
Vitesse Energy To Acquire Lucero Energy In $222M All-Stock Deal, Driving Dividend Growth And Operational Expansion

Vitesse Energy To Acquire Lucero Energy In $222M All-Stock Deal, Driving Dividend Growth And Operational Expansion

Benzinga ·  2024/12/16 20:06



  • Following closing, acquisition of Lucero is expected to be immediately accretive to Vitesse's earnings, operating cash flow, free cash flow and net asset value
  • Subject to board approval and closing the transaction, Vitesse expects to increase its cash dividend from $2.10 to $2.25 per share on an annualized basis
  • Upon closing, this acquisition strengthens Vitesse's financial position with expected near-term Net Debt to Adjusted EBITDA ratio of ~0.3x
  • The acquisition of Lucero provides Vitesse with an operational component to its strategy, as Lucero currently operates more than 65 producing wells
  • Lucero operations provide flexibility in future capital spending with 2 gross (1.9 net) drilled uncompleted wells and up to 50 gross (25 net) locations in the core of the Bakken
  • Vitesse is hedging a significant portion of the acquired oil production through the end of 2026
  • After giving effect to the transaction, Vitesse would have had two-stream production of approximately 19.4 Mboe/d during the third quarter of 2024
  • Gary Reaves, Managing Partner at First Reserve Management, LP, which owns 37% of Lucero, and director of Lucero, and M. Bruce Chernoff, Lucero's Chairman, who owns 22% of Lucero, to be nominated to join the Vitesse Board
  • The Company will continue to be led by the Vitesse executive team
  • 在交易完成後,收購Lucero預計將立即提高Vitesse的收益、運營現金流、自由現金流和淨資產價值。
  • 在董事會批准和交易完成的情況下,Vitesse預計將其現金分紅從每股$2.10提高到每股$2.25,按年計算。
  • 在交易完成後,此次收購將加強Vitesse的財務狀況,預計近期的淨債務與調整後EBITDA比率約爲0.3倍。
  • Lucero的收購爲Vitesse的策略提供了一個運營組成部分,因爲Lucero目前運營着超過65口生產井。
  • Lucero的運營爲未來的資本支出提供了靈活性,擁有2個總(1.9個淨)鑽井未完成的井和最多50個總(25個淨)位置在Bakken核心區。
  • Vitesse正對收購的石油生產的大部分進行對沖,直到2026年底。
  • 在交易生效後,Vitesse在2024年第三季度的總生產量預計將達到約19.4 Mboe/d。
  • 加里·裏弗斯,First Reserve Management, LP的管理合夥人,持有Lucero 37%的股份,同時也是Lucero的董事;m.布魯斯·切爾諾夫,Lucero的主席,擁有Lucero 22%的股份,將被提名加入Vitesse董事會。
  • 公司將繼續由Vitesse執行團隊領導。

