
Bicycle Therapeutics Lead Cancer Drug Combined With Merck's Blockbuster Drug Shows 60% Overall Response Rate In Urothelial Cancer Patients

Bicycle Therapeutics Lead Cancer Drug Combined With Merck's Blockbuster Drug Shows 60% Overall Response Rate In Urothelial Cancer Patients

Bicycle Therapeutics的主要癌症藥物與默沙東的暢銷藥物聯合使用,在尿路上皮癌患者中顯示出60%的總體反應率。
Benzinga ·  2024/12/13 20:50
On Thursday, Bicycle Therapeutics plc (NASDAQ:BCYC) announced that it presented data showing the enhanced anti-tumor activity of zelenectide pevedotin monotherapy in breast cancer patients with NECTIN4 gene amplification at the 2024 San Antonio Breast Conference Symposium.
在週四,Bicycle Therapeutics plc(納斯達克:BCYC)宣佈在2024年聖安東尼奧乳腺會議研討會上展示了zelenectide pevedotin單藥治療在NECTIN4基因擴增的乳腺癌患者中增強的抗腫瘤活性數據。
The company revealed topline combination data for zelenectide pevedotin plus Merck & Co Inc's (NYSE:MRK) Keytruda (pembrolizumab) in previously untreated (first-line) cisplatin-ineligible patients with metastatic urothelial cancer (mUC).
該公司公佈了zelenectide pevedotin與默沙東(紐交所:MRK)公司的Keytruda(pembrolizumab)聯合治療在先前未治療(一線)不適合使用順鉑的轉移性尿路上皮癌(mUC)患者中的頂線組合數據。
Topline results from the ongoing Phase 1/2 Duravelo-1 trial evaluating zelenectide pevedotin weekly plus pembrolizumab once every three weeks showed:
正在進行的Duravelo-1一期/二期試驗評估每週使用zelenectide pevedotin加每三週一次的pembrolizumab的頂線結果顯示:
60% overall response rate (ORR) (12/20) among efficacy-evaluable patients. Of the responses, five were...

