Shoe Carnival Board Approved New $50M Share Buyback Program
Shoe Carnival Board Approved New $50M Share Buyback Program
Shoe Carnival, Inc. (NASDAQ:SCVL) (the "Company"), a leading retailer of footwear and accessories for the family, announced today that its Board of Directors approved the payment of a quarterly cash dividend of $0.135 per share to be paid on January 27, 2025, to shareholders of record as of the close of business on January 13, 2025.
Shoe Carnival, Inc. (納斯達克:SCVL)("公司")是一家領先的家庭鞋類及配件零售商,今天公告其董事會批准支付每股$0.135的季度現金分紅,將於2025年1月27日支付給截至2025年1月13日營業結束時的股東。
Additionally, its Board of Directors authorized a new share repurchase program for up to $50 million of its outstanding common stock, effective January 1, 2025. The new share repurchase program will replace an existing $50 million share repurchase program that was authorized on December 14, 2023, and will expire in accordance with its terms on December 31, 2024. Additional purchases may be made under the existing share repurchase program prior to its expiration.