
Rx To Go: Advancing Patient-Centric Cancer Care With Unparalleled Growth

Rx To Go: Advancing Patient-Centric Cancer Care With Unparalleled Growth

Rx To Go:通過無與倫比的增長推動以患者爲中心的癌症護理
PR Newswire ·  2024/12/21 00:52

Fort Myers, Fla., Dec. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute, LLC (FCS) a national leader in community oncology, is proud to highlight the remarkable achievements of its medically integrated pharmacy, Rx To Go, which has delivered personalized, compassionate support to nearly 16,000 patients this year. Combined with these efforts, Rx To Go has reached a significant milestone, surpassing $1 billion in annual revenue, reflecting 10% year-over-year growth.

佛羅里達州邁爾斯堡,2024年12月20日 /PRNewswire/ -- 佛羅里達癌症專家與研究院(FCS)作爲全國社區腫瘤學的領導者,驕傲地強調其醫學綜合藥房Rx To Go的卓越成就,該藥房在今年爲近16,000名患者提供了個性化、富有同情心的支持。結合這些努力,Rx To Go達到了一個重要里程碑,年營業收入超過10億,反映出同比增長10%。

FCS Chief Value and Procurement Officer Paul Chadwick, who oversees all pharmacy operations for the statewide practice, shared: "This milestone is not just about growth—it's a reflection of the exceptional dedication of our comprehensive oncology pharmacy team to deliver timely and personalized care to every patient. Our focus has always been on streamlining access to medications, improving adherence, and ensuring every patient interaction is meaningful."

FCS首席價值與採購官保羅·查德維克(Paul Chadwick)負責該全州業務的所有藥房運營,他分享道:"這一里程碑不僅僅是關於增長——它反映了我們綜合腫瘤藥房團隊在及時和個性化護理方面的卓越奉獻。我們一直專注於優化藥物獲取,改善服藥依從性,並確保每一次患者互動都是有意義的。"

Rx To Go is designed to simplify access to critical oral cancer medications and support patients at every step of their treatment journey. This year, the pharmacy has dispensed nearly 95,000 prescriptions, ensuring that patients are able to stay on track with their prescribed therapies. While achieving this milestone, Rx To Go has continued to prioritize patient care and outcomes while enhancing the level of service it provides, as evidenced by:

Rx To Go旨在簡化獲取關鍵口服癌症藥物的過程,並支持患者在治療旅程的每一步。今年,該藥房已發放近95,000個處方,確保患者能夠持續進行所開處方的治療。在實現這一里程碑的同時,Rx To Go繼續優先考慮患者護理和結果,同時提升其提供的服務水平,具體體現在:

  • Patient Satisfaction: Rx To Go currently holds a 96.1% year-to-date rating in patient satisfaction, demonstrating a seamless and compassionate approach to care.
  • Patient Adherence: A 98% medication possession ratio (MPR) reinforces the medically integrated pharmacy's ability to help patients maintain access to their life-saving therapies.
  • Call Center Performance: Calls to Rx To Go are answered in an average of just 11 seconds, ensuring timely support and responsiveness to patients when they need it most.
  • 患者滿意度:Rx To Go目前在患者滿意度方面的年初至今評分爲96.1%,體現了無縫且富有同情心的護理方式。
  • 患者依從性:98%的藥物擁有率(MPR)進一步證明了醫學綜合藥房幫助患者維持生命救治療法獲取能力。
  • 呼叫中心表現:撥打Rx To Go的電話平均在11秒內接通,確保在患者最需要時提供及時支持和響應。

"Rx To Go's impressive performance metrics not only underscore our commitment to patient care but also highlight the strength of our operational model," said FCS Chief Executive Officer Nathan H. Walcker. "Achieving over $1 billion in revenue and maintaining high patient satisfaction and adherence rates demonstrates the effectiveness of our integrated approach. These results are a prime example of how we continue to position our practice as a leader in the oncology space and reaffirm our ability to deliver both exceptional care and sustainable growth."

"Rx To Go令人印象深刻的業績指標不僅突顯了我們對患者護理的承諾,也顯示了我們運營模式的強大," FCS首席執行官內森·H·沃爾克(Nathan H. Walcker)表示。"實現超過10億的營業收入,並維持高患者滿意度和依從率,證明了我們綜合方法的有效性。這些成果是我們如何繼續將業務定位爲腫瘤學領域領導者的一個重要例證,並重申了我們提供卓越護理和可持續增長的能力。"

Rx To Go is a cornerstone of FCS' mission to deliver world-class, patient-centered, innovative oncology care close to home. By streamlining medication access, offering expert guidance, and fostering adherence, the pharmacy continues to improve outcomes and enhance the patient experience.

Rx To Go是FCS使命的基石,旨在提供世界級、以患者爲中心的創新腫瘤護理,貼近患者的家。通過簡化藥物獲取、提供專業指導和促進依從性,藥房持續改善治療效果,提升患者體驗。

FCS and Rx To Go remain committed to advancing the future of oncology care through continuous innovation and an unrelenting focus on patients' needs.

FCS和Rx To Go堅定致力於通過持續創新和不懈關注患者需求,推動腫瘤護理的未來。

Click here to learn more about Rx To Go.

點擊這裏了解更多關於Rx To Go的信息。

About Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute, LLC: (
Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute (FCS) offers patients access to more clinical trials than any private oncology practice in Florida. The majority of new cancer drugs recently approved for use in the U.S. were studied in clinical trials with FCS participation.* Recognized for our research, FCS is a recipient of the national Clinical Trials Participation Award presented by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). FCS physicians, trained in prestigious medical schools and research institutes, are consistently ranked nationally as Top Doctors by U.S. News & World Report.

關於佛羅里達癌症專科和研究所,LLC: (

Celebrating its 40th year in 2024, FCS has built a national reputation for excellence that is reflected in exceptional and compassionate patient care, driven by innovative clinical research, cutting-edge technologies and advanced treatments, including targeted therapies genomic-based treatment and immunotherapy. Our highest values are embodied by our outstanding team of highly trained and dedicated physicians, clinicians and staff.


*Prior to approval


SOURCE Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute





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