
Dialog's Win Of RAJA Cluster PSC Supports Long-Term Growth Prospect

Dialog's Win Of RAJA Cluster PSC Supports Long-Term Growth Prospect

Business Today ·  2024/12/06 10:25

MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd (MIDF Research) has reiterated a BUY call on Dialog Group Bhd with a target price of RM2.72 following the group's signing of a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for the Raja Cluster Small Field Asset (RAJA SFA) with Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas). The research house viewed the 14-year contract as a strategic move to strengthen Dialog's upstream capabilities and expand its oil and gas (O&G) portfolio.

MIDF Amanah投資銀行有限公司(MIDF Research)重申了對Dialog Group Bhd的買入呼籲,目標價爲2.72令吉,此前該集團與國家石油有限公司(Petronas)簽署了拉賈集群小型油田資產(RAJA SFA)的產量共享合同(PSC)。該研究機構將這份爲期14年的合同視爲加強Dialog上游能力和擴大其石油和天然氣(O&G)投資組合的戰略舉措。

Dialog Resources Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dialog, has assumed full participating interest and operator status for RAJA SFA. The contract encompasses a two-year pre-development phase aimed at finalising the field development plan, followed by a two-year development phase with commercial production expected by its conclusion. The minimum work commitments under the PSC include technical feasibility studies, 3D seismic data reprocessing and specialised evaluations to determine the asset's commercial viability.

Dialog的全資子公司Dialog Resources Sdn Bhd已獲得RAJA SFA的全額參與權和運營商資格。該合同包括爲期兩年的開發前階段,旨在最終確定油田開發計劃,隨後是爲期兩年的開發階段,預計到期將實現商業化生產。PSC下的最低工作承諾包括技術可行性研究、三維地震數據再處理和確定資產商業可行性的專業評估。

The RAJA Cluster, located off the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, includes the Rhu, Ara and Janglau O&G fields. These fields are strategically situated near existing O&G infrastructure, such as refineries and storage units, which is expected to facilitate cost-efficient and timely development.

RAJA 集群位於馬來西亞半島東海岸附近,包括 Rhu、Ara 和 Janglau O&G 油田。這些油田地理位置優越,靠近現有的石油和天然氣基礎設施,例如煉油廠和儲存單元,這有望促進成本效益和及時的開發。

The research house noted that the cluster contains recoverable reserves estimated at 290 million barrels of oil equivalent, with the RAJA SFA potentially holding 1%-5% of this volume. However, the smaller fields present operational challenges due to complex fault systems and potential cost escalations for anti-leakage measures.

該研究機構指出,該集群的可開採儲量估計爲29000萬桶石油當量,而RAJA SFA可能持有該儲量的1%-5%。但是,由於複雜的故障系統以及防泄漏措施的潛在成本上漲,較小的油田構成了運營挑戰。

Despite the risks, MIDF Research highlighted that Dialog's expertise in technical services and its integrated approach could mitigate these challenges. The analysts viewed the PSC as aligning with Dialog's long-term strategy to develop its upstream segment, which includes new field development, rejuvenation and redevelopment of mature oil and gas fields. This diversification is anticipated to provide a sustainable revenue stream while strengthening Dialog's position as a comprehensive technical service provider in the oil and gas sector both locally and regionally.

儘管存在風險,但MIDF Research強調指出,Dialog在技術服務方面的專業知識及其綜合方法可以緩解這些挑戰。分析師認爲,PSC符合Dialog開發其上游細分市場的長期戰略,其中包括新油田開發、成熟油氣田的振興和重建。預計這種多元化將提供可持續的收入來源,同時鞏固Dialog在本地和區域石油和天然氣領域作爲綜合技術服務提供商的地位。

While the immediate financial impact of the PSC remains uncertain, as it depends on the finalisation of the development phase, the house maintained its optimism about the long-term prospects of this initiative. They pointed out that the robustness of upstream activities and Dialog's technical capabilities are key factors supporting this positive outlook.


