
MillerKnoll Is the First Office Furniture Manufacturer to Announce Elimination of PFAS From North American Brand Portfolio of Products

MillerKnoll Is the First Office Furniture Manufacturer to Announce Elimination of PFAS From North American Brand Portfolio of Products

MillerKnoll 是首個宣佈在北美品牌產品組合中消除 PFAS 的辦公傢俱製造商
PR Newswire ·  2024/12/13 01:31

Building on recent Chemical Footprint Project recognition and legacy as a safe chemistry leader.


ZEELAND, Mich., Dec. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MillerKnoll, a global design leader, announces that from May 2025 all North American products from the collective of brands will be free of any added per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances ("PFAS") 1, making MillerKnoll the first office furniture manufacturer to make this commitment. PFAS are substances also known as 'forever chemicals' that do not breakdown easily, making them problematic for the environment.

密歇根州澤蘭,2024年12月12日 /PRNewswire/ -- MillerKnoll,一家全球設計領導者,宣佈從2025年5月起,所有北美品牌的產品將不含任何添加的全氟和多氟烷基物質("PFAS")1,使MillerKnoll成爲首家做出此承諾的辦公傢俱製造商。PFAS是被稱爲「永恒化學品」的物質,不易分解,對環境造成問題。

MillerKnoll is the First Office Furniture Manufacturer to Announce Elimination of PFAS from North American Brand Portfolio of Products

"At MillerKnoll, our products meet or exceed global PFAS regulations, but we are dedicated to setting the pace in creating products and spaces that go beyond minimum safety standards," said Gabe Wing, Vice President of Sustainability at MillerKnoll. "Today we have very little inventory that includes added PFAS. We're committing to not adding any PFAS to our products in North America from May of next year and to extend this commitment globally by fiscal year 2027 ahead of future regulations 1."

「在MillerKnoll,我們的產品符合或超過全球PFAS法規,但我們致力於設定創造超越最低安全標準的產品和空間的步伐,」MillerKnoll的可持續發展副總裁Gabe Wing表示。「今天,我們的庫存中包含添加PFAS的產品非常少。我們承諾從明年5月開始不向北美的產品中添加任何PFAS,並將在2027財年之前將此承諾擴展到全球,以應對未來的法規1。」

By committing to remove 'forever chemicals' like PFAS from products and integrating criteria for safer alternatives into design and safety processes, MillerKnoll aims to exceed consumer expectations and meet increasing regulatory demands for chemical transparency.


This significant step comes on the heels of MillerKnoll being named a Frontrunner and Disclosure Leader in the Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) Report, by Clean Production Action for its work in 2023. CFP assesses, through a specially designed survey, where businesses are on their journey beyond regulatory compliance to manufacturing, distributing, and selling safer products. Frontrunners are top scorers who achieved 80 or more points in the survey and Disclosure Leaders share both their survey score and responses.

這一重要步驟是在MillerKnoll被認定爲化學足跡項目(CFP)報告中的前沿者和披露領導者之後做出的,該報告由清潔生產行動組織(Clean Production Action)根據其在2023年的工作來評估。CFP通過專門設計的調查評估企業在超越法規合規,製造、分銷和銷售更安全產品的旅程中的位置。前沿者是調查中的頂尖得分者,獲得80分或更高的評分,披露領導者則分享其調查得分和回應。

A Legacy of Safe Chemistry
MillerKnoll brands have led the way in setting and exceeding safe chemistry standards.


  • In 1978, Knoll was among the first in the industry to reduce air emissions and ozone depletion.
  • In 1988, Herman Miller adopted water-based adhesives and powder paint.
  • In 1984, Knoll set a goal to eliminate volatile organic compounds ("VOCs") from all manufacturing operations, and two years later it achieved near complete removal of metal coating VOCs.
  • In 2008, Herman Miller implemented water-based veneer finish.
  • In 2013, Canvas Office Landscape wall-based workspaces became polyvinyl chloride ("PVC")-free.
  • In 2016, Herman Miller was the first office furniture company to eliminate flame retardants from task seating products.
  • By 2019, Herman Miller had eliminated all methylene chloride blowing agents from its supply chain long before any regulations targeted this chemical.
  • In 2023, Maharam was recognized for its work in eliminating added PFAS from its products by BuildingGreen. Maharam first began to question the use of PFAS over a decade ago, leading it to co-author a third-party study with the Green Science Policy Institute that objectively evaluated the long-held performance rationale of PFAS.
  • 1978年,Knoll成爲行業中首批減少空氣排放和臭氧消耗的公司之一。
  • 1988年,Herman Miller採用了水性膠粘劑和粉末塗料。
  • 1984年,Knoll設定了一個目標,計劃從所有制造操作中消除揮發性有機化合物("VOCs"),兩年後實現了金屬塗層VOCs的幾乎完全去除。
  • 2008年,Herman Miller實施了水性木皮塗層。
  • 2013年,Canvas Office Landscape牆面工作空間實現了不含聚氯乙烯("PVC")。
  • 2016年,Herman Miller成爲第一家從辦公傢俱中去除阻燃劑的公司。
  • 到2019年,Herman Miller在任何法規針對這種化學品之前,就已從其供應鏈中消除所有氯仿發泡劑。
  • 2023年,Maharam因其在消除產品中添加PFAS方面的努力而獲得BuildingGreen的認可。Maharam在十多年前首次開始質疑PFAS的使用,這使它與綠色科學政策研究所共同撰寫了一項第三方研究,客觀評估了PFAS長期以來的性能理由。

Chemical Footprint Project Recognition
The Chemical Footprint Project Survey evaluates performance across four pillars of chemical safety: management strategy, chemical inventory, footprint measurement, and disclosure and verification. Through the release of both their survey score and responses, Disclosure Leaders demonstrate their willingness to publicly release where they are on the journey to safer chemicals.


This year marks the first time MillerKnoll has been recognized by the CFP, underscoring the company's commitment to cleaner chemistry and creating healthy and sustainable products and spaces. Herman Miller was recognized three times prior to the company's acquisition of Knoll in 2021.

今年是MillerKnoll首次獲得CFP認可,突顯了公司對更清潔化學和創造健康可持續產品及空間的承諾。在2021年收購Knoll之前,Herman Miller曾獲得過三次認可。

In addition to MillerKnoll, this year's Frontrunners are Walmart, Whole Foods Market, Grove Collaborative, Clorox, Ecolab, Humanscale, Naturepedic, Reckitt, Beautycounter, Case Medical, and HP. Joining MillerKnoll as a Disclosure Leader are the nine Frontrunners as well as BD, Rite Aid, GOJO, and Radio Flyer.

除了MillerKnoll,今年的領跑者還包括沃爾瑪、全食超市、Grove Collaborative、高樂氏、藝康集團、Humanscale、Naturepedic、Reckitt、Beautycounter、Case Medical和HP。作爲披露領導者,MillerKnoll與九個領跑者以及BD、來愛德、GOJO和Radio Flyer一起加入。

About MillerKnoll
MillerKnoll is a collective of dynamic brands that comes together to design the world we live in. The MillerKnoll brand portfolio includes Herman Miller, Knoll, Colebrook Bosson Saunders, DatesWeiser, Design Within Reach, Edelman, Geiger, HAY, HOLLY HUNT, Knoll Textiles, Maharam, Muuto, NaughtOne, and Spinneybeck|FilzFelt. MillerKnoll is an unparalleled platform that redefines modern for the 21st century by building a more sustainable, equitable, and beautiful future for all.

MillerKnoll是一個充滿活力的品牌集合,致力於設計我們生活的世界。MillerKnoll品牌組合包括Herman Miller、Knoll、Colebrook Bosson Saunders、DatesWeiser、Design Within Reach、Edelman、Geiger、HAY、HOLLY HUNt、Knoll Textiles、Maharam、Muuto、NaughtOne和Spinneybeck|FilzFelt。MillerKnoll是一個無與倫比的平台,通過構建一個更可持續、公平和美好的未來,爲21世紀重新定義現代。

About Clean Production Action
Clean Production Action is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to design and deliver strategic solutions for green chemicals, sustainable materials, and environmentally preferable products. We are a solutions organization. Our tools, GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals and Chemical Footprint Project, simplify the complexity of substituting chemicals of concern to human health and the environment with green chemistry solutions. Our collaborations, BizNGO and Investor Environmental Health Network, provide effective platforms for practitioners and thought leaders to work together in advancing chemicals, materials, products, and systems that are healthy for people and the planet.

Clean Production Action is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to design and deliver strategic solutions for green chemicals, sustainable materials, and environmentally preferable products. We are a solutions organization. Our tools, GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals and Chemical Footprint Project, simplify the complexity of substituting chemicals of concern to human health and the environment with green chemistry solutions. Our collaborations, BizNGO and Investor Environmental Health Network, provide effective platforms for practitioners and thought leaders to work together in advancing chemicals, materials, products, and systems that are healthy for people and the planet.

1MillerKnoll will not add PFAS to any products, excluding electrical components, protective stone coating, Ethospace and Pixel pneumatic cylinders, and existing inventory.

1MillerKnoll will not add PFAS to any products, excluding electrical components, protective stone coating, Ethospace and Pixel pneumatic cylinders, and existing inventory.

SOURCE MillerKnoll

SOURCE MillerKnoll




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