Merit Financial Advisors Joins Forces With Trinity Financial Partners to Expand Its Presence in Pennsylvania
Merit Financial Advisors Joins Forces With Trinity Financial Partners to Expand Its Presence in Pennsylvania
ATLANTA, Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Merit Financial Advisors ("Merit"), a Georgia-based financial advisory firm that specializes in financial planning and wealth management solutions for high-net-worth individuals and families and those navigating life transitions, announced today that Trinity Financial Partners ("Trinity") merged with Merit. The merger marks Merit's third office in Pennsylvania and increases the firm's assets by $603 million.
亞特蘭大,2024年12月10日 /PRNewswire/ -- 優德金融顧問公司 ("優德"),是一家總部位於喬治亞州的金融顧問公司,專注於爲高淨值個人和家庭以及應對生活轉變的人提供財務規劃和财富管理解決方案,今天宣佈Trinity Financial Partners("Trinity")與優德合併。此次合併標誌着優德在賓夕法尼亞州的第三個辦公室,並使公司的資產增加了60300萬。
Trinity, a female-owned firm based in Berwyn, PA, has built a strong reputation for its collaborative and personal approach to financial planning, encompassing investment management, retirement planning, legacy planning, risk protection and charitable giving strategies. Trinity has formed a long-term strategic partnership with SEI, utilizing their capabilities and services across asset management, technology, and operations. Robyn E. Jameson, CFP, CLTC, will assume the role of Managing Director, Partner, and Wealth Manager at Merit. She will be joined by her experienced client support and operations team.
Trinity是一家總部位於賓州Berwyn的女性擁有的公司,以其協作和個人化的財務規劃方法贏得了良好聲譽,包括投資管理、養老規劃、遺產規劃、風險保護和慈善捐贈策略。Trinity與SEI建立了長期戰略合作伙伴關係,利用其在資產管理、科技和運營方面的能力和服務。Robyn E. Jameson,CFP,CLTC,將擔任優德的董事總經理、合夥人和財富經理。她將與其經驗豐富的客戶支持和運營團隊一起工作。
"We are thrilled to join Merit, as this partnership will provide us with enhanced resources and support for the next phase of our growth," said Robyn. "Finding the right partner is challenging, but I'm deeply grateful to have found Merit, a firm that shares our values and commitment to client service. With Merit's support, we will be able to offer even more comprehensive resources and strengthen our relationship with clients."
This is Merit's twenty-ninth partnership since taking a minority investment in December 2020 from Wealth Partners Capital Group ("WPCG") and a group of strategic investors led by HGGC's Aspire Holdings platform. In August of this year, Merit announced its acquisition of Kizer & Associates, which added approximately $180 million in assets and became Merit's first office in Illinois.
這是優德自2020年12月接受財富夥伴資本集團("WPCG")及HGGC旗下的Aspire Holdings平台領導的一組戰略投資者的少數投資以來的第二十九次合作。就在今年八月,優德宣佈收購Kizer & Associates,這增加了約18000萬的資產,併成爲優德在伊利諾伊州的第一家辦公室。
"I am thrilled to welcome the Trinity team to Merit," said Tyler Vernon, Managing Principal at Merit. "Having Robyn's team join us reinforces our commitment to providing clients with comprehensive, well-rounded care throughout all stages of their lives."
「我很高興歡迎Trinity團隊加入優德,」優德的管理合夥人Tyler Vernon說。「Robyn的團隊加入我們進一步證明了我們在所有客戶生活階段提供全面、全方位關懷的承諾。」
"This is an exciting evolution for Robyn, Trinity, and the Merit team," said Erich Holland, Executive Managing Director of Client Experience for SEI's Advisor business. "We've been proud to support Robyn and Trinity for nearly two decades, as the work they do has not only benefitted Trinity and the clients they serve, but our entire advisor community. We look forward to this next chapter together."
"這是對Robyn、Trinity及Merit團隊的激動人心的進化," SEI顧問業務客戶體驗的執行董事Erich Holland表示。"我們爲能支持Robyn和Trinity近二十年而感到自豪,因爲他們的工作不僅使Trinity和他們服務的客戶受益,也使我們整個顧問社區受益。我們期待着共同開啓這個新篇章。"
The merger was finalized on December 6, 2024. Financial and legal terms of the deal were not disclosed.
About Merit Financial Advisors
Merit Financial Group, LLC, doing business as Merit Financial Advisors ("Merit"), is a national wealth management firm that supports both the independent broker-dealer and RIA models. Merit exists to enrich the lives of those they serve, and its mission is to revolutionize the client experience by building the RIA of the future. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Merit has over 40 offices throughout the U.S. and managed $11.84 billion in assets as of June 30, 2024 ($8.8 billion in advisory, $2.8 billion in brokerage assets, and $253 million in assets under advisement). For more information, please visit .
Investment advice offered through Merit Financial Group, LLC, an SEC registered investment adviser.
About Wealth Partners Capital Group
Wealth Partners Capital Group (WPCG) is a financial services holding company, which invests in and partners with select leading wealth management firms. WPCG assists its partner firms by identifying and integrating like-minded wealth advisers who seek access to expanded business capabilities, strategic growth and/or customized transition solutions. For more information, please visit .
財富合作伙伴資本集團(WPCG)是一家金融服務控股公司,投資並與一些領先的财富管理公司合作。WPCG通過識別和整合志同道合的財富顧問來幫助合作公司,他們尋求獲取擴展的業務能力、戰略增長和/或定製的過渡解決方案。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。 .
About HGGC
HGGC is a values-driven, partnership-focused private investment firm. The firm's ecosystem of investors, operators, and professionals are united by the shared mission to develop leading enterprises and build long-term value together. HGGC invests in technology, business services, financial services and consumer enterprises generally valued between $200M – $1.5B+. The firm is based in Palo Alto, CA and manages over $6.9 billion in cumulative capital commitments.
Since its inception in 2007, HGGC has completed more than 600 platform investments, add-on acquisitions, recapitalizations, and liquidity events with an aggregate transaction value of over $71 billion. HGGC makes investments in RIAs via its Aspire Holdings platform, which is targeting $300 million of total investment in the space. More information, including a complete list of current and former investments, please visit .
自2007年成立以來,HGGC已完成超過600項平台投資、附加收購、資本重組和流動性事件,交易總價值超過710億。HGGC通過其Aspire Holdings平台進行對RIA的投資,目標是在該領域進行30000萬的總投資。更多信息,包括當前和以前投資的完整列表,請訪問 .
Investment advice offered through Merit Financial Group, LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser.
投資建議由Merit Financial Group, LLC提供,該公司是SEC註冊的投資顧問。
SOURCE Merit Financial Advisors
來源:Merit Financial Advisors