
Vital Farms and Black Seed Bagels Put a Festive Spin on the Bacon, Egg & Cheese: Indulge in the 'Pebble Egg & Cheese' Cocktail at Pebble Bar This Holiday Season

Vital Farms and Black Seed Bagels Put a Festive Spin on the Bacon, Egg & Cheese: Indulge in the 'Pebble Egg & Cheese' Cocktail at Pebble Bar This Holiday Season

Vital farms和黑籽百吉餅爲培根、雞蛋和奶酪帶來了節日的氣息:在這個假期季節,盡情享受Pebble Bar的「卵石雞蛋和奶酪」雞尾酒。
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/09 21:00

Experience New York's beloved breakfast like never before with an imaginative cocktail that shakes up consciously-crafted ingredients like Vital Farms egg white and Black Seed Bagels Eau-de-vie

體驗紐約人最愛的早餐,感受從未有過的飲品,這款充滿創意的雞尾酒攪拌了精心製作的成分,如vital farms蛋白和黑種子百吉餅的果酒。

AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vital Farms (Nasdaq: VITL) and Black Seed Bagels are pairing up with Pebble Bar, the legendary cocktail lounge nestled against Rockefeller Center, to serve the limited-time 'Pebble Egg & Cheese' cocktail this holiday season. The imaginative cocktail is inspired by Black Seed Bagels' 'BEC' made with Vital Farms eggs. Vital Farms egg white, Black Seed Bagels eau-de-vie, bacon-infused bourbon, and more are dry shaken together to create a festive libation available at Pebble Bar starting December 9th and lasting until the ball drops on 2024.

德克薩斯州奧斯丁,2024年12月9日(環球新聞)——vital farms(納斯達克:VITL)與黑種子百吉餅聯手,在洛克菲勒中心旁邊的傳奇雞尾酒酒吧Pebble Bar推出限時「Pebble蛋和奶酪」雞尾酒,慶祝這個假期。靈感來源於黑種子百吉餅的「BEC」,由vital farms的雞蛋製成。這款充滿創意的雞尾酒混合了vital farms蛋白、黑種子百吉餅果酒、培根風味的波本威士忌等配料,創造出一種節日飲品,從12月9日開始在Pebble Bar提供,一直到2024年跨年夜。

The cocktail, developed by Tim Sweeney, partner and head bartender at Pebble Bar, starts with Black Seed Bagels eau-de-vie, a first-of-its-kind spirit distilled from Black Seed's surplus bagels and produced by Matchbook Distilling Co. Sweeney builds on the classic bacon, egg and cheese flavors, adorning the top of a coupe with an image of a sunny-side-up egg stenciled with everything bagel seasoning, cheddar cheese powder, and a black pepper mix. The result is a curiously delicious, rich sip that tastes strikingly familiar to everyone's favorite breakfast sandwich.

這款雞尾酒由Pebble Bar的合夥人和首席調酒師tim sweeney開發,起初使用黑種子百吉餅果酒,這是一種從黑種子剩餘百吉餅蒸餾而成的首創烈酒,由Matchbook Distilling Co.生產。sweeney基於經典的培根、雞蛋和奶酪口味,在杯口裝飾了一幅陽光面朝上的雞蛋圖案,圖案採用了一切百吉餅調味品、切達奶酪粉和黑胡椒混合物進行雕刻。結果是一口奇妙美味、豐盈的飲品,口感令人熟悉,每個人都能聯想到自己最愛的早餐三明治。

The cocktail is best paired with Pebble Bar's seasonal 'Deviled Eggs' made with Vital Farms extra-large eggs, topped with crispy chili oil, chicken brittle, radish, and chive. These Vital Farms pasture-raised eggs, along with the egg whites in the 'Pebble Egg & Cheese,' are produced by feathered hens who are treated with care and respect, with access to roam outside on fresh pastures.

這款雞尾酒最好與Pebble Bar的季節性「魔鬼蛋」搭配,使用vital farms特大號雞蛋製成,頂部加上香脆的辣椒油、雞肉脆片、蘿蔔和細香蔥。這些vital farms放養雞蛋以及「Pebble蛋和奶酪」中的蛋白,都是由受到照顧和尊重的羽毛母雞生產的,這些母雞可以在新鮮的牧場上自由活動。

"Black Seed Bagels has been a longtime friend of Vital Farms, and we always like to find a reason to celebrate together. This year, we wanted to toast their ten-year anniversary with something bold around the holidays," said Erin Krenek, Vital Farms Senior Communications Manager. "A cocktail twist on the iconic bacon, egg and cheese felt unexpected, and there's no better place to enjoy a cocktail than Pebble Bar at Rockefeller Center."

「黑種子百吉餅一直是vital farms的長期朋友,我們總是希望找到一起慶祝的理由。今年,我們想要用一種大膽的方式慶祝他們十週年紀念,尤其是在假期,」vital farms高級通信經理Erin Krenek表示。「將標誌性的培根、雞蛋和奶酪進行雞尾酒式的改造讓人感到出乎意料,而Pebble Bar正是享用雞尾酒的最佳場所。」

"Black Seed and Pebble Bar are proud to collaborate with Vital Farms, not only because they are committed to raising the standards on everything they do, but because we share sustainability values," said Matt Kliegman, Black Seed Bagels and Pebble Bar Partner. "Black Seed is committed to reducing food waste and the upcycled bagel eau-de-vie is one of our most creative ways to redirect food waste yet. When Vital Farms challenged us to create a bacon, egg, and cheese-themed cocktail with it, we knew Sweeney could create magic in a glass."

「Black Seed和Pebble Bar很高興能與vital farms合作,不僅因爲他們致力於提升他們所做一切的標準,還因爲我們共享可持續發展的價值觀,」Black Seed Bagels和Pebble Bar的合夥人Matt Kliegman說。「Black Seed致力於減少食物浪費,而回收的貝果白蘭地是我們重新利用食物浪費的最具創意的方法之一。當vital farms挑戰我們用它創造一個培根、雞蛋和奶酪主題的雞尾酒時,我們知道Sweeney能夠在玻璃中創造奇蹟。」

To taste the 'Pebble Egg & Cheese', visit Pebble Bar at Rockefeller Center (67 W 49th St, New York, NY 10112) between Monday, December 9 – Tuesday, December 31. Make a reservation here, or walk-ins are available on a nightly basis. And if you're not in New York this holiday season, check out Vital Farms' "Cocktail Week" content series for even more seasonal sip inspiration like Los Angeles-based HomeState's 'Boozy Eggnog' made with Vital Farms True Blues Heirloom Eggs and more.

要品嚐「Pebble Egg & Cheese」,請於12月9日(週一)至12月31日(週二)訪問位於洛克菲勒中心的Pebble Bar(67 W 49th St, New York, NY 10112)。可以在這裏預約,或者歡迎隨時前來。如果您在這個假期季節不在紐約,可以查看vital farms的「雞尾酒周」內容系列,獲得更多季節性飲品靈感,比如洛杉磯的HomeState製作的『酒味蛋奶酒』,使用的是vital farms的True Blues傳家寶雞蛋等。

Vital Farms (Nasdaq: VITL), a Certified B Corporation, offers a range of ethically produced foods nationwide. Started on a single farm in Austin, Texas, in 2007, Vital Farms is now a national consumer brand that works with over 375 family farms and is the leading U.S. brand of pasture-raised eggs by retail dollar sales. Vital Farms' ethics are exemplified by its focus on the humane treatment of farm animals and sustainable farming practices. In addition, as a Delaware public benefit corporation, Vital Farms prioritizes the long-term benefits of each of its stakeholders, including farmers and suppliers, customers and consumers, communities and the environment, and crew members and stockholders. Vital Farms' products, including shell eggs, butter, hard-boiled eggs, and liquid whole eggs, are sold in approximately 24,000 stores nationwide. Vital Farms pasture-raised eggs can also be found on menus at hundreds of foodservice operators across the country. For more information, visit .

關於vital farms:
vital farms(納斯達克:VITL),一家獲得b型認證的公司,提供全國範圍內生產的一系列道德食品。自2007年在得克薩斯州奧斯汀的一家農場創立以來,vital farms現已成爲一家國家消費品牌,與超過375家家庭農場合作,是美國主要的戶外放養雞蛋品牌,零售業務銷售額領先。vital farms的道德標準體現在其專注於農場動物的人道待遇和可持續的養殖實踐。此外,作爲特拉華州的一家公益公司,vital farms優先考慮每個利益相關者的長期利益,包括農民和供應商、客戶和消費者、社區和環境、機組人員和股東。vital farms的產品,包括雞蛋殼、黃油、硬煮雞蛋和液體全蛋,在全國大約24,000家商店銷售。vital farms的戶外放養雞蛋也可在全國數百家餐飲運營商的菜單上找到。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 .

Steeped in old-world tradition, Black Seed Bagels is an artisan bagel shop led by James Beard-nominated executive chef and head baker Dianna Daoheung. Dianna developed Black Seed's signature bagel recipe, a New York-style bagel made with some baking techniques borrowed from Montreal. Since opening its first location in 2014, Black Seed has pushed the boundaries of how NYC bagels are made, and prides itself on using only the highest quality ingredients.

黑種子貝果是一家傳承古老傳統的手工貝果店,由詹姆斯·比爾德提名的主廚兼首席面包師Dianna Daoheung領導。Dianna開發了黑種子的招牌貝果配方,這是一種借鑑了蒙特利爾一些烘焙技巧的紐約風格貝果。自2014年開設第一家門店以來,黑種子不斷推動紐約貝果製作的界限,並以只使用最高質量的原料爲榮。

Located in a legendary townhouse nestled against Rockefeller Center is Pebble Bar (67 W 49th St), a cocktail lounge that honors New York's long tradition of unapologetic resilience. Pebble Bar is owned and operated by Authentic Hospitality, the nightlife innovators behind 'instant hits' including Jac's on Bond, Bar Calico, Georgia Room and Ray's. Pebble Bar launched in early 2022 by a group of industry veterans and longtime New Yorkers who promised to protect the location's stories and legends, while making some of their own. Pebble Bar invites guests to 'the building Rockefeller couldn't buy' to enjoy balanced cocktails, seamless service and uptown bites within a four-story slice of New York history.

關於Pebble Bar:
Pebble Bar(67 W 49th St)位於洛克菲勒中心旁的一座傳奇聯排別墅中,是一家致敬紐約悠久的堅韌不拔傳統的雞尾酒酒吧。Pebble Bar由Authentic Hospitality擁有和運營,這是一家在夜生活創新方面的先鋒,創造了包括Jac's on Bond、Bar Calico、Georgia Room和Ray's等「熱門打卡」的場所。Pebble Bar於2022年初由一群行業老手和長期居住在紐約的人們創立,他們承諾保護這個地點的故事和傳說,同時創造一些屬於自己的故事。Pebble Bar邀請客人來到「洛克菲勒買不到的建築」,在紐約歷史的四層切片中享受均衡的雞尾酒、無縫的服務和城市美食。



Rob Discher

Rob Discher

Anthony Bucalo

Anthony Bucalo

