
EcoWorld's Full Year PAT Surges To RM303 Million

EcoWorld's Full Year PAT Surges To RM303 Million

Business Today ·  13:24

EcoWorld Malaysia achieved RM4.07 billion sales in FY2024, the Group's highest ever, exceeding its RM3.5 billion sales target by 16%.

馬來西亞生態世界在 FY2024 中實現了40.7令吉的銷售額,這是該集團有史以來的最高銷售額,比其35令吉的銷售目標高出16%。

Revenue and gross profit for FY2024 increased by 1.4% and 13.3%, respectively, compared to FY2023. Gross profit margin improved from 24.2% FY2023 to 27.0% in FY2024.

與 FY2023 相比,FY2024 的收入和毛利分別增長了1.4%和13.3%。毛利率從 FY2023 的24.2%提高到 FY2024 的27.0%。

Net cash generated from operating activities in FY2024 amounted to RM890.0 million. This is 56% higher compared to FY2023 and close to 3 times the Group's FY2024 PAT.

FY2024 經營活動產生的淨現金爲89000萬令吉。與 FY2023 相比,這高出56%,接近該集團 FY2024 pAt 的3倍。

The Group's Malaysian Operations contributed PAT of RM343.1 million. This is a record high for EcoWorld Malaysia, mainly due to improvement in gross profit margins of its subsidiaries.


Profit after Tax (PAT) for FY2024 (after taking into account Eco World International Berhad's loss and a RM38.0 million impairment of investment in 4Q 2024) was RM303.5 million which is 60.3% higher than FY2023.

FY2024 的稅後利潤(PAT)(考慮到生態世界國際有限公司在2024年第四季度的虧損和3800萬令吉的投資減值後)爲30350萬令吉,比 FY2023 高出60.3%。

The Board of Directors has declared a final dividend of 2 sen per share, bringing total dividends declared for FY2024 to 6 sen per share.

董事會已宣佈派發每股2仙的末期股息,使 FY2024 宣佈的股息總額達到每股6仙。

Dato' Chang Khim Wah, President & CEO: FY2024 has been a phenomenal year for EcoWorld Malaysia. Total sales breached the RM4 billion mark and our Malaysian operations recorded PAT of RM343.1 million, both record highs for the Group. The sales and profit achieved in FY2024 are the result of concerted efforts made over the years to: Continuously digitalise our operations and improve processes, resulting in faster turnaround times and more efficient and effective use of resources which have successfully contained operational and overhead costs

總裁兼首席執行官拿督張金華:FY2024 對馬來西亞生態世界來說是了不起的一年。總銷售額突破了40令吉大關,我們在馬來西亞的業務收入爲34310萬令吉,均爲該集團的歷史新高。FY2024 實現的銷售和利潤是多年來共同努力的結果,這些努力是:持續數字化我們的運營和改進流程,從而縮短週轉時間,提高資源的使用效率和效益,從而成功控制運營和管理成本

