado mine workings (Figure 2). Two holes were planned to test a domain characterized by sharp, moderately north dipping (apparent), resistivity gradients (Figure 3). Both holes intersected significant lengths of anomalous mineralization, 22.5 m in hole DIA24-03 and 8.2 m in hole DIA24-04. Hole DIA24-03 included an intercept of 0.08 g/t Au, 94.80 g/t Ag, 2,89 % Pb, and 1.12 % Zn.

在2024年,Colibri和Silver Spruce完成了2條電氣勘探(電阻率)線路,位於歷史Pillado礦區東南約12500萬(見圖2)。計劃鑽探兩個孔,測試一個特徵爲陡峭、適度北傾(表觀)的電阻率梯度的領域(見圖3)。兩個孔都交叉了顯著長度的異常礦化,其中DIA24-03孔爲2250萬,DIA24-04孔爲820萬。孔DIA24-03包括一個截獲,擁有0.08克/噸黃金,94.80克/噸銀,2.89%鉛和1.12%鋅。

La Prieta


La Prieta target consists of a southwest striking, steeply northwest dipping vein and vein splay structure. Highlights of previous drilling include:


  • 2.48 g/t Au and 56.7 g/t Ag over an intersection length of 9.0 metres ("m")
  • 1.76% Zn, 38.5 g/t Ag and 0.56 g/t Au over an intersection length of 13.5 m
  • 1.61% Zn, 38.5 g/t Ag and 0.63 g/t Au over an intersection length of 10.5 m
  • 在9.0米("m")的交叉長度內,獲得2.48克/噸(g/t)黃金和56.7克/噸銀
  • 在13.5米的交叉長度內,獲得1.76%的鋅、38.5克/噸銀和0.56克/噸黃金
  • 在1050萬的交叉長度內,獲得1.61%的鋅、38.5克/噸銀和0.63克/噸黃金

During the 2024 program, 2 holes were drilled to test down dip and along trend to the northeast of previously intersected mineralization (Figure 4). Mineralized intervals consisting of vein quartz in altered and highly fractured andesite was intersected. However, core quality and recovery in the mineralized zones was poor and grades were anomalous.




Difficult drilling conditions were encountered on the 2024 program at Diamante. In general, core quality, as measured by RQD, was poor. This was especially evident in mineralized or potentially mineralized intervals characterized by alteration, veining and micro veining, and oxidized and partially oxidized fractures. Similarly, core recovery in the mineralized intervals was less than 100% and locally was less than 40%. The core provides for the recognition of rock types and the recognition of alteration, vein quartz, and sulphide minerals comprising mineralization. However, the core quality precludes detailed evaluation, including quantitative structural analysis, and limits interpretation integrating previous drilling and geological mapping and sampling. The sampling and assaying provide a clear indication of the presence of mineralization consistent with the visual recognition. However, given the poor recovery, particularly in the anticipated mineralized intercepts in La Prieta, the assays are not considered representative of in-situ grades.


Jamie Lavigne, P. Geo and a Director for Colibri is a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information in this press release.

Jamie Lavigne,P. Geo 是 Colibri 的董事,符合 NI 43-101 定義的合格人士,並已審核並批准本新聞稿中的技術信息。



The Diamante property is located within a belt of Epithermal Au-Au mineralization hosted by the Sierra Madre Occidental Volcanic Complex. Major gold mining operations in the area of the Diamante property include Alamos Golds' Los Mulatos Mine and Agnico Eagles' El India and Pinos Altos Mines. The Diamante project is located approximately 12km km northeast of Minera Alamos' Santana Au development project which is anticipated to commence commercial production within the next quarter. The Property is located approximately 170 km southeast of Sonora state capital Hermosillo and approximately 10 km northwest of the town of Tepoca. The property is accessed directly from Sonora State Highway 16.



關於 Colibri 資源公司:

Colibri is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company listed on the TSX-V (CBI) and is focused on acquiring, exploring, and developing prospective gold & silver properties in Mexico. The Company holds four high potential precious metal projects: 1) 100% of the 4,766 hectare EP Gold Project in the significant Caborca Gold Belt which has delivered highly encouraging exploration results and is surround by Mexico's second largest major producer of gold on four sides, 2) 49% Ownership of the Pilar Gold & Silver Project which is believed to hold the potential to be a near term producing mine, and 3) two highly prospective interests in the Sierra Madre (Diamante Gold & Silver Project and Jackie Gold & Silver Project).

Colibri 是一家總部位於加拿大的礦產勘探公司,上市於 TSX-V(CBI),專注於在墨西哥收購、勘探和開發具有前景的黃金和白銀礦產項目。該公司擁有四個高潛力的貴金屬項目:1)在重要的卡博卡黃金帶的 4,766 公頃 EP 黃金項目的 100% 股權,已獲得高度鼓舞人心的勘探結果,並被墨西哥第二大黃金生產商四面環繞;2)在皮拉黃金和白銀項目中持有 49% 的股份,據信有潛力成爲近期的生產礦;3)在 Sierra Madre 上的兩個高潛力利益(如金剛石金和白銀項目與傑基金和銀項目)。

For more information about all Company projects please visit: .


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TSX TSX Venture交易所及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture交易所的政策中所定義的那樣)不承擔此發佈的充分性或準確性的責任。

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:
This news release contains "forward-looking statements". Statements in this press release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the plans, expectations and intentions contained in this press release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that they will prove to be accurate.

本新聞稿包含「前瞻性聲明」。本新聞稿中不是純粹歷史的聲明是前瞻性聲明,包括有關未來的信念、計劃、期望或意圖的任何聲明。由於衆多因素,實際結果可能與前瞻性聲明中預測的結果有所不同。這些前瞻性聲明是在本新聞稿日期作出的, 公司不承擔更新前瞻性聲明的義務,也不承擔更新實際結果可能與前瞻性聲明中預測的結果不同原因的義務。儘管公司相信本新聞稿中包含的計劃、期望和意圖是合理的,但不能保證它們將被證明是準確的。

For information contact: Ian McGavney, President, CEO and Director, Tel: (506) 383-4274,

聯繫信息:Ian McGavney, 總裁,首席執行官及董事,電話:(506) 383-4274,。

