
L.A. Care Health Plan Appoints Martha Santana-Chin as Next CEO

L.A. Care Health Plan Appoints Martha Santana-Chin as Next CEO

L.A. Care Health Plan 任命瑪莎·聖安娜-欽爲下一任首席執行官
PR Newswire ·  2024/12/06 08:26

Board of Governors for Nation's Largest Publicly Operated Health Plan Confirms Successor


LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- L.A. Care Health Plan proudly announced today that its Board of Governors has unanimously voted to appoint Martha Santana-Chin as its next Chief Executive Officer. This historic appointment makes Santana-Chin the first female and Latina CEO to lead the organization. Santana-Chin previously held several leadership roles at various organizations, including an 11-year tenure at Health Net, a Centene company, where she most recently served as Plan Chief Product President in the California Market.

LOS ANGELES,2024年12月5日/PRNewswire/ -- L.A. Care Health Plan 自豪地宣佈,其董事會一致投票任命 Martha Santana-Chin 爲下任首席執行官。這一歷史性任命使 Santana-Chin 成爲該組織首位女性和拉丁裔首席執行官。Santana-Chin 曾在多家組織擔任多個領導職務,包括在 Centene 公司 Health Net 的 11 年任期,最近在加利福尼亞市場擔任計劃首席產品總裁。

L.A. Care Health Plan has unanimously voted to appoint Martha Santana-Chin as its next Chief Executive Officer.

L.A. Care Health Plan 一致投票任命 Martha Santana-Chin 爲下任首席執行官。

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Martha Santana-Chin, CEO, L.A. Care Health Plan
Martha Santana-Chin,首席執行官,L.A. Care Health Plan

As a Latina leader, the eldest of nine, and the daughter of immigrants whose family relied on Medi-Cal during her childhood, Santana-Chin takes pride in her first-hand understanding of the struggles faced by low-income communities. She has since become a first-generation college graduate and has dedicated her nearly 30-year career to working with the underserved communities of Los Angeles County and other parts of the state.

作爲拉丁裔領袖、九個兄弟姐妹中的長女,以及移民家庭的女兒,Santana-Chin 以自己在童年時期依賴 Medi-Cal 的經歷爲榮,深刻理解低收入社區面臨的困境。她自那時起成爲第一代大學畢業生,並將近 30 年的職業生涯致力於與洛杉磯縣和州內其他地區的未得到服務的社區合作。

Santana-Chin has consistently been at the forefront of healthcare innovation, playing pivotal leadership roles in every stage of California's managed care journey focused on serving low-income populations. She has been instrumental in transitioning these communities into managed care, as the program evolved its focus to care for individuals with complex healthcare needs and, more recently, to address whole-person care by integrating medical, behavioral, and social services. She remains steadfast in her commitment to advocating for equitable access to high quality care and empowering communities to thrive. She succeeds outgoing CEO John Baackes, who successfully guided L.A. Care for nearly a decade and whose impending departure was announced in April of this year.

Santana-Chin 一直處於醫療保健創新的前沿,在加州管理保健旅程的每個階段發揮關鍵領導作用,專注於服務低收入人群。她在將這些社區轉變爲管理保健方面發揮了重要作用,隨着該計劃將重點轉向關愛具有複雜醫療需求的個人,以及最近更多地解決整體人員護理問題,整合醫療、行爲和社會服務。她堅定致力於倡導平等獲得高質量護理,並賦予社區繁榮的力量。她接替了即將離職的首席執行官 John Baackes,後者成功地指導 L.A. Care 近十年,其即將離職的消息於今年四月宣佈。

"I'm deeply honored to be the next Chief Executive Officer of L.A. Care as a representative voice of the people we're serving," said Santana-Chin. "I have a profound sense of responsibility to LA's low-income families and look forward to collaborating with the remarkable team at L.A. Care, its board, and its community stakeholders to continue advancing equity in healthcare."


The Board of Governors considered many qualified candidates, but Santana-Chin emerged as the ideal leader to inspire L.A. Care's community and ensure that the organization continues to bring structure, collaboration, and fairness to LA's complex healthcare landscape. She brings extensive experience in managed care, provider relations, operations, delivery system strategy, network management, value-based care programs, and overall business unit accountability. Her exceptional partnership-building skills, ability to cultivate a high-performing, collaborative culture, and strong team-oriented approach, will be invaluable to the organization's success.

董事會考慮了許多合格的候選人,但桑坦納·欽 emerged 出色的領袖,能夠激勵洛杉磯保健社區,確保組織繼續爲洛杉磯複雜的醫療保健格局提供結構、協作和公平。她在託管護理、提供者關係、運營、交付系統策略、網絡管理、基於價值的護理計劃和整體業務單位責任方面擁有豐富經驗。她卓越的夥伴關係構建技能、培育高績效、協作文化的能力以及強大的團隊導向方法將對組織的成功至關重要。

"Martha's passion for expanding access to healthcare combined with her humility, empathy, and commitment to building strong and resilient coalitions made her the clear choice to be our next CEO," said Al Ballesteros, chair of L.A. Care's Board of Governors. "She understands our stakeholders and their unique needs – whether they be our members, providers, local, state and federal regulators, or community advocates."


"This historic appointment of a versatile and dynamic Latina community leader to helm the nation's largest publicly operated health plan bodes well for patients and providers across greater Los Angeles," added Hilda Solis, member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and L.A. Care's Board of Governors. "L.A. Care is a unifying force in our community, and I'm confident that under Martha's leadership, we will continue to get Angelenos the care they need, when they need it."

「任命一位多才多藝的動態拉丁裔社區領袖擔任全國最大的公共運營健康計劃總裁,這對整個洛杉磯更大範圍的患者和提供者都是好事。」洛杉磯縣監事會和洛杉磯保健董事會成員Hilda Solis補充說。「洛杉磯保健是我們社區的統一力量,我相信在瑪莎的領導下,我們將繼續爲安傑洛的人們提供所需的照料。」

Santana-Chin also serves as Board Chair for the United Way of Greater Los Angeles and Board Chair for the Integrated Healthcare Association. She graduated with a B.S. in finance from California State University-Long Beach and received an MBA from the University of California, IrvinePaul Merage School of Business. She will assume her role as CEO of L.A. Care on January 6, 2025.


About L.A. Care Health Plan
L.A. Care Health Plan is the largest health plan in Los Angeles County serving more than one of every four Angelenos. It is also the largest publicly operated plan in the country. L.A. Care offers four health coverage plans including Medi-Cal, L.A. Care Covered, L.A. Care Medicare Plus and the PASC-SEIU Homecare Workers Health Care Plan, all dedicated to being accountable and responsive to members. As a public entity, L.A. Care's mission is to provide access to quality health care for L.A. County's low-income communities, and to support the safety net required to achieve that purpose. L.A. Care prioritizes quality, access and inclusion, elevating health care for all of L.A. County. For more information, follow us on X, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

關於L.A. Care Health Plan
L.A. Care Health Plan是洛杉磯縣最大的醫療保健計劃,爲超過四分之一的洛杉磯人提供服務。它也是全國最大的公共經營計劃。L.A. Care提供四種健康保障計劃,包括Medi-Cal、L.A. Care Covered、L.A. Care Medicare Plus和PASC-SEIU家庭護理工作者醫療保健計劃,所有這些計劃致力於對會員負責並提供響應。作爲公共實體,L.A. Care的使命是爲洛杉磯縣低收入社區提供優質醫療保健,並支持實現這一目的所需的安全網。L.A. Care優先考慮質量、獲取和包容性,提升了洛杉磯縣所有人的醫療保健水平。欲了解更多信息,請在X、Facebook、LinkedIn和Instagram關注我們。

Additional Comments from L.A. Care Stakeholders:
"Martha Santana-Chin is an outstanding choice to guide L.A. Care into a promising future," said Dr. Ilan Shapiro, Chief Health Correspondent and Medical Affairs Officer at AltaMed Health Services and Vice-Chair of L.A. Care's Board of Governors. "Her deep understanding that quality healthcare begins with strong partnerships in the neighborhoods that we serve, coupled with her empowerment of aspiring medical professionals from underrepresented communities, makes her a visionary leader for this next chapter."

「Martha Santana-Chin被選爲引領L.A. Care走向充滿希望的未來,是個傑出的選擇,」 阿爾塔醫療服務(AutaMed Health Services)首席健康記者兼醫療事務官、L.A. Care董事會副主席伊蘭·夏皮羅(Ilan Shapiro)博士表示。「她對優質醫療保健始於我們服務的社區中建立強有力夥伴關係有深刻理解,以及她鼓勵來自少數群體的醫療專業人士讓她成爲這一新篇章的有遠見領導者。」

"Martha Santana-Chin understands the healthcare challenges faced by the hardworking families of Los Angeles and will fight to make sure that quality, affordable care is available for all," said Fatima Vasquez, a consumer member of L.A. Care's Board of Governors. "L.A. Care has a real opportunity to lead the national conversation around preventative care and to advocate for an inclusive, efficient and community-centered approach to healthcare."

「Martha Santana-Chin理解洛杉磯勤勞家庭面臨的醫療保健挑戰,並將努力確保爲所有人提供優質、負擔得起的醫療護理服務,」 L.A. Care董事會消費成員法蒂瑪·瓦斯克斯(Fatima Vasquez)表示。「L.A. Care有一個真正的機會引領圍繞預防性護理的全國討論,並倡導一種包容、高效和以社區爲中心的醫療保健方式。」

"Martha Santana-Chin entiende y comprende los desafíos de atención médica que enfrentan las familias trabajadoras de Los Ángeles y trabajará para garantizar que todos tengan acceso a una atención de calidad y asequible," dijo Fatima Vásquez, miembro del Consejo de Gobernadores de L.A. Care en representación de los consumidores. "L.A. Care tiene una verdadera oportunidad de liderar la conversación nacional sobre la atención preventiva y de abogar por un enfoque de atención médica inclusiva, eficiente y centrada en la comunidad."

「Martha Santana-Chin理解洛杉磯勤勞家庭面臨的醫療保健挑戰,並將努力確保所有人都能獲得質量可負擔的護理,」 洛杉磯護理董事會消費成員法蒂瑪·瓦斯克斯(Fatima Vasquez)說。「L.A. Care真正有機會引領全國就預防性護理展開討論,並倡導一種包容、高效和以社區爲中心的醫療保健方式。」

SOURCE L.A. Care Health Plan

來源:L.A. Care Health Plan




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