
IBM Study: Vehicles Believed to Be Software Defined and AI Powered by 2035

IBM Study: Vehicles Believed to Be Software Defined and AI Powered by 2035

IBM Corp ·  2024/12/12 13:00

ARMONK, N.Y., Dec. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The IBM (NYSE: IBM) Institute for Business Value today published its latest 'Automotive 2035' study which reveals an industry grappling with an erratic transition away from current products and business models.

紐約ARMONk,2024年12月12日 /PRNewswire/ -- IBm(紐交所:IBM)商業價值研究所今天發佈了最新的《汽車2035》研究,揭示了一個正在經歷不穩定轉型的行業,正在擺脫當前的產品和商業模式。


The study highlights that over the next decade, 80% of new cars will have a powertrain that will be electrified to some extent, according to respondents. The findings also reveal that:


  • 74% of executives surveyed believe that by 2035 vehicles will be software defined and AI powered
  • 75% of respondents say the software-defined experience will be the core of the brand value
  • The auto industry is trying to shift its business model from one-time car sales to a recurring revenue model for digital services and products
  • 74%的受訪高管相信,到2035年,車輛將是軟件定義並由人工智能驅動。
  • 75%的受訪者表示,軟件定義的體驗將是品牌價值的核心。
  • 汽車行業正試圖將其商業模型從一次性汽車銷售轉變爲數字服務和產品的經常性營業收入模型。

The study is a data-led analysis of automotive and mobility industries developments over the next 10 years and is based on 1230 interviews with senior executives from automotive OEMs, suppliers, and surrounding industries across 9 countries.


"The shift to software-defined vehicles (SDVs) was cited by the majority of industry executives as the key to future brand developments," said Jeff Schlageter, Automotive Industry General Manager IBM. "It is indicated that vehicle value may no longer be limited to initial features and functionality—it would be earned over the life of the vehicle by continuously providing superior customer experiences with new applications and subscription-based services for drivers."

「轉向軟件定義車輛(SDV)被大多數行業高管認爲是未來品牌發展的關鍵,」通用汽車行業總經理Jeff Schlageter說道。「這表明,車輛的價值可能不再僅限於最初的功能和特性——而是通過不斷提供卓越的客戶體驗、新應用程序和基於訂閱的服務在車輛的生命週期內不斷增加。」

The study highlights that the industry is preparing to offer deeper, more personalized user experiences that are enabled by digital capabilities. Currently just 21% of research & development budgets are currently allocated to software and digital developments, but respondents expect this to nearly triple to 58% by 2035.


The research also reveals gridlock at the heart of SDV developments. The traditional approach to vehicle architecture—where software for a single domain (such as brakes) is delivered separately from another domain (such as airbags) through individual electronic control units (ECUs)—is no longer sustainable for the SDV era.


To reach a future where cars are truly digital products, automakers need a sweeping overhaul of current electrical and software architectures. The technical challenge of separating software and hardware layer is seen as the top challenge. 77% of the senior executives say they are facing a lack of software development tools and methodologies. Of equal concern, 74% of respondents say a strong mechanical-driven culture is making it difficult to switch to a software-driven product development.


Jeff Schlageter added, "By harnessing the power of cloud combined with AI, automakers can explore new ideas, test different software configurations, and gather valuable insights to inform the development of innovative SDV features. Using AI to analyze vast volumes of data, identify patterns, and make predictions, automakers can accelerate SDV enhancements and create personalized experiences for customers."


The scope and scale of issues around the development of SDVs are further discussed in depth in a LinkedIn Live broadcast today, jointly hosted by IBM and General Motors in Detroit. A recording of the event can be found here.

有關SDV開發的問題的範圍和規模將在今天由IBM和通用汽車在底特律聯合主持的LinkedIn Live廣播中進一步深入討論。活動的錄音可以在此找到。

IBM's 'Automotive 2035' study represents the 4th edition of the automotive industry longitudinal study which started with 'Automotive 2020' published in August 2008. The full report can be found here.


Study Methodology


The IBM Institute for Business Value (IBM IBV), in cooperation with Oxford Economics, surveyed 1,230 C-level automotive executives in nine countries in Q3 2024. 40% of the sample represented automotive OEM and EV companies, 40% auto suppliers, and 20% ecosystem players. Participants were asked a range of questions in various formats. They were asked about their organization's expectations, results, concerns, and barriers for transition to software-defined, electrified future.

IBM商業價值研究所(IBM IBV)與牛津經濟合作,在2024年第三季度對九個國家的1230名汽車行業C級高管進行了調查。樣本中40%代表汽車OEm和EV公司,40%爲汽車供應商,20%爲生態系統參與者。參與者被問及不同格式的一系列問題。他們被詢問關於他們組織的期望、結果、擔憂和轉型爲軟件定義的電氣化未來的障礙。

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IBM是全球領先的混合雲和人工智能以及諮詢專業知識的提供者。我們幫助超過175個國家的客戶利用他們的數據洞察,優化業務流程,降低成本並在各自的行業中獲得競爭優勢。在金融服務、電信和醫療保健等關鍵基礎設施領域,超過4,000個政府和企業實體依賴IBM的混合雲平台和Red Hat OpenShift,以快速、高效和安全地進行數字化轉型。IBM在人工智能、量子計算、行業特定雲解決方案和諮詢方面的突破性創新向我們的客戶提供開放而靈活的期權。所有這一切都得益於IBM對信任、透明、責任、包容性和服務的長期承諾。有關更多信息,請訪問。

Media Contact


Ken Saunders
IBM Global External Relations Manufacturing & Energy Industries
+44 7887 830 036

IBM全球外部關係 製造業-半導體 & 能源行業
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