
Analyst Upbeat About Mah Sing's Prospect In Johor

Analyst Upbeat About Mah Sing's Prospect In Johor

分析師對Mah Sing在柔佛的前景表示樂觀
Business Today ·  2024/12/20 09:34

MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd (MIDF Research) viewed positively Mah Sing Group Bhd's third land acquisition in Johor for 2024 due to its strategic location.

由於其戰略位置,MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd(MIDF Research)積極看待馬新集團有限公司2024年在柔佛州的第三次土地收購。

Furthermore, MIDF Research said the latest land acquisition will further strengthen Mah Sing's presence in Johor, hence, the research house has maintained its BUY recommendation for the property developer.

此外,MIDF Research表示,最新的土地收購將進一步加強馬新在柔佛州的影響力,因此,該研究機構維持了對該房地產開發商的買入建議。

On Dec 19, it was reported that Mah Sing's wholly owned subsidiary Dsara Sentral Sdn Bhd is acquiring two parcels of freehold land in Taman Pelangi, Johor Bahru, from SP Setia Bhd's subsidiary Pelangi Sdn Bhd for RM156.8 million, which will be funded via a combination of internally generated funds and bank borrowings. The land acquisition is expected to be completed in the first half of 2025.

12月19日,據報道,馬興的全資子公司Dsara Sentral Sdn Bhd正在以15680萬令吉的價格從SP Setia Bhd的子公司Pelangi Sdn Bhd手中收購位於柔佛州新山Taman Pelangi的兩塊永久產權土地,資金將由內部產生的資金和銀行借款相結合。土地徵用預計將於2025年上半年完成。

Mah Sing said the acquisition is for the planned development of premium serviced apartments and retail units with an estimated gross development value of approximately RM1.5 billion. The group said the project is set to attract the interest of local and international buyers due to its proximity to Bukit Chagar RTS Station.

Mah Sing說,此次收購是爲了計劃開發高檔服務式公寓和零售單元,估計總開發價值約爲15令吉。該集團表示,該項目靠近武吉查加爾RTS站,將吸引當地和國際買家的興趣。

All in all, while MIDF Research has maintained Mah Sing's earnings forecast for FY24F-FY26F, it has revised upward the group's target price to RM2.08 from RM2.04 previously as the research house remains upbeat about Mah Sing's prospect that will be driven by the growing exposure to the booming Johor property market.

總而言之,儘管MIDF Research維持了馬新對 FY24F-FY26F 的收益預測,但它已將該集團的目標價格從之前的2.04令吉上調至2.08令吉,原因是該研究機構對馬新前景持樂觀態度,這將是由蓬勃發展的柔佛房地產市場敞口增加所推動的。

