
Pre-Winter Inspections and Maintenance Support Safe and Reliable Power for FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania Customers Through Cold Months

Pre-Winter Inspections and Maintenance Support Safe and Reliable Power for FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania Customers Through Cold Months

第一能源 ·  2024/12/10 13:00

GREENSBURG, Pa., Dec. 10, 2024 -- FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Electric Company (FE PA), a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE) doing business as Met-Ed, Penelec, Penn Power and West Penn Power, is completing equipment inspections and maintenance to help keep electricity flowing to customers so they can stay safe and comfortable throughout the cold winter season.

GREENSBURG,賓夕法尼亞州,2024年12月10日 -- 第一能源賓夕法尼亞電力公司(FE PA),是第一能源CORP.(紐交所:FE)的子公司,經營名稱爲Met-Ed、Penelec、Penn Power和West Penn Power,正在進行設備檢查和維護,以幫助保持電力供應給客戶,讓他們在寒冷的冬季能夠安全舒適地度過。

John Hawkins, FirstEnergy's President, Pennsylvania: "We focus our winter preparations on readying our electric distribution and transmission systems to safely deliver electricity to our customers when they need it most to stay warm. We take many steps to safeguard our power infrastructure and prepare our field employees and vehicles to be ready to respond quickly and efficiently to the challenges presented by winter's frigid temperatures, windstorms and snowstorms."


Substation electricians inspect critical components using thermovision cameras, which capture infrared images of equipment to detect potential problems that are not visible during regular visual inspections. The infrared images show heat on a color scale, with brighter colors or "hot spots" indicating loose connections, corrosion or other problems that require repairs. Workers can then proactively repair substation equipment to help prevent power outages as customers crank up their heaters to combat the cold.


Watch a video on the company's YouTube channel of FirstEnergy personnel conducting a thermovision inspection.


Larger substations often have buildings that house remote-controlled equipment that require a climate-controlled environment to function properly. Crews winterize those control buildings and ensure their heating systems and battery back-up are ready for the season.


Helicopter inspections are also being completed on more than 5,500 miles of transmission lines located across FirstEnergy's Pennsylvania footprint. The inspections are designed to look for damaged wire, broken cross arms and other hardware problems invisible from the ground. Potential reliability issues identified during the inspection may then be addressed.


Tree trimming throughout the year reinforces the power system ahead of the winter season by maintaining proper clearances around electrical equipment and helping to protect against tree-related outages caused by the weight of ice and heavy, wet snow on branches. FirstEnergy's tree contractors have completed trimming work along about 9,900 miles of transmission and distribution power lines this year across Pennsylvania to help prevent or minimize the impact of tree-related service disruptions.


FirstEnergy explains a new vegetation management tool being used across the company's footprint in a video clip on the company's YouTube channel.


Additionally, bucket trucks and other vehicles are inspected to ensure they are safe and able to function in freezing temperatures. Special emphasis is placed on the condition of tires and air brakes, which can freeze up if moisture is present. Snow removal equipment is also checked to ensure that crews can access substations and that work areas and sidewalks at company facilities are clear and safe.


Earlier this year, FE PA employees conducted annual tabletop storm drills as another way to help ensure reliable electric service for customers when severe weather strikes. The drills are designed to prepare employees assigned to storm restoration duties and review restoration processes and storm-management tools critical to safely and quickly getting the lights back on after damage caused by severe weather.

今年早些時候,FE PA員工進行了年度桌面風暴演練,作爲確保客戶在惡劣天氣來臨時仍能獲得可靠電力服務的另一種方式。這些演練旨在爲分配到風暴修復職責的員工做好準備,並回顧對安全迅速恢復電力至關重要的修復流程和風暴管理工具。

Customers can review tips to prepare in advance for severe weather, and view restoration updates if storms do cause power outages, by visiting FirstEnergy's 24/7 Power Center at


Cold Weather Tips for Customers


With the winter storm season also comes frigid temperatures and rising energy costs. Customers can take steps to keep their homes comfortable while managing their electricity bill this cold season. The following tips can help customers use electricity wisely during this period of high demand:


  • Seal any leaks around windows and door frames with caulk or weather stripping to prevent cold air from sneaking into your home.
  • Close the fireplace damper when it is not in use to keep cold air out.
  • Close the drapes at night. During the day, only open those that receive direct sunlight.
  • Check furnace fan filters. Clogged filters waste energy and money by forcing a heating system to work harder than necessary.
  • Make sure your home is properly insulated. If you have less than six inches of insulation, you'll benefit by adding more.
  • Payment arrangements and assistance programs are available for customers who need help with their electric bills. For more information, visit
  • 用密封膠或天氣條封住窗戶和門框周圍的任何縫隙,以防止冷空氣從家中滲入。
  • 在不使用壁爐時關閉煙道,以防止冷空氣進入。
  • 晚上關閉窗簾。白天,只打開那些可以直接接受陽光的窗簾。
  • 檢查爐子風扇過濾器。堵塞的過濾器會浪費能源和金錢,迫使供暖系統不得不更費力地工作。
  • 確保您的家有良好的保溫。如果您的保溫層少於六英寸,增加保溫層將會有好處。
  • 爲需要幫助的客戶提供支付安排和援助計劃。有關更多信息,請訪問。

Met-Ed serves approximately 592,000 customers within 3,300 square miles of eastern and southeastern Pennsylvania. Follow Met-Ed on X, formerly known as Twitter, @Met Ed and on Facebook at

Met-Ed 在賓夕法尼亞州東部和東南部的 3,300 平方英里範圍內服務約 592,000 名客戶。請在 X 上關注 Met-Ed,前身爲 Twitter,賬號 @Met Ed,以及在 Facebook 上訪問。

Penelec serves approximately 597,000 customers within 17,600 square miles of northern and central Pennsylvania. Follow Penelec on X @Penelec and on Facebook at

Penelec在賓夕法尼亞州北部和中部的17,600平方英里範圍內爲約597,000名客戶提供服務。請在X上關注Penelec @Penelec,並在Facebook上關注。

Penn Power serves more than 173,000 customers in all or parts of Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Crawford, Lawrence and Mercer counties in western Pennsylvania. Follow Penn Power on X @Penn_Power, on Facebook at, and online at

Penn Power在賓夕法尼亞州西部的阿勒格尼、比佛、巴特勒、克勞福德、勞倫斯和墨瑟縣的所有或部分地區爲超過173,000個客戶提供服務。請在X上關注Penn Power @Penn_Power,Facebook上訪問,或在線訪問。

West Penn Power serves approximately 746,000 customers in 24 counties within central and southwestern Pennsylvania. Follow West Penn Power on X @W_Penn_Power and on Facebook at

West Penn Power在賓夕法尼亞州中部和西南部的24個縣爲大約746,000個客戶提供服務。請在X上關注West Penn Power @W_Penn_Power,並在Facebook上訪問。

FirstEnergy is dedicated to integrity, safety, reliability and operational excellence. Its electric distribution companies form one of the nation's largest investor-owned electric systems, serving customers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, Maryland and New York. The company's transmission subsidiaries operate approximately 24,500 miles of transmission lines that connect the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Visit FirstEnergy online at and follow FirstEnergy on X @FirstEnergyCorp.

第一能源致力於誠信、安全、可靠性和卓越的運營。其電力分銷公司組成了全國最大的投資者擁有電力系統之一,服務於俄亥俄州、賓夕法尼亞州、新澤西州、西弗吉尼亞州、馬里蘭州和紐約的客戶。公司的變速器子公司運營着大約24,500英里的變速器線路,連接Midwest和中大西洋地區。請訪問第一能源的網站,並在X平台上關注第一能源 @FirstEnergyCorp。

Editor's Note: Photos of FirstEnergy's utilities' winter inspection and maintenance program are available for download on Flickr.


News Media Contact: Todd Meyers, (724) 838-6650; Investor Contact: Gina Caskey, (330) 761-4185

新聞媒體聯繫人:Todd Meyers,(724) 838-6650;投資者聯繫人:Gina Caskey,(330) 761-4185

