Progress ShareFile Selected as the Latest Addition to the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Member Discount Program, Offering Benefits for AICPA Members
Progress ShareFile Selected as the Latest Addition to the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Member Discount Program, Offering Benefits for AICPA Members
ShareFile becomes the only AI-powered, document workflow and secure file sharing solution in AICPA's Member Discount Program
BURLINGTON, Mass., Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS), the trusted provider of AI-powered digital experiences and infrastructure software, today announced its partnership with the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), the world's largest member association representing the CPA profession. Progress ShareFile, the SaaS-native, AI-powered, document-centric collaboration platform, becomes the only document workflow and secure file-sharing solution in the AICPA Member Discount Program.
馬薩諸塞州伯靈頓,2024年12月19日(環球新聞通訊社)—— Progress(納斯達克:PRGS),可信賴的人工智能驅動數字體驗和基礎軟件供應商,今天宣佈與美國註冊會計師協會(AICPA)建立合作關係,該協會是全球最大的代表CPA職業的會員協會。Progress ShareFile,作爲SaaS-雲計算原生的、人工智能驅動的、以文檔爲中心的協作平台,成爲AICPA會員折扣計劃中唯一的文檔工作流和安全文件共享解決方案。
"AICPA's leadership in advancing the accounting profession is unparalleled, and we are thrilled that they have selected ShareFile to be part of their program, to offer CPAs access to our collaboration and secure file sharing technology," said Loren Jarrett, EVP & GM, Digital Experience, Progress. "We are proud to work with the AICPA to empower accounting and finance professionals with the leading ShareFile platform for streamlining document workflows, elevating client experiences and document sharing with enhanced security."
「AICPA在推動會計專業發展方面的領導地位無與倫比,我們非常高興他們選擇ShareFile作爲其計劃的一部分,爲註冊會計師提供訪問我們的協作和安全文件共享科技的機會,」 Progress數字體驗的執行副總裁兼總經理Loren Jarrett表示。「我們很自豪與AICPA合作,利用領先的ShareFile平台賦能會計和財務專業人士,簡化文檔工作流程,提高客戶體驗,並且以更高的安全性進行文檔共享。」
With ShareFile, AICPA members can:
- Streamline workflows: Simplify document-heavy tasks like PBC (prepared-by-client) lists, client onboarding and tax preparation with features like native e-signature and knowledge-based authentication.
- Standardize the tax prep process: Simplify the entire client engagement process with ready-to-use workflows.
- Increase efficiency: Minimize app switching and enable employees to focus on client services.
- Enhance the client experience: Provide a user-friendly portal to centralize document requests and communications.
Save time: Use automated reminders to keep projects on track and reduce administrative overhead.
- 簡化工作流程:通過本地電子簽名和基於知識的身份驗證等功能,簡化文檔繁重的任務,例如PBC(客戶準備)清單、客戶入職和稅務準備。
- 標準化稅務準備流程:通過現成的工作流程簡化整個客戶參與過程。
- 提高效率:減少應用程序切換,使員工能專注於客戶服務。
- 提升客戶體驗:提供用戶友好的門戶,以集中管理文檔請求和通信。
- 節省時間:使用自動提醒保持項目進度,減少管理開銷。
"ShareFile, now part of Progress, has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by accounting professionals," said Todd Cooper, Director, Channels at, the technology and business subsidiary of the AICPA. "We are excited to connect AICPA members with a secure workflow technology that can enable their firm, regardless of size, enhance their operations and improve the client experience."
「ShareFile現在是Progress的一部分,始終展現了對會計專業人士所面臨獨特挑戰的深刻理解,」CPA.com的渠道董事Todd Cooper表示,該公司是AICPA的科技和業務子公司。「我們很高興將AICPA成員與能夠提升他們事務所、無論規模大小、增強其運營並改善客戶體驗的安全工作流科技連接起來。」
The ShareFile AI-powered, document-centric collaboration platform enables customers to deliver more efficient and effective client and team collaboration, while simplifying the sharing of documents and prioritizing security.
The AICPA Member Discount Program offers savings on products and services that members use daily, both personally and professionally. To learn more about ShareFile and its benefits for AICPA members, click here.
About Progress
Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) empowers organizations to achieve transformational success in the face of disruptive change. Our software enables our customers to develop, deploy and manage responsible AI-powered applications and digital experiences with agility and ease. Customers get a trusted provider in Progress, with the products, expertise and vision they need to succeed. Over 4 million developers and technologists at hundreds of thousands of enterprises depend on Progress. Learn more at .
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Kim Baker