
TFSA: 3 Top TSX Stocks for Your $7,000 Contribution

TFSA: 3 Top TSX Stocks for Your $7,000 Contribution

TFSA: 3只頂級TSX股票供您$7,000的貢獻使用
The Motley Fool ·  2024/12/19 05:00

The 2025 Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) limit is $7,000. Investors who use the TFSA to generate passive income from TSX dividend stocks are wondering which stocks might still be attractive, or even undervalued, and good to buy next year.




Fortis (TSX:FTS) recently raised its dividend by 4.2% for 2025. This marks 51 consecutive years the board has given shareholders a dividend increase.

Fortis (TSX:FTS) 最近將2025年的分紅提高了4.2%。這標誌着董事會連續第51年向股東提供分紅增幅。

Fortis has a strong track record of growth through acquisitions and organic developments. The current $26 billion capital program is expected to boost the rate base from $38.8 billion in 2024 to $53 billion in 2029.


As new assets are completed and go into service, the resulting increase in cash flow should enable planned annual dividend increases of 4-6% over the coming five years. That's decent guidance in an uncertain economic climate.


Steady dividend growth is a big reason for the strong performance of the stock. Investors like companies that can deliver revenue and cash flow expansion to support rising dividends.


Investors who buy Fortis at the current price can get a dividend yield of 4.1%.


TD Bank


TD Bank (TSX:TD) is arguably a contrarian pick right now in the bank sector. The stock has underperformed its Canadian peers over the past year, falling 12% in 2024 compared to gains for the other banks.

TD 銀行 (TSX:TD) 在銀行板塊中可以說是一個逆勢選擇。股票在過去一年中表現不佳,2024年下跌了12%,而其他銀行則有所上漲。

TD ran into trouble with U.S. regulators for not having adequate systems in place to detect and prevent money laundering. The company received fines of roughly US$3 billion as a result. In addition, TD had an asset cap placed on the American business. This effectively puts TD's U.S. growth plans on hold, which means TD has to come up with a different growth strategy.

TD 遇到美國監管機構的問題,因爲其沒有足夠的系統來檢測和防止洗錢。該公司因此被罰款約30億美金。此外,TD 在美國業務上被限制資產。這實際上使得 TD 的美國增長計劃擱置,這意味着 TD 必須提出不同的增長策略。

A new chief executive officer is taking over in 2025. TD should eventually get back on track, and the overall business remains very profitable, supported by the strong Canadian operations.

一位新的首席執行官將在2025年接任。TD 最終應能重回正軌,整體業務仍然非常盈利,得益於強大的加拿大運營。

Investors who buy TD stock at the current level can get a dividend yield of 5.6%.

在當前價格水平購買 TD 股票的投資者可以獲得5.6%的分紅派息。



Enbridge (TSX:ENB) recently gave back some of its big 2024 gains. The stock trades near $59 at the time of writing compared to a 12-month high near $62. Investors who buy ENB stock at the current price can get a dividend yield of 6.4%.

恩橋 (TSX:ENB) 最近回吐了一些2024年的大幅漲幅。股票在寫作時接近59美元,較12個月前的高點62美元有所回落。在當前價格購買 ENB 股票的投資者可以獲得6.4%的分紅派息。

Enbridge has increased the dividend for 30 consecutive years. The company completed its US$14 billion purchase of three natural gas utilities in 2024. Revenue from the new assets, along with contributions from the company's current $27 billion capital program, should drive ongoing growth to distributable cash flow to support additional dividend increases.


Management has done a good job of diversifying the asset portfolio in recent years to position Enbridge to benefit from emerging opportunities in both energy exports and renewable energy.


The bottom line on top TSX dividend stocks


Fortis, TD, and Enbridge are good examples of top TSX stocks that pay attractive dividends. If you have some cash to put to work in a self-directed TFSA next year, these stocks deserve to be on your radar.


