Viasat Selected by Defense Innovation Unit to Deliver Resilient Network Orchestration Software for Replicator Autonomous Systems
Viasat Selected by Defense Innovation Unit to Deliver Resilient Network Orchestration Software for Replicator Autonomous Systems
Viasat will provide flexible, software-defined networking technology for resilient command and control of all-domain attritable autonomous (ADA2) systems
CARLSBAD, Calif., Dec. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Viasat, Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT), a global leader in satellite communications, today announced it was selected by the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) to deliver networking capability in support of the Replicator initiative by providing highly resilient command and control (C2) connectivity across unmanned systems. Replicator aims to deliver large masses of uncrewed, all-domain attritable autonomous (ADA2) systems for warfighter operations support and aligns with the overall U.S. Department of Defense effort to accelerate delivery of innovative capabilities to the warfighter at speed and scale. DIU announced vendor awards last month under two separate Commercial Solution Openings (CSO) contracts for software services and support.
加利福尼亞州卡爾斯巴德,2024年12月18日 /PRNewswire/ -- 衛訊公司(納斯達克:VSAT),一家全球領先的衛星通信公司,今天宣佈被軍工股創新單位(DIU)選擇,提供網絡能力來支持複製者倡議,通過提供高度彈性的指揮和控制(C2)連接以支持無人系統。複製者旨在交付大量無人駕駛的、全領域可替代的自主(ADA2)系統,以支持戰鬥行動,並與美國國防部加速向戰士提供創新能力的整體努力相一致。DIU上個月在兩個不同的商業解決方案開放(CSO)合同下宣佈了供應商獎勵,以提供軟件服務和支持。
Under the DIU Opportunistic, Resilient & Innovative Expeditionary Network Topology (ORIENT) project award, Viasat will provide a Multi-Domain Uncrewed Secure Integrated Communications (MUSIC) architecture with software-defined networking as the network component to enable the seamless and resilient connectivity of autonomous systems using multi-transport pathways. Specifically, MUSIC is an optimized configuration of Viasat's NetAgility software-defined networking (SDN) capability that is designed to respond to uncrewed swarm communications operational needs by enabling secure, seamless transport and network orchestration to optimize connectivity for the mission. The MUSIC mesh network overlay also enables secure information sharing and C2 among disparate autonomous systems.
"Viasat is excited to support the Defense Innovation Unit and the Replicator initiative through project ORIENT by helping advance resilience and enable collaboration across multiple autonomous systems for warfighter operations," said David Schmolke, Vice President of Viasat Mission Connections and Cybersecurity. "The coordinated use of autonomous systems offers critical operational advantages as the demands to quickly collect and share mission data grow, including executing those missions safely without putting warfighters in harm's way. MUSIC and NetAgility network orchestration is an optimal fit for addressing the network and advanced C2 requirements to enable resilient, multi-path communications through contested and denied environments."
衛訊公司副總裁David Schmolke表示:「衛訊公司很高興能夠通過項目東方證券支持軍工股創新單位和複製者倡議,幫助提升彈性並促進多個自主系統之間的合作,服務於戰鬥行動。自主系統的協調使用在對快速收集和共享任務數據的需求不斷增加的背景下提供了關鍵的操作優勢,包括安全地執行這些任務而不會將戰士置於危險之中。MUSIC和NetAgility網絡編排是滿足彈性、多路徑通信網絡和先進C2需求的最佳選擇,能夠在爭奪和被否認的環境中實現通信。」
Viasat has worked to mature the MUSIC solution in alignment with the Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD R&E) for the past 18 months as part of its Technology Readiness and Experimentation (T-REX) efforts to access promising capabilities. This past October, Viasat's team worked with OUSD R&E to demonstrate MUSIC's application in connecting autonomous maritime systems during the Autonomous Warrior 24 exercise, which took place in Australia supporting the AUKUS (United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom) partnership.
衛訊公司在過去18個月裏與國防部副部長辦公室(OUSD R&E)合作,致力於完善MUSIC解決方案,作爲其科技成熟度和實驗(t-REX)工作的一部分,以獲取有前景的能力。今年10月,衛訊公司的團隊與OUSD R&E合作,展示了MUSIC在連接無人駕駛海洋系統中的應用,此次演練在澳洲進行,支持AUKUS(美國、澳洲和英國)合作關係。
Visit Viasat's website for more information about Viasat's NetAgility and software-defined intelligent network solutions.
About Viasat
Viasat is a global communications company that believes everyone and everything in the world can be connected. With offices in 24 countries around the world, our mission shapes how consumers, businesses, governments and militaries around the world communicate and connect. Viasat is developing the ultimate global communications network to power high-quality, reliable, secure, affordable, fast connections to positively impact people's lives anywhere they are—on the ground, in the air or at sea, while building a sustainable future in space. In May 2023, Viasat completed its acquisition of Inmarsat, combining the teams, technologies and resources of the two companies to create a new global communications partner. Learn more at , the Viasat News Room or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X or YouTube.
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版權 2024 衛訊公司。保留所有權利。衛訊、衛訊標誌和衛訊信號在美國及其他國家註冊爲衛訊公司的商標。文中提到的所有其他產品或公司名稱僅用於識別目的,可能是其各自擁有者的商標。
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to the safe harbors created under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Forward-looking statements include, among others, statements that refer to enhanced capability development, increased interoperability and the expanded use of autonomous systems and Viasat's delivery of its Multi-Domain Uncrewed Secure Integrated Communications (MUSIC) and NetAgility software-defined network solution. Readers are cautioned that actual results could differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include: risks associated with the construction, launch and operation of satellites, including the effect of any anomaly, operational failure or degradation in satellite performance; changes in relationships with, or the financial condition of, key customers or suppliers; our reliance on a limited number of third parties to manufacture and supply our products; increased competition; and introduction of new technologies and other factors affecting the communications and defense industries generally. In addition, please refer to the risk factors contained in our SEC filings available at, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements for any reason.
本新聞稿包含受1933年證券法和1934年證券交易法保護的前瞻性聲明。前瞻性聲明包括諸如增強能力發展、增加互操作性和擴展無人駕駛系統的使用以及衛訊交付其多域無人駕駛安全集成通信(MUSIC)和NetAgility軟件定義網絡解決方案的聲明。讀者需注意,實際結果可能與任何前瞻性聲明中所表達的結果大相徑庭。導致實際結果不同的因素包括:與衛星的施工、發射和運營相關的風險,包括任何異常、操作故障或衛星性能下降的影響;與關鍵客戶或供應商的關係變化或財務狀況變化;我們依賴有限數量第三方製造和供應產品;競爭加劇;新技術和其他影響通信和防禦行業的因素。此外,請參閱我們在www.sec.gov提供的SEC文件中的風險因素,包括我們最新的年度報告(Form 10-K)和季度報告(Form 10-Q)。讀者需謹慎對待任何前瞻性聲明,不應過度依賴,因爲這些聲明僅在其發佈之日具有有效性。我們不承擔任何義務更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明。
SOURCE Viasat, Inc.
SOURCE Viasat, Inc.