Oasis Harvest Focuses On Growing Its F&B Business
Oasis Harvest Focuses On Growing Its F&B Business

Oasis Harvest Corporation Bhd will be focusing on targeted acquisitions and innovative operational models to enhance its market presence in the food and beverage (F&B) industry.
Oasis Harvest Corporation Bhd將專注於有針對性的收購和創新的運營模式,以增強其在食品和飲料(F&B)行業的市場存在。
Oasis Harvest Executive Director Ch'ng Eu Vern said the company is fully committed to transitioning from its former operations in palm oil machinery to a dynamic, F&B-focused business.
Oasis Harvest執行董事Ch'ng Eu Vern表示,公司全力致力於從以前的棕櫚油機械業務轉型爲一個動態的、以F&B爲重點的業務。
"Our vision is to establish Oasis Harvest as a leader in Malaysia's F&B sector.
「我們的願景是將Oasis Harvest建立爲馬來西亞F&B行業的領導者。」
"As such, we are actively exploring acquisitions within the F&B space, focusing on brands that will complement and strengthen our existing portfolio," Ch'ng said.
This shift in focus follows a change in Oasis Harvest's shareholding structure earlier this year where new major shareholders brought a renewed vision for the company's future in F&B.
這種關注的轉變是因爲Oasis Harvest在今年早些時候的參股金融結構發生了變化,新主要股東帶來了對公司未來在F&B領域的新願景。
Oasis Harvest currently operates two brands: The Uncle Don's chain, which has a solid presence with 20 outlets across the Klang Valley, and Verona, an Italian restaurant in Petaling Jaya. With monthly revenues of RM700,000 to RM800,000 and profit margins of 10% to 15%, these brands have become key contributors to Oasis Harvest's operations.
Oasis Harvest目前經營兩個品牌:擁有20家門店在崑崙谷地區建立了穩固市場的The Uncle Don's連鎖店,以及位於八打靈再也的意大利餐廳Verona。月收入爲70萬至80萬林吉特,利潤率爲10%至15%,這些品牌已成爲Oasis Harvest運營的關鍵貢獻者。
As part of its growth strategy, Oasis Harvest is considering the efficiencies of a cloud kitchen model to expand its F&B footprint.
作爲其增長策略的一部分,Oasis Harvest正在考慮雲廚房模式的效率,以拓展其F&B業務。
"The cloud kitchen concept allows us to operate multiple brands from a single location, streamlining our operations and focusing on delivery services without the need for large physical outlets," Ch'ng said, adding that the approach not only reduces operating costs but also provides the flexibility to cater to a wide range of consumer demands, including self-order kiosks, in a cost-effective manner.
He highlighted that this direction aligns with the company's commitment to building a more efficient, technology-driven F&B business that remains adaptable to both customer needs and industry trends.