
Phase 2 Data From the Ongoing HIBISCUS Study Shows Promise That Investigational Etavopivat Could Reduce the Incidence of Vaso-occlusive Crises in People With Sickle Cell Disease

Phase 2 Data From the Ongoing HIBISCUS Study Shows Promise That Investigational Etavopivat Could Reduce the Incidence of Vaso-occlusive Crises in People With Sickle Cell Disease

PR Newswire ·  2024/12/08 00:30
  • Data indicated a trend toward reduced incidence of vaso-occlusive crises over 52 weeks and increased hemoglobin response at 24 weeks compared with placebo

  • Results to be confirmed in the phase 3 component of the HIBISCUS trial

  • 數據顯示,在52周內,與安慰劑相比,發作性血管阻塞危機的發生趨勢降低,並且在24周時紅血紅蛋白反應增加

  • 結果將在HIBISCUS試驗的第3階段組件中得到確認

PLAINSBORO, N.J., Dec. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Novo Nordisk today announced 52-week results from the phase 2 part of the ongoing phase 2/3 HIBISCUS study program of investigational etavopivat in people with sickle cell disease. These results were presented at the 66th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) in San Diego, California.


Results from this part of the study have been used to determine the dose for the ongoing phase 3 HIBISCUS study program. Based on the totality of data, proof of concept of etavopivat was established in sickle cell disease, indicating a trend towards reduced incidence of vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs — severe pain caused when blood vessels are blocked and deprive tissues of oxygen) over 52 weeks and increased hemoglobin response at week 24 compared with placebo.1,2 The results will attempt to be confirmed in the phase 3 component of the HIBISCUS trial.


"Due to decades of underfunding and the lack of a long-term, ongoing clinical registry, there have been few treatments approved for people living with sickle cell disease. As a result, affected individuals often face a lifetime of debilitating pain and reduced quality of life," said Dr. Julie Kanter, co-director of the Lifespan Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center and professor in the Division of Hematology and Oncology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "Acute pain crises are a recognized hallmark of sickle cell disease, resulting in significant pain that can lead to organ damage as well as emergency department visits and hospitalizations. We need more treatment options for people with sickle cell disease to help address the unmet need in this community. Etavopivat is a promising investigational treatment for patients with sickle cell disease and I look forward to seeing how this may impact the treatment landscape."

由於幾十年來未能得到充分資助和缺乏長期進行中的臨床登記,鐮狀細胞病患者獲批准的治療方案很少。因此,患病個體經常面臨終身的疼痛和降低生活質量。Julie Kanter博士說:"急性疼痛危機是鐮狀細胞病的一大特徵,導致嚴重的疼痛,可能導致器官損傷以及急診科訪問和住院。我們需要更多的針對鐮狀細胞病患者的治療選擇,以幫助解決該社區的未滿足需求。Etavopivat是一種有希望的對患有鐮狀細胞病的患者進行研究處理,我期待着看到這將如何影響治療格局。"

At week 52 in the intent-to-treat population (n=60), annualized VOC rates were 1.07 and 1.06 for the etavopivat 200 mg and 400 mg groups, respectively, and 1.97 for the placebo group.2 The median time to first VOC was 33.6 weeks for both etavopivat groups compared with 16.9 weeks for placebo.2 At week 24, hemoglobin response (>1 g/dL increase from baseline) was higher in the etavopivat groups with 38% and 25% responding in the 200 mg and 400 mg groups, respectively, compared with 10.5% in the placebo group.2 Patient-reported outcome measures using the PROMIS Fatigue Scale showed numerical improvements for participants receiving etavopivat compared with those receiving placebo.2

在意圖治療人群(n=60)的第52周,etavopivat 200毫克組和400毫克組的年化VOC發病率分別爲1.07和1.06,安慰劑組爲1.97。2 首次VOC發作的中位時間爲兩個etavopivat組均爲33.6周,而安慰劑組爲16.9周。2 在第24周,與安慰劑組的10.5%相比,使用etavopivat的患者血紅蛋白反應(與基線相比增加>1 g/dL)較高,分別爲200毫克組38%和400毫克組25%。2 使用PROMIS疲勞量表的患者自報結果顯示,與接受安慰劑的參與者相比,接受etavopivat的參與者有數值上的改善。2

In the per-protocol population (defined as 80% or higher protocol compliance and completion of the double-blind period with no major protocol deviations), annualized VOC rates were 0.66 (n=13) and 0.7 (n=12) for the etavopivat 200 mg and 400 mg groups, respectively, and 1.77 (n=15) for the placebo group.2 Hemoglobin response at week 24 was 46% (n=6/13) and 33% (n=4/12) in the 200 mg and 400 mg groups, and 13% (n=2/15) in the placebo group.2

在符合的受試人群(定義爲符合80%或更高方案遵從度並完成雙盲期間且無重大方案偏差的患者)中,etavopivat 200毫克組和400毫克組的年化VOC發病率分別爲0.66(n=13)和0.7(n=12),安慰劑組爲1.77(n=15)。2 第24周的血紅蛋白反應分別爲200毫克組46%(n=6/13)和400毫克組33%(n=4/12),安慰劑組爲13%(n=2/15)。2

Two SAEs were identified to be possibly/probably drug-related, hepatic enzyme increase in one patient in the etavopivat 200 mg group and hemoglobin decrease in one patient in the etavopivat 400 mg group.2 Two SAEs leading to permanent discontinuation were reported in the etavopivat 200 mg group, hepatic enzyme increase and a cerebrovascular accident.2

在etavopivat 200毫克組中,1名患者出現可能/可能與藥物相關的肝酶升高,400毫克組中1名患者出現血紅蛋白降低。2 兩種導致永久停藥的SAE在etavopivat 200毫克組中被報告,即肝酶升高和腦血管意外。2

"At Novo Nordisk, we have a 35+ year legacy and expertise in hematology and rare disease, and our ambition is to transform the standard of care for people with sickle cell disease by developing treatments that not only alleviate symptoms but also modify the course of the disease," said Martin Holst Lange, executive vice president and head of Development at Novo Nordisk.3 "Although additional studies are needed, emerging results from HIBISCUS may mark a significant step forward in achieving this ambition and potentially providing people living with sickle cell disease with an option that can help manage symptoms and disease progression."

「在諾和諾德,我們在血液學和罕見病領域已經有35年的傳統和專業知識,我們的雄心是通過開發不僅僅緩解症狀而且還能改變疾病進程的治療來改變鐮狀細胞病患者的護理標準,」諾和諾德開發主管執行副總裁Martin Holst Lange表示。3 「儘管需要更多的研究,但HIBISCUS的初步結果可能是朝着實現這一雄心邁出的重要一步,以及爲患有鐮狀細胞病的患者提供可以幫助管理症狀和疾病進展的選擇。」

About sickle cell disease
Sickle cell disease is a debilitating, life-threatening group of rare, inherited red blood cell disorders caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin gene.4 This mutation causes red blood cells to become stiff and half-moon or 'sickle' shaped.4 Sickle cells are less effective at carrying oxygen, do not last as long as healthy cells, and risk getting stuck in blood vessels, leading to blockages known as vaso-occlusion.1,5-8 Sickle cell disease is characterized by acute and chronic pain, anemia, and fatigue alongside VOCs, which can require hospitalization and can lead to complications, including organ damage.4,7,8 Globally, there are almost 8 million people living with sickle cell disease.9

鐮狀細胞病是一組罕見、遺傳性的致殘、危及生命的紅細胞疾病,由血紅蛋白基因突變引起。這種突變導致紅細胞變得僵硬,呈半月形或「鐮刀」形狀。鐮狀細胞攜氧效果較差,壽命不如健康細胞長,並有風險在血管中卡住,導致所謂的血管閉塞。鐮狀細胞病表現爲急性和慢性疼痛、貧血和疲勞,伴隨着 VOCs,可能需要住院治療,並會導致包括器官損傷在內的併發症。全球有近 800萬人患有鐮狀細胞病。

HIBISCUS (NCT04624659) is a multi-center, phase 2/3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study program investigating the safety profile and efficacy of etavopivat in sickle cell disease.10 The phase 2 dose-determination cohort enrolled 60 patients with sickle cell disease, randomized 1:1:1 to receive etavopivat 200 mg, 400 mg, or placebo over 52 weeks.10 The phase 3 efficacy part of HIBISCUS will randomize approximately 380 patients with sickle cell disease 1:1 to receive the selected dose of etavopivat (400 mg) or placebo.10 Participants in HIBISCUS can continue for an additional 52 weeks of treatment in an open-label extension phase and have the option to participate in a long-term roll-over study.10

HIBISCUS(NCT04624659)是一個多中心、2/3期、隨機、雙盲、安慰劑對照研究計劃,旨在調查 etavopivat 在鐮狀細胞病中的安全性和療效。2期劑量確定隊列納入了60名鐮狀細胞病患者,隨機分組接受 etavopivat 200 毫克、400 毫克或安慰劑治療 52 周。HIBISCUS 的 3期有效性部分將對約 380 名鐮狀細胞病患者進行隨機分組,1:1 接受選定劑量的 etavopivat(400 毫克)或安慰劑。HIBISCUS 的參與者可以繼續參加爲期 52 周的治療的開放標籤延長階段,並有選擇參與長期續約研究的選項。

The primary endpoints of HIBISCUS are annualized VOC rate at week 52 and hemoglobin response rate at week 24, measured as an increase of >1 g/dL from baseline.10 Key secondary endpoints are time-to-first VOC, change in hemolysis biomarkers (absolute reticulocyte count, indirect bilirubin, and lactate dehydrogenase), and a patient-reported outcome measure (PROMIS Fatigue Scale).10

HIBISCUS 的主要終點是 52 周時的 VOC 年化率和 24 周時的血紅蛋白反應率(從基線增加 >1 g/dL)。關鍵的次要終點包括首次 VOC 發生時間、溶血生物標誌物變化(絕對網織紅細胞計數、間接膽紅素和乳酸脫氫酶)以及患者報告的結局測量(PROMIS 疲勞量表)。

About etavopivat
Etavopivat is an investigational, oral, small-molecule activator of erythrocyte pyruvate kinase (PKR) in development for the treatment of sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies.11 Etavopivat-mediated activation of PKR lowers levels of 2,3- diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) and raises adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in red blood cells, which has the potential to increase oxygen affinity, reduce hemolysis, and decrease VOCs.11-13

關於 etavopivat
Etavopivat 是一種正在研發中的口服小分子紅細胞丙酮酸激酶(PKR)激活劑,用於治療鐮狀細胞病和其他血紅蛋白疾病。Etavopivat 介導的 PKR 激活能降低紅細胞中 2,3-二磷酸甘油酸(2,3-DPG)水平,提高三磷酸腺苷(ATP)水平,可能增加氧親和力,減少溶血,並降低 VOCs。

About Novo Nordisk
Novo Nordisk is a leading global healthcare company, founded in 1923 and headquartered in Denmark. Our purpose is to drive change to defeat serious chronic diseases, built upon our heritage in diabetes. We do so by pioneering scientific breakthroughs, expanding access to our medicines, and working to prevent and ultimately cure disease. Novo Nordisk employs about 72,000 people in 80 countries and markets its products in around 170 countries. For more information, visit, Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


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  3. Novo Nordisk. Data on File.

  4. American Society of Hematology. Sickle Cell Disease. Accessed December 2024. Available at .

  5. Safo MK, Kato GJ. Therapeutic strategies to alter the oxygen affinity of sickle hemoglobin. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2014;28(2):217–231.

  6. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. What Is Sickle Cell Disease? Accessed December 2024. Available at .

  7. Bailey M, Abioye A, Morgan G, et al. Relationship between Vaso-Occlusive Crises and Important Complications in Sickle Cell Disease Patients. Blood. 2019; 134 (Supplement_1):2167.

  8. National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). Sickle cell disease. Rare Diseases. Accessed December 2024. Available at .

  9. Thomson AM, et al. GBD 2021 Sickle Cell Disease Collaborators. Global, regional, and national prevalence and mortality burden of sickle cell disease, 2000-2021: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet Haematol. 2023;10(8):e585–e599.

  10. A Study of Etavopivat in Adults and Adolescents With Sickle Cell Disease (HIBISCUS). Accessed December 2024. Available at .

  11. Saraf SL, Hagar R, Idowu M, et al. Multicenter, phase 1 study of etavopivat (FT-4202) treatment for up to 12 weeks in patients with sickle cell disease. Blood Adv. 2024;8(16):4459–4475.

  12. Barros GDS, Leal CVF, Leite LAC, Fujimoto DE, Cançado RD. Real-world evidence of the burden of sickle cell disease: a 5-year longitudinal study at a Brazilian reference center. Hematol Transfus Cell Ther. 2024;46(2):161-166. doi:10.1016/j.htct.2023.10.001

  13. Schroeder, P et al. Etavopivat for the treatment of sickle cell disease. J Pharmacol Exp. 2022; 380(3):210-219.

  1. Jang t, Poplawska m, Cimpeanu E等。. 鐮狀細胞病的血管梗阻危機: 二級事件的惡性循環。J. 翻譯. 醫學. 2021;19(1):397。

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  11. Saraf SL,Hagar R,Idowu m等。在患有鐮狀細胞病患者中,etavopivat(Ft-4202)治療長達12周的多中心、1期研究。《血液進展》2024年; 8(16):4459-4475。

  12. Barros GDS,Leal CVF,Leite LAC,Fujimoto DE,Cançado RD。巴西一個參考中心進行的5年縱向研究展示了鐮狀細胞病負擔的實際證據。《血液病與輸血細胞治療》2024年; 46(2):161-166。doi:10.1016/j.htct.2023.10.001

  13. Schroeder,P等。Etavopivat用於治療鐮狀細胞病。《藥理學與實驗》2022年; 380(3):210-219。

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