Trupanion Named Top Employer in Six Categories at VIBE Awards
Trupanion Named Top Employer in Six Categories at VIBE Awards
Trupanion wins awards for Work Flexibility, Retirement Benefits, Professional Development, Health and Wellness, Parental Benefits and Vacation Benefits
SEATTLE, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trupanion, Inc. (Nasdaq: TRUP), the leading provider of medical insurance for cats and dogs in North America, announced today the receipt of six 2024 VIBE Awards related to employee benefits. Trupanion was named a top employer in six out of seven categories, gaining recognition in Financial & Retirement, Health & Wellness Benefits, Parental Benefits, Work Flexibility, Professional Development Benefits, and Vacation & Time Off Benefits.
華盛頓州西雅圖,2024年12月11日(全球新聞網) -- Trupanion, Inc.(納斯達克:TRUP),北美領先的貓狗醫療保險提供商,今天宣佈獲得六項與員工福利相關的2024 VIBE獎。Trupanion在七個類別中被評爲六個類別的最佳僱主,在財務與養老、健康與福利、父母福利、工作靈活性、職業發展福利,以及假期和休假福利方面獲得了認可。
"Trupanion is made up of passionate people who care deeply about helping cats and dogs in their time of need. We extend this philosophy to our team members, striving to offer a competitive benefits package that focuses on wellbeing and positions all team members to thrive at Trupanion," said Brenna McGibney, Trupanion's Chief Administrative Officer.
Each year, The Muse honors employers that stand out for their perks and benefits with the VIBE Awards. VIBE stands for "Voted In By Employees," meaning that awards were only given to companies whose employees would recommend them as an employer of choice for that category. The Muse is the only online career resource that offers a behind-the-scenes look at job opportunities with hundreds of companies, original career advice from prominent experts, and access to the best coaches to get personalized and private career help.
「每年,The Muse都會表彰因員工福利和福利而脫穎而出的僱主,並頒發VIBE獎。VIBE代表『員工投票選出』,這意味着只有員工會推薦的公司才會獲得該類別的獎項。The Muse是唯一一個提供數百家公司就業機會的在線職業資源,提供來自知名專家的原創職業建議,並提供接觸最佳教練的機會,以獲得個性化和私密的職業幫助。」
"We're proud to recognize the companies, like Trupanion, who have made a meaningful investment in their people," said Dave Bethoney, President of The Muse. "These companies understand that offering well-rounded benefits isn't just good for employees — it's good for business. The VIBE Awards highlight those who are creating cultures where people thrive, both professionally and personally."
「我們很自豪地表彰那些像Trupanion一樣,真正投資於他們員工的公司,」The Muse的總裁戴夫·貝索尼說。「這些公司理解,提供全面的福利不僅對員工有利——對業務也是有利的。VIBE獎突出了那些創造讓人們在職場和個人生活中都能蓬勃發展的文化的公司。」
"Our teams bring our mission to life. They answer the call at midnight when a member's pet falls ill, they are the reason we are able to make a difference in the lives of families around the world. We want to ensure we support our teams in turn, including offering comprehensive benefits to help them in their careers and well-being and continue to look for new and enhanced benefits when we can," stated Trupanion CEO, Margi Tooth. "Knowing that our team members voted Trupanion as an employer of choice in six different award categories is a true honor."
"我們的團隊將我們的使命變爲現實。他們在午夜時分回應呼叫,當成員的寵物生病時,他們是我們能夠改變全世界家庭生活的原因。我們希望確保反過來支持我們的團隊,包括提供全面的福利以幫助他們在職業和健康方面,仍然繼續尋找新的和增強的福利," Trupanion首席執行官Margi Tooth表示。"知道我們的團隊成員在六個不同的獎項類別中投票選出了Trupanion作爲優選僱主,真是一個榮幸。"
About Trupanion
Trupanion is a leader in medical insurance for cats and dogs throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Puerto Rico and Australia with over 1,000,000 pets enrolled. For over two decades, Trupanion has given pet owners peace of mind so they can focus on their pet's recovery, not financial stress. Trupanion is committed to providing pet owners with the highest value in pet medical insurance with unlimited payouts for the life of their pets. With its patented process, Trupanion is the only North American provider with the technology to pay veterinarians directly in seconds at the time of checkout. Trupanion is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol "TRUP". The company was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. Trupanion policies are issued, in the United States, by its wholly-owned insurance entity American Pet Insurance Company and, in Canada, by Accelerant Insurance Of Canada. Policies are sold and administered in Canada by Canada Pet Health Insurance Services, Inc. dba Trupanion 309-1277 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC V7J 0A2 and in the United States by Trupanion Managers USA, Inc. (CA license No. 0G22803, NPN 9588590). Canada Pet Health Insurance Services, Inc. is a registered damage insurance agency and claims adjuster in Quebec #603927. Trupanion Australia is a partnership between Trupanion and Hollard Insurance Company. For more information, please visit
Trupanion是美國、加拿大、歐洲、波多黎各和澳洲的貓狗醫療保險領軍者,註冊寵物超過1,000,000只。在過去的二十多年中,Trupanion爲寵物主人提供了安心,讓他們可以專注於寵物的康復,而不是經濟壓力。Trupanion致力於爲寵物主人提供最高價值的寵物醫療保險,提供無限的賠償,直至寵物壽命結束。憑藉其專利流程,Trupanion是唯一一家在結賬時能夠直接在幾秒鐘內支付給獸醫的北美供應商。Trupanion在納斯達克上市,標的爲"TRUP"。該公司成立於2000年,總部位於華盛頓州西雅圖。在美國,Trupanion的保單由其全資保險實體美國寵物保險公司發行,在加拿大則由Accelerant Insurance Of Canada發行。保單在加拿大由Canada Pet Health Insurance Services, Inc.以Trupanion名義銷售和管理,地址爲309-1277 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC V7J 0A2,在美國則由Trupanion Managers USA, Inc.(加州許可證號 0G22803, NPN 9588590)銷售。Canada Pet Health Insurance Services, Inc.是魁北克註冊的財產保險代理和索賠調整機構,編號 #603927。Trupanion澳洲是Trupanion與Hollard Insurance Company的合作關係。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。
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