
Freedom Holding's Subsidiaries Earn Upgraded Credit Ratings Amidst Steady Growth and Strengthened Compliance

Freedom Holding's Subsidiaries Earn Upgraded Credit Ratings Amidst Steady Growth and Strengthened Compliance

Freedom Holding的子公司在持續增長和加強合規的背景下獲得了升級的信用評級
Accesswire ·  2024/12/13 15:00

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK / ACCESSWIRE / December 13, 2024 / S&P Global Ratings has upgraded the credit ratings of four key subsidiaries of Freedom Holding Corp., the Nasdaq-listed U.S.-based diversified financial services company. The international rating agency has raised the long-term issuer credit ratings of Freedom Finance, a Kazakhstan-based market broker; Freedom Finance Global, a company providing access to international markets; Freedom Finance Europe, a European broker; and Freedom Bank Kazakhstan, from 'B' to 'B+' and affirmed their short-term ratings at 'B.' The rating of Freedom Holding Corp. itself was affirmed at 'B-' with a 'stable' outlook.

美國紐約市,紐約 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年12月13日 / 標普全球評級已將Freedom Holding Corp.的四個關鍵子公司的信用評級上調,這是一家在納斯達克上市的美國多元化金融服務公司。國際評級機構將基於哈薩克斯坦的市場券商Freedom Finance;提供國際市場準入的Freedom Finance Global;一家歐洲券商Freedom Finance Europe;以及Freedom Bank Kazakhstan的長期發行人信用評級從'B'上調至'B+',並確認它們的短期評級爲'b'。Freedom Holding Corp.本身的評級被確認在'b-',展望爲'穩定'。

"This upgrade reflects the efforts and progress we've made in strengthening our operations and governance. Our focus on diversification, compliance and sustainable growth will continue to drive our success," Freedom Holding said in a statement.

Freedom Holding在一份聲明中表示:"這一評級上調反映了我們在加強運營和治理方面所做的努力和取得的進展。我們對多元化、合規和可持續增長的關注將繼續推動我們的成功。"

In addition, the national scale ratings for two of its subsidiaries were upgraded to 'kzBBB' from 'kzBBB-'.


Freedom Holding operates the largest retail brokerage franchise in Kazakhstan and has a growing presence in Europe. The upgrades demonstrate the strength of the holding company. Freedom is also developing a comprehensive ecosystem in Kazakhstan and its businesses include insurance and lifestyle companies. The holding has streamlined traditionally complex processes, such as insurance claims and mortgages, and aims to build meaningful relationships with its customers.

Freedom Holding在哈薩克斯坦運營着最大的零售券商特許經營權,並在歐洲有着不斷增長的業務。此次評級上調展現了控股公司的實力。Freedom還在哈薩克斯坦開發一個綜合生態系統,其業務包括保險和生活方式公司。該控股公司簡化了傳統上覆雜的流程,例如保險索賠和抵押貸款,並旨在與客戶建立有意義的關係。

The company plans to expand internationally and continuously evaluates opportunities in emerging and developed markets while maintaining strict compliance policies.


S&P also noted Freedom Finance's steady growth and geographic diversification of revenues, which is important for the company's capitalisation. The stable outlook reflects the analysts' confidence in the sustainable development of all holding structures and their financial stability.

標普還指出,Freedom Finance穩健的增長和收入的地理多元化對於公司的資本化至關重要。穩定的展望反映了分析師們對所有控股結構可持續發展的信心以及它們的財務穩定性。

"The holding is developing a risk management and compliance system within its complex structure with many subsidiaries in different jurisdictions.We expect that moderate business growth combined with strong earnings, diversified by sources and geographies, will help maintain Freedom's strong capitalization," the rating agency said.


However, the report cautioned against too rapid franchise expansion as this could strain the holding company's ability to manage consolidated risks and potentially put pressure on its capitalisation. On the other hand, Freedom Holding's outlook could be upgraded in the future if it demonstrates effective risk management, expands cross-selling opportunities between its subsidiaries and consolidates its franchise while maintaining strong capitalization.

然而,報告警告不要過快擴張特許經營,因爲這可能會對控股公司的管理整合風險能力造成壓力,並可能影響其資本化。另一方面,如果Freedom Holding展示出有效的風險管理、在其子公司之間擴展交叉銷售機會,並在保持強大資本化的同時整合其特許經營,未來可能會提升其前景。

Freedom Holding Corp. provides financial services in 22 countries, including Kazakhstan, the United States, Cyprus, Poland, Spain, Uzbekistan and Armenia. Its head office is in New York. The holding has posted strong financial results for the six months ended 30 September, reporting record total revenues of $1.03 billion, up 33.4% from $751.8 million in the same period last year. Freedom Holding's net profit for the same period increased by 82% to $375 million, and the total assets also saw an increase, reaching $8.82 billion compared to $8.30 billion in March 2024.

Freedom Holding CORP. 在22個國家提供金融服務,包括哈薩克斯坦、美國、塞浦路斯、波蘭、西班牙、烏茲別克斯坦和亞美尼亞。其總部位於紐約。該控股公司在截至9月30日的六個月內發佈了強勁的財務業績,報告顯示總收入創紀錄,達到$10.3億,比上年同期的$75180萬增長33.4%。Freedom Holding在同一時期的淨利潤增加了82%,達到$37500萬,資產總額也有所增加,達到$88.2億,而2024年3月時爲$83億。

Contact Information


Natalia Kharlashina
Public Relations


SOURCE: Freedom Holding Corp.

來源:Freedom Holding CORP.

