CarbiCrete and Meta Team up to Accelerate Low Carbon Concrete
CarbiCrete and Meta Team up to Accelerate Low Carbon Concrete
MONTREAL, Dec. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - CarbiCrete, a leading firm in the decarbonization of concrete, announced today a new carbon financing collaboration with Meta that will enable the installation of CarbiCrete equipment at Canal Block, a block-maker in Ontario, and expand equipment capacity at Patio Drummond in Quebec, where CarbiCrete's technology is currently being deployed commercially.
蒙特利爾,2024年12月12日 /PRNewswire/ - CarbiCrete,一家在混凝土脫碳方面的領先公司,今天宣佈與Meta達成新的碳融資合作,這將使CarbiCrete設備能夠在安大略省的一個制磚廠 Canal Block 安裝,並擴大位於魁北克的Patio Drummond的設備產能,CarbiCrete的科技目前正在商業化部署。
CarbiCrete's patented technology enables the production of cement-free concrete, avoiding cement-related emissions by replacing cement with a steel-making by-product and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by mineralizing CO2 into the concrete for permanent storage.
3Degrees, a leading climate solutions provider and CarbiCrete's long term partner for assuring and monetizing emission reductions, will oversee the quantification and verification of the emissions reductions generated by CarbiCrete's patented process for making decarbonized concrete.
"This is truly a win-win scenario," says Jacob Homiller, CarbiCrete's CEO. "The accelerated implementation of our technology will have an immediate impact, reducing emissions in the concrete value chain, while making cement-free concrete materials available to the construction industry. We are thrilled to be working alongside Meta and 3Degrees to decarbonize this hard-to-abate industry."
「這真是一個雙贏的局面,」CarbiCrete首席執行官Jacob Homiller表示。「我們技術的加速實施將產生立竿見影的效果,減少混凝土價值鏈中的排放,同時使無水泥混凝土材料能夠在施工行業中使用。我們很高興與Meta和3Degrees合作,爲這個難以脫碳的行業做出貢獻。」
"Decarbonizing hard-to-abate sectors like concrete is an important part of our strategy to achieve net zero emissions across our value chain in 2030," said Devon Lake, head of net zero strategy at Meta. "Collaborating with organizations like CarbiCrete, who have meaningfully made progress in this sector, is instrumental to accelerate the implementation of this technology and drive results."
「脫碳像混凝土這樣的難以脫碳行業是我們在2030年前實現價值鏈淨零排放的重要策略之一,」Meta淨零策略負責人Devon Lake表示。「與像CarbiCrete這樣的組織合作,在該領域取得實質性進展,對加速實施這一技術和推動成果至關重要。」
"This work demonstrates the potential for utilizing carbon finance to drive deep supply chain decarbonization," said Mark Mondik, Vice President, Carbon Markets at 3Degrees. "We are thrilled to leverage our technical expertise and experience in environmental markets to make this transaction a reality."
「這項工作展示了利用碳融資推動供應鏈深度脫碳的潛力,」3Degrees碳市場副總裁Mark Mondik表示。「我們很高興能夠利用我們的技術專長和環境市場經驗,將這一交易變爲現實。」
About CarbiCrete
CarbiCrete is a Montreal-based carbon removal technology company whose patented technology enables the production of cement-free, decarbonized concrete made with industrial by-products and captured carbon dioxide.
About 3Degrees
3Degrees is a leading global climate solutions provider and Certified B Corporation. We offer impactful climate solutions that help our clients achieve their climate goals and advance an equitable transition to the low-carbon future. Learn more at or follow us on LinkedIn and X.
SOURCE CarbiCrete Inc
來源 CarbiCrete Inc