Ramp Announces Integration With Intuit QuickBooks Desktop
Ramp Announces Integration With Intuit QuickBooks Desktop
Capability streamlines accounting and enables greater efficiency for shared customers
NEW YORK, Dec. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ramp, the finance operations platform designed to save businesses time and money, today announced an integration with Intuit QuickBooks Desktop.
紐約,2024年12月12日 /美通社/ -- Ramp,這個旨在爲企業節省時間和金錢的財務運營平台,今天宣佈了一項 與Intuit QuickBooks桌面版的集成.
The integration automatically syncs Ramp card and bill payment data with QuickBooks Desktop in real time, replacing manual data entry with a smooth, automated process. This allows shared Ramp and QuickBooks Desktop customers to:
- Speed up month-end close by keeping accurate, up-to-date spending records
- Automate routine workflows with sophisticated accounting automations
- Maintain full control over their data flow. Ramp doesn't alter settings in QuickBooks Desktop or create accounts or vendors without user permission.
- 通過保持準確、最新的支出記錄來加快月底結算
- 利用複雜的會計自動化來自動化例行工作流程
- 全面控制他們的數據流。Ramp不會在QuickBooks桌面版中更改設置,也不會在未獲得用戶允許的情況下創建帳戶或供應商。
With this feature, Ramp frees finance and accounting teams from time-consuming tasks so they can spend time growing their business.
For example: Reliable Staffing, a family-owned recruiting agency, previously had to manually import employee reimbursement data from Ramp to QuickBooks Desktop – a process that could take hours and risked inaccuracies. This new integration automates that process, replacing manual work with the peace of mind that data is accurate.
例如,Reliable Staffing是一家家族擁有的招聘機構,以前需要手動將員工報銷數據從Ramp導入QuickBooks Desktop,這個過程可能需要幾個小時,並且存在不準確的風險。這個新集成自動化了這個過程,用準確的數據取代了手動工作,帶來了安心。
"It's really streamlined everything for us," says Alio Gasbarro, Chief Financial Officer of Reliable Staffing. "Now, we can focus less on paperwork and more on what matters: driving our business forward."
「這真的爲我們簡化了一切,」Reliable Staffing的首席財務官Alio Gasbarro說。「現在,我們可以少花時間在文書工作上,更多地關注重要的事情:推動我們的業務向前發展。」
"Ramp powers finance and accounting teams to do their best work without the hassle of manual and tedious tasks slowing them down," says Matt Vickers, Director of Product at Ramp. "Our integrations automate accounting workflows, ensure data accuracy, and speed up closing your books so you can save time and money."
「Ramp使財務和會計團隊可以更好地工作,而不必擔心手動和繁瑣的任務拖慢他們的速度,」Ramp的產品總監Matt Vickers說。「我們的集成自動化了會計工作流程,確保數據準確,並加快了賬本的關閉,以便您可以節省時間和金錢。」
This integration is now available for all Ramp and QuickBooks Desktop users. Learn more at .
該集成現在對所有Ramp和QuickBooks Desktop用戶可用。 課堂了解更多內容於 .
About Ramp
Ramp is a financial operations platform that helps companies achieve more by spending less. With Ramp, companies make payments, issue cards, manage vendors and procurement workflows, book travel, and automate bookkeeping all on one platform. We do this through intuitive software with built-in controls and intelligence to automate tedious tasks and maximize the impact of every dollar and hour spent. We help businesses grow efficiently.
From family-owned farms to space startups, over 30,000 customers have saved $1 billion and 15 million hours with Ramp. Ramp was founded in 2019 and is one of the fastest-growing startups in U.S. history, enabling tens of billions of dollars in purchases each year. Learn more about how we can accelerate your business at .
從家庭農場到太空創業公司,超過30,000個客戶通過Ramp節省了10億美金和1500萬小時的時間。Ramp成立於2019年,是美國曆史上增長最快的初創企業之一,每年使數十億美元的採購成爲可能。課堂了解有關我們如何加速您的業務的更多信息。 .
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來源: Ramp