
Menarini Group Announces Positive Topline Data From Pivotal Phase 3 BROADWAY & TANDEM Clinical Trials Evaluating Obicetrapib and the Fixed-Dose Combination Obicetrapib With Ezetimibe 10 Mg

Menarini Group Announces Positive Topline Data From Pivotal Phase 3 BROADWAY & TANDEM Clinical Trials Evaluating Obicetrapib and the Fixed-Dose Combination Obicetrapib With Ezetimibe 10 Mg

PR Newswire ·  2024/12/16 21:40

Both pivotal studies achieved primary endpoints of LS mean reduction in LDL-C on top of maximally tolerated lipid-modifying therapies with high statistical significance (p<0.0001)

– 兩項主要研究在最大耐受的脂質修飾治療基礎上,均實現了LDL-C的LS均值減少的主要終點,其統計學意義高(p

Approximately 50% of patients in BROADWAY (Obicetrapib monotherapy) and over 70% of patients in TANDEM (Fixed Dose Combination Obicetrapib with Ezetimibe) achieved LDL-C target below 55 mg/dL

– BROADWAY(Obicetrapib單藥治療)約50%的患者和TANDEm(Obicetrapib與Ezetimibe的固定劑量組合)超過70%的患者達到了LDL-C目標低於55 mg/dL

In BROADWAY a 21% reduction in major adverse cardiovascular events favoring Obicetrapib was observed at one year

– 在BROADWAY中,觀察到Obicetrapib在一年內對主要不良心血管事件的減少率爲21%

-- In both studies, Obicetrapib monotherapy and the fixed dose combination with Ezetimibe were shown to be well tolerated

-- 在兩項研究中,Obicetrapib單藥治療和與Ezetimibe的固定劑量組合均表現良好耐受

FLORENCE, Italy, Dec. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Menarini Group today announces positive topline data from the Phase 3 BROADWAY (NCT05142722) and the Phase 3 TANDEM (NCT06005597) clinical trials sponsored by NewAmsterdam Pharma Company N.V. (Nasdaq: NAMS or "NewAmsterdam" or the "Company"), a late-stage, clinical biopharmaceutical company developing oral, non-statin medicines for patients at risk of cardiovascular disease ("CVD") with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ("LDL-C"), for whom existing therapies are not sufficiently effective or well tolerated.

FLORENCE,意大利,2024年12月16日 /PRNewswire/ -- Menarini集團今日宣佈來自第三階段BROADWAY(NCT05142722)和第三階段TANDEm(NCT06005597)臨床試驗的積極頂線數據,此臨床試驗由NewAmsterdam製藥公司N.V.(納斯達克:NAMS或「NewAmsterdam」或「公司」)贊助,該公司是一家處於後期階段的臨床生物製藥公司,開發口服非他汀類藥物,針對心血管疾病(「CVD」)高風險患者,其低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(「LDL-C」)升高,現有治療手段效果不佳或耐受性差。

The Phase 3 BROADWAY clinical trial (NCT05142722) was designed to evaluate 10 mg Obicetrapib in adult patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia ("HeFH") and/or established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ("ASCVD"), whose LDL-C is not adequately controlled, despite being on maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapy.


The phase 3 TANDEM clinical trial (NCT06005597) was designed to evaluate 10 mg Obicetrapib and 10 mg Ezetimibe fixed-dose combination in adult patients with HeFH and/or ASCVD or multiple ASCVD risk factors, whose LDL-C is not adequately controlled, despite being on maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapy.


The primary endpoint in BROADWAY was the least-squares mean of the percent change in LDL-C from baseline to day 84 for Obicetrapib 10 mg compared to placebo. The primary endpoint was achieved with statistical significance with an LDL-C reduction of 33% (p<0.0001).

BROADWAY中的主要終點是Obicetrapib 10毫克與安慰劑相比,從基線到第84天LDL-C的百分比變化的最小二乘均值。該主要終點以統計學意義實現,LDL-C減少了33%(p

LDL-C percentage change at Day 84:



Obicetrapib 10 mg




-2 %

-35 %

-33 %


-4 %

-40 %

-36 %

LS mean

+3 %

-30 %

-33 %




Obicetrapib 10毫克




-2 %

-35 %

-33 %


-4 %

-40 %

-36 %


+3 %

-30 %

-33 %

The observed changes in other biomarkers, including increase of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ("HDL-C") and reduction of non-HDL-C, lipoprotein(a) ("Lp(a)"), apolipoprotein B ("ApoB"), and Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) were positive and consistent with data reported from prior clinical trials.


As part of the safety analysis, key adverse events ("AE") of special interests were monitored. Among these AEs, glycemic control and renal function favoured Obicetrapib.


In addition, the BROADWAY trial adjudicated MACE, including death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke and coronary revascularization showing a 21% reduction in the first 4-point MACE favoring Obicetrapib.


Major adverse cardiovascular events table:


(n = 844)

Obicetrapib 10 mg

(n= 1686)

Hazard Ratio

95% CI

All-cause mortality – no. (%)

12 (1.4)

19 (1.1)



Coronary heart death – no. (%)

5 (0.6)

8 (0.5)



First 4-point MACE – no. (%)

44 (5.2)

70 (4.2)



4-point MACE: CHD death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, coronary revascularization. MACE was not a primary or secondary endpoint of the BROADWAY trial.



(n = 844)

Obicetrapib 10毫克

(n= 1686)



全因死亡 – 例數 (%)

12 (1.4)

19 (1.1)



冠心病死亡 – 否. (%)

5 (0.6)

8 (0.5)



第一次4點MACE – 否. (%)

44 (5.2)

70 (4.2)




Overall, Obicetrapib was also observed to be well tolerated, with safety data, including blood pressure, comparable to placebo. The treatment discontinuation rate for the Obicetrapib arm was 11.1% versus 12.4% for placebo. The incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events ("TEAEs"), study-drug related TEAEs, and treatment-emergent serious adverse events ("TESAEs") are summarized in the table below.




Obicetrapib 10 mg


Any TEAEs – no. (%)

513 (60.9)

1007 (59.8)

Any trial drug related TEAEs – no (%)

39 (4.6)

76 (4.5)

Any TEAEs leading to discontinuation of trial drug – no. (%

43 (5.1)

68 (4.0)

Any TESAEs – no. (%)

117 (13.9)

211 (12.5)



Obicetrapib 10 mg


任何TEAE – 否. (%)

513 (60.9)

1007 (59.8)

任何試驗藥物相關的不良事件 – 無 (%)

39 (4.6)

76 (4.5)

任何導致停止試驗藥物的TEAEs - 否. (%)

43 (5.1)

68 (4.0)

任何TESAE – 無(%)

117 (13.9)

211 (12.5)

The co-primary endpoints in TANDEM were percent change from baseline in LDL-C of the fixed-dose combination compared to each monotherapy arm after 84 days and Obicetrapib 10 mg compared to placebo after day 84. Secondary endpoints incorporated percent changes from baseline in other biomarkers, including Lp(a), non-HDL-c and APO B.

TANDEm中的共同主要終點是固定劑量組合與每個單藥臂在84天后的LDL-C基線變化百分比,以及Obicetrapib 10毫克與安慰劑在84天后的比較。其他終點包括其他生物標誌物的基線變化百分比,包括Lp(a)、非HDL-c和APO b。

The TANDEM trial met all co-primary endpoints, including the fixed dose combination Obicetrapib with Ezetimibe achieving an LS mean reduction of 48.6% (p < 0.0001) compared to placebo at day 84.


LDL-C percentage change at Day 84






Obicetrapib and

Ezetimibe FDC


Day 84 – from placebo

Mean %




Median %




LS mean %




Comparison to pbo




Comparison to eze 10 mg




Comparison to obi 10 mg











第84天 – 來自安慰劑

















與eze 10毫克的比較




與 obi 10 毫克的比較




In the trial, the fixed-dose combination of Obicetrapib and Ezetimibe was observed to be well tolerated, with safety data comparable to placebo. The below table summarizes study drug-related treatment emergent adverse events ("TEAEs") and study drug-related treatment emergent serious adverse events ("TESAEs").


Placebo (n=102)





Obicetrapib /

Ezetimibe FDC


Any study drug-related TEAEs

4 (3.9 %)

3 (3.0 %)

7 (6.9 %)

3 (2.9 %)

Any study drug-related TEAEs leading to discontinuation of study drug

2 (2.0 %)

1 (1.0 %)

6 (5.9 %)

1 (1.0 %)

Any study drug related TESAEs

0 (0.0 %)

0 (0.0 %)

0 (0.0 %)

0 (0.0 %)

安慰劑 (n=102)





Obicetrapib /

依澤替米 FDC



4 (3.9 %)

3 (3.0 %)

7 (6.9 %)

3 (2.9 %)


2 (2.0 %)

1 (1.0 %)

6 (5.9 %)

1 (1.0 %)


0 (0.0 %)

0 (0.0 %)

0 (0.0 %)

0 (0.0 %)

"Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year. Despite the widespread availability of lipid lowering therapies, CVD-related deaths have risen and patients remain above LDL-C targets, many patients failing to achieve guidelines recommended LDL.C target goals. Patients and their doctors need additional options. We are very pleased that BROADWAY and TANDEM data and previously announced BROOKLYN data confirmed the ability of Obicetrapib as a monotherapy or in a fixed dose combination with ezetimibe to significantly reduce LDL-C and help patients achieve recommended target goals. This represents a key milestone in our commitment to offer patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases in Europe, a potential first in class, low dose, once daily oral treatment in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, a mission of over 30 years for our company" said Elcin Barker Ergun, Chief Executive Officer of the Menarini Group.

"Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 1790萬 lives each year. Despite the widespread availability of lipid lowering therapies, CVD-related deaths have risen and patients remain above LDL-C targets, many patients failing to achieve guidelines recommended LDL.C target goals. Patients and their doctors need additional options. We are very pleased that BROADWAY and TANDEm data and previously announced BROOKLYN data confirmed the ability of Obicetrapib as a monotherapy or in a fixed dose combination with ezetimibe to significantly reduce LDL-C and help patients achieve recommended target goals. This represents a key milestone in our commitment to offer patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases in Europe, a potential first in class, low dose, once daily oral treatment in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, a mission of over 30 years for our company" said Elcin Barker Ergun, Chief Executive Officer of the Menarini Group.

Design of the Pivotal Phase 3 BROADWAY Clinical Trial


The 52-week, global, pivotal, Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study evaluated the efficacy and safety of 10 mg Obicetrapib compared to placebo as an adjunct to maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapies in patients with ASCVD and/or HeFH whose LDL-C is not adequately controlled. The study was conducted at sites in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. A total of 2,530 patients were randomized 2:1 to receive 10 mg Obicetrapib or placebo dosed as a once-daily oral treatment, with or without food for 52 weeks. The mean baseline LDL-C for enrolled patients in the Obicetrapib arm was approximately 100 mg/dL despite high intensity statin use reported by nearly 70% of patients during screening. Females comprised approximately 34% of the study population and the median age of participants at baseline was 65 years.

The 52-week, global, pivotal, Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study evaluated the efficacy and safety of 10 mg Obicetrapib compared to placebo as an adjunct to maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapies in patients with ASCVD and/or HeFH whose LDL-C is not adequately controlled. The study was conducted at sites in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. A total of 2,530 patients were randomized 2:1 to receive 10 mg Obicetrapib or placebo dosed as a once-daily oral treatment, with or without food for 52 weeks. The mean baseline LDL-C for enrolled patients in the Obicetrapib arm was approximately 100 mg/dL despite high intensity statin use reported by nearly 70% of patients during screening. Females comprised approximately 34% of the study population and the median age of participants at baseline was 65 years.

The primary endpoint was percent change from baseline in LDL-C of Obicetrapib 10 mg compared to placebo after 84 days which showed a reduction of 33% with imputation. Secondary endpoints also included percent changes from baseline of Obicetrapib 10 mg compared to placebo in ApoB, Lp(a), ApoA1, HDL-C, non-HDL-C, total cholesterol, and triglycerides at day 84, and on LDL-C levels at days 180 and 365 (-34% and -24%, respectively with p<0.0001). Other outcome measures include time from randomization until the first confirmed occurrence of MACE in the Obicetrapib arm compared to placebo. The trial also evaluated the safety and tolerability profile of Obicetrapib.

The primary endpoint was percent change from baseline in LDL-C of Obicetrapib 10 mg compared to placebo after 84 days which showed a reduction of 33% with imputation. Secondary endpoints also included percent changes from baseline of Obicetrapib 10 mg compared to placebo in Apob, Lp(a), ApoA1, HDL-C, non-HDL-C, total cholesterol, and triglycerides at day 84, and on LDL-C levels at days 180 and 365 (-34% and -24%, respectively with p

Design of the Pivotal Phase 3 TANDEM Clinical Trial


The pivotal, Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, four-arm, placebo-controlled multicenter study evaluated the effect of 10 mg Obicetrapib and 10 mg ezetimibe as a fixed-dose combination on LDL-C levels, compared to both ezetimibe 10 mg and Obicetrapib 10 mg monotherapy and to placebo. The study was conducted at sites across the United States, and a total of 407 patients with HeFH and/or ASCVD or ASCVD risk equivalents, who had a baseline LDL-C of at least 70 mg/dL, were randomized 1:1:1:1 to receive 10 mg Obicetrapib and 10 mg ezetimibe fixed-dose combination, 10 mg Obicetrapib, 10 mg ezetimibe or placebo for an 84-day treatment period. The mean baseline LDL-C for enrolled patients in the obicetrapib-ezetimibe arm was 97 mg/dL despite high intensity statin use reported by approximately 74% of patients during screening. In addition to measuring the co-primary endpoints and secondary endpoints, the trial also evaluated the safety and tolerability profile of Obicetrapib.

這項關鍵的第3期、隨機、雙盲、四組、安慰劑對照的多中心研究評估了10毫克Obicetrapib和10毫克依澤替米貝作爲固定劑量組合對LDL-C水平的影響,比較了10毫克依澤替米貝、10毫克Obicetrapib單藥治療和安慰劑。該研究在美國各地的多箇中心進行,共招募407名患有家族性高膽固醇血癥(HeFH)和/或動脈粥樣硬化性心血管疾病(ASCVD)或ASCVD風險等同症的患者,他們的基線LDL-C水平至少爲70 mg/dL,隨機分爲1:1:1:1接受10毫克Obicetrapib和10毫克依澤替米貝固定劑量組合、10毫克Obicetrapib、10毫克依澤替米貝或安慰劑,治療週期爲84天。儘管約74%的患者在篩查時報告使用了高強度的他汀類藥物,但在Obicetrapib-依澤替米貝組登記患者的平均基線LDL-C爲97 mg/dL。除了測量共同主要終點和次要終點外,該試驗還評估了Obicetrapib的安全性和耐受性。

Obicetrapib's Global Pivotal Phase 3 Program


Obicetrapib global, pivotal Phase 3 clinical development program consists of four studies in over 12,250 patients, three for obicetrapib monotherapy and one for the fixed-dose combination ("FDC") with ezetimibe:


  • BROOKLYN evaluated Obicetrapib in patients with HeFH, whose LDL-C is not adequately controlled, despite being on maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapy (NCT05425745). Study enrollment of over 350 patients was completed in April 2023. Topline data reported in the third quarter of 2024.
  • BROADWAY evaluated Obicetrapib in adult patients with established ASCVD and/or HeFH, whose LDL-C is not adequately controlled, despite being on maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapy (NCT05142722). Study enrollment of over 2,500 patients was completed in July 2023. Topline data reported in the fourth quarter of 2024.
  • TANDEM evaluated Obicetrapib as part of a FDC tablet with ezetimibe, a non-statin oral LDL-lowering therapy, in patients with established ASCVD or multiple risk factors for ASCVD and/or HeFH, whose LDL-C is not adequately controlled despite being on maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapy (NCT06005597). Study enrollment of over 400 patients was completed in July 2024. Topline data reported in November 2024
  • PREVAIL is a cardiovascular outcomes trial ("CVOT") evaluating Obicetrapib in patients with a history of ASCVD, whose LDL-C is not adequately controlled, despite being on maximally tolerated lipid-lowering therapy (NCT05202509). Study enrollment of over 9,500 patients was completed in April 2024.
  • BROOKLYN研究評估了在最大耐受的降脂治療下,LDL-C未能得到充分控制的HeFH患者中的Obicetrapib(NCT05425745)。研究招募超過350名患者,並於2023年4月完成。預計在2024年第三季度報告頂層數據。
  • BROADWAY研究評估了在最大耐受的降脂治療下,LDL-C未能得到充分控制的已確診ASCVD和/或HeFH的成年患者中的Obicetrapib(NCT05142722)。研究招募超過2,500名患者,並於2023年7月完成。預計在2024年第四季度報告頂層數據。
  • TANDEm研究評估了Obicetrapib作爲與依澤替米貝的FDC片劑的組成部分,在已確診的ASCVD或多重ASCVD風險因素和/或HeFH患者中,儘管接受了最大耐受的降脂治療,但LDL-C未能得到充分控制(NCT06005597)。研究招募超過400名患者,並於2024年7月完成。預計在2024年11月報告頂層數據。
  • PREVAIL是一項心血管結果試驗("CVOT"),評估Obicetrapib用於有動脈粥樣硬化性心血管疾病(ASCVD)病史的患者,他們的LDL-C未能得到有效控制,儘管接受了最大耐受的降脂治療(NCT05202509)。該研究的入組超過9,500名患者已於2024年4月完成。

About Obicetrapib
Obicetrapib is a novel, oral, low-dose CETP inhibitor under development to overcome the limitations of current LDL-lowering treatments. In each of the Phase 2 trials, ROSE2, TULIP, ROSE, as well as the Phase 3 BROOKLYN, BROADWAY and TANDEM trials, evaluating Obicetrapib as monotherapy or combination therapy, it was observed statistically significant LDL-lowering combined with a side effect profile similar to that of placebo.
The Phase 3 study cardiovascular outcomes trial PREVAIL commenced in March 2022 and is designed to assess the potential of Obicetrapib to reduce occurrences of major adverse cardiovascular events, including cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke and non-elective coronary revascularization. The enrollment of PREVAIL was completed in April 2024 and randomized over 9,500 patients.


About The Menarini Group
The Menarini Group is a leading international pharmaceutical and diagnostics company, with a turnover of $4.7 billion and over 17,000 employees. Menarini is focused on therapeutic areas of high unmet needs with products for cardiology, oncology, pneumology, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, diabetology, inflammation, and analgesia. With 18 production sites and 9 Research and Development centers, Menarini's products are available in 140 countries worldwide. For further information, please visit .


About NewAmsterdam
NewAmsterdam Pharma (Nasdaq: NAMS) is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company whose mission is to improve patient care in populations with metabolic diseases where currently approved therapies have not been adequate or well tolerated. We seek to fill a significant unmet need for a safe, well-tolerated and convenient LDL-lowering therapy. In multiple phase 3 studies, NewAmsterdam is investigating Obicetrapib, an oral, low-dose and once-daily CETP inhibitor, alone or as a fixed-dose combination with ezetimibe, as LDL-C lowering therapies to be used as an adjunct to statin therapy for patients at risk of CVD with elevated LDL-C, for whom existing therapies are not sufficiently effective or well tolerated.

NewAmsterdam Pharma(納斯達克:NAMS)是一家晚期生物製藥公司,其使命是改善患有代謝疾病的患者護理,目前批准的療法尚未充分或耐受良好。我們致力於填補安全、耐受良好且方便的LDL降脂治療的重大未滿足需求。在多項第3期研究中,NewAmsterdam正在研究Obicetrapib,一種口服低劑量每日一次的CETP抑制劑,作爲單藥或與依澤替米貝的固定劑量組合,作爲LDL-C降脂治療,作爲他汀類藥物治療的輔助治療,適用於LDL-C升高、已有CVD風險且現有療法效果不足或耐受性差的患者。

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SOURCE Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite





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