
Earn $6,000 Tax-Free Annually With This TFSA Strategy

Earn $6,000 Tax-Free Annually With This TFSA Strategy

The Motley Fool ·  2024/12/10 10:45

Canadians, particularly Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) users, look forward to January 1, 2025. While the annual limit is $7,000 or unchanged from 2024, expanded contribution room is always welcome news. Regular TFSA investors know that the key to earning the desired tax-free income is to maximize yearly contributions as much as possible.


The strategy should work best if the investments are in high-yield dividend stocks like PHX Energy Services (TSX:PHX) and Timbercreek Financial (TSX:TF). Assuming your available contribution room at the start of the year is $70,000, you can earn $6,000 in passive income annually with a $35,000 investment in each stock.


Company Recent Price No. of Shares Div per Share Total Payout Frequency
PHX Energy $9.56 3,661 $0.77 $2,818.20 Quarterly
Timbercreek $7.46 4,691 $0.68 $3,189.20 Monthly
公司 最近價格 股份數 每股股息 總支付 頻率
PHX能源 $9.56 3,661 $0.77 $2,818.20 季度
Timbercreek $7.46 4,691 $0.68 $3,189.20 每月

The table above approximates the potential dividend income on a combined investment of $70,000 in a TFSA. The dividend per share and total payout are annual. PHX Energy pays an 8.1% dividend, while Timbercreek Financial yields 9.1%. Note that both stocks trade at less than $10 per share.


Also, the example shows that earning the same amount is possible over time, most likely in 10 years, if the contribution limit and dividend yields remain constant. TFSA balances grow faster through dividend reinvesting, whether 4 (quarterly) or 12 (monthly) times a year.


Market-beating returns


Given its relatively low price and high yield, PHX Energy is a viable choice for income-focused investors. Moreover, the energy stock is up 26% year-to-date versus the sector's 13.1%-plus and the TSX's 22.3%-plus. The $435.8 million company provides horizontal and directional drilling services to oil and natural gas exploration and development companies in Canada, the U.S., and international markets.


In the first three quarters of 2024, earnings declined 38% year-over-year to $40.5 million, while cash flow from operating activities increased 32% to $79.2 million from a year ago. Management attributes the dip to weak natural gas prices. Nonetheless, PHX Energy expects to decrease operating risk, maximize operational efficiencies, and increase the bottom line in the coming quarters.

在2024年前三個季度,收益同比下降38%,降至4050萬,而來自經營活動的現金流則同比增長32%,達7920萬。管理層將下降歸因於天然氣價格疲軟。儘管如此,PHX Energy預計將在未來幾個季度減少運營風險,最大化運營效率,並提升淨利潤。

Bright outlook


Timbercreek Financial is among the few Canadian stocks paying monthly dividends. The best part this year is the steady performance. Current investors enjoy a 22.4% year-to-date gain despite a challenging environment and volatile real estate markets.

Timbercreek Financial是少數幾家每月支付分紅的加拿大股票之一。今年最好的部分是其穩定的表現。儘管環境艱難且房地產市場波動,當前投資者仍享受到22.4%的年初至今的收益。

The $619.3 million non-bank lender provides shorter-duration (not more than five years) structured financing solutions to commercial real estate clients. In Q3 2024, net income declined 14.5% to $14.1 million versus Q3 2024. According to its CEO, Blair Tamblyn, Timbercreek generated stable cash flows, notwithstanding reduced transaction volume.

這家61930萬的非銀行貸款機構爲商業房地產客戶提供較短期限(不超過五年)的結構融資解決方案。在2024年第三季度,淨利潤同比下降14.5%,降至1410萬。根據其CEO Blair Tamblyn的說法,儘管交易量減少,Timbercreek仍然產生了穩定的現金流。

"The monthly dividend provides shareholders with an increasing spread versus instruments such as high-interest savings accounts and GICs in a decreasing rate environment," added Tamblyn. He expects the commercial real estate environment to stabilize and market conditions to strengthen with additional rate cuts.


Grow your contribution room


TFSA investors can withdraw funds in December to free up contribution room and grow their contribution limits by the same amount the following year. This withdrawal strategy could be an option for users with short-term financial goals.


