
Better Bank Stock: TD Vs EQB Inc

Better Bank Stock: TD Vs EQB Inc

更好的銀行股票:TD與EQb Inc
The Motley Fool ·  2024/12/17 00:45

Toronto-Dominion Bank (TSX:TD) and EQB Inc (TSX:EQB) are two popular Canadian bank stocks. The former is Canada's second-biggest bank by market cap; the latter is a smaller online bank often called "Canada's challenger bank." While differing in size, the two stocks have much in common. Both are lenders that are active in mortgages, savings and loans, and insurance. Also, both of them are considerably cheaper (going by valuation multiples) than the average Big Six bank. In this article, I will explore TD and EQB side by side so you can decide which is the better fit for your portfolio.

多倫多道明銀行(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:TD)和eQb Inc(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:EQB)是兩隻受歡迎的加拿大銀行股。前者是加拿大市值第二大的銀行;後者是一家規模較小的在線銀行,通常被稱爲 「加拿大的挑戰者銀行」。儘管規模不同,但這兩隻股票有很多共同點。兩者都是活躍於抵押貸款、儲蓄和貸款以及保險領域的貸款機構。此外,兩家銀行都比普通的六大銀行便宜得多(按估值倍數計算)。在本文中,我將並排探討TD和eQb,以便您可以決定哪個更適合您的投資組合。

The case for TD Bank


The case for buying TD Bank instead of EQB comes down to two things: diversification and liquidity. TD Bank is a much more diversified business than EQB, and it has far more liquid assets as a percentage of total assets.


TD Bank is a highly diversified business with a variety of subsidiaries:


  • A Canadian retail bank
  • Canadian insurance and wealth management businesses
  • A U.S. retail bank
  • A U.S. investment bank/brokerage
  • And more
  • 一家加拿大零售銀行
  • 加拿大保險和财富管理業務
  • 一家美國零售銀行
  • 一家美國投資銀行/經紀公司
  • 還有更多

By contrast, EQB is not nearly as diversified; it's mainly a Canadian retail bank.


TD Bank also has the edge over EQB in liquidity. TD has about 50% of its deposits covered by liquid assets; the same ratio for EQB is less than 20%. True, EQB's deposits are overwhelmingly GICs, which means that it has a respectable liquidity coverage ratio. Still, the low ratio of liquid assets to deposits would cause problems if the deposit mix were to shift to more demand deposits.


The case for EQB

EQB 的案例

The case for going with EQB over TD Bank rests on growth and valuation. In the trailing 12-month period, its revenue, earnings and dividends grew at the following rates:


  • Revenue: 22.5%
  • Earnings: 5.74%
  • Dividends: 58%
  • 收入:22.5%
  • 收益:5.74%
  • 股息:58%

The same rates for TD were as follows:


  • Revenue: -8.2%
  • Earnings: -9.8%
  • Dividends: Roughly unchanged
  • 收入:-8.2%
  • 收益:-9.8%
  • 股息:大致不變

As you can see, EQB grew revenue, earnings and dividends much faster than TD over the last 12 months. Despite this, it also trades at lower multiples. At today's prices, EQB trades at the following:


  • 9.8 times earnings
  • 3.3 times sales
  • 1.2 times book value
  • 收入的9.8倍
  • 銷售額的 3.3 倍
  • 賬面價值的 1.2 倍

Although TD has a lower price/sales ratio than EQB, its earnings and book value multiples are higher. So, TD would appear to be the pricier of the two stocks.


Another thing that EQB has going for it is the fact that it is not currently involved in any controversies. This year, TD took a $3 billion fine and a $430 billion asset cap because of money laundering at some of its U.S. branches. The bank looks poised to recover next year, but its growth in the U.S. will be impeded. EQB does not currently face any such impediments.

eQb的另一件事是,它目前沒有參與任何爭議。今年,道明因其部分美國分行洗錢,被處以30億美元的罰款和4,300億美元的資產上限。該銀行看起來有望在明年復甦,但其在美國的增長將受到阻礙。eqB 目前沒有遇到任何此類障礙。

Final verdict


After comparing TD and EQB side by side, I find the comparison is roughly a tie. TD is basically "safer," with more liquid assets than EQB, but the latter does better in terms of growth and valuation. If there are no systemic issues in the economy, then EQB should fare better than TD — but you never know when systemic issues will arise.

在並排比較了TD和eqB之後,我發現比較大致是平局。道明基本上 「更安全」,其流動資產比eQb更高,但後者在增長和估值方面的表現更好。如果經濟中沒有系統性問題,那麼eQb的表現應該比TD好——但你永遠不知道系統性問題何時會出現。

