
Meta-analysis Published in Annals of Surgery Shows Benefits of Da Vinci Surgery Across Seven Oncologic Procedures Compared to Laparoscopic and Open

Meta-analysis Published in Annals of Surgery Shows Benefits of Da Vinci Surgery Across Seven Oncologic Procedures Compared to Laparoscopic and Open

直覺外科公司 ·  2024/12/05 13:00
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Analysis included 230 studies—a mix of randomized, prospective, and database research



加州聖尼古拉斯,2024年12月05日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--(納斯達克:愛文思控股)

The peer-reviewed Annals of Surgery published a meta-analysis of 30-day surgical outcomes across seven oncological surgical procedures, comparing robotic, laparoscopic, and open surgical approaches. The study covered a 12-year timeframe and analyzed 230 studies from 22 countries: 34 randomized controlled trials, 74 prospective studies, and 122 database reviews. Each surgical approach represented more than a million procedures.


The meta-analysis, conducted by scientists from Intuitive and Massachusetts General Hospital, demonstrated multiple benefits for robotic surgery using Intuitive's da Vinci system as compared to laparoscopy and open surgery.


"Robotic surgery with da Vinci showed fewer conversions, less blood loss, fewer blood transfusions, fewer readmissions and reoperations, and a shorter length of stay after 30 days," said Intuitive Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer Myriam Curet, MD.

「達芬奇機器人手術顯示,相對具有更少的轉換、更少的失血、更少的輸血、更少的再入院和再手術,以及30天后較短的住院時間,」 直覺公司執行副總裁兼首席醫療官Myriam Curet博士表示。

"The editors at the Annals of Surgery thoroughly scrutinized and peer-reviewed this study prior to acceptance," said Curet. "The quality of scientific data we are seeing after decades of robotic surgery underscores the value that the da Vinci robotic approach continues to have for improved surgical care."

「《外科年鑑》的編輯在接受本研究之前進行了徹底審查和同行評審,」 Curet表示。「在經歷幾十年的機器人手術後,我們看到的科學數據質量強調了達芬奇機器人手術方法繼續爲改善外科護理帶來的價值。」

Notable study results included:


  • Da Vinci robotic cases were 56 percent less likely to convert to open surgery versus laparoscopy.
  • Da Vinci robotic cases saw less blood loss versus open, comparable blood loss with laparoscopy.
  • Da Vinci robotic cases were 21 percent less likely to require blood transfusions versus laparoscopy and 75 percent versus open.
  • Da Vinci cases were 10 percent less likely to experience 30-day postop complications versus laparoscopy; 44 percent versus open.
  • Da Vinci cases saw a half-day savings in hospital stay compared to laparoscopy and 1.9 days compared to open.
  • Operative time for da Vinci cases was 17.7 minutes longer than laparoscopy and 40.9 minutes longer than open.
  • 相對於腹腔鏡手術,達芬奇機器人病例轉換爲開放手術的可能性降低了56%。
  • 與開放手術相比,達芬奇機器人病例失血較少,與腹腔鏡手術失血相當。
  • 達芬奇機器人開多病例需要輸血的可能性比腹腔鏡手術低21%,比開放手術低75%。
  • 達芬奇病例發生術後30天併發症的可能性比腹腔鏡手術低10%,比開放手術低44%。
  • 達芬奇病例住院時間比腹腔鏡手術縮短半天,比開放手術縮短1.9天。
  • 達芬奇病例的手術時間比腹腔鏡手術長17.7分鐘,比開放手術長40.9分鐘。

"The data presented in our study describes the value of robotics in both the controlled clinical setting of randomized controlled trials and in the 'real-clinical-world' of population-based studies," said Rocco Ricciardi, MD, MPH, lead study author and chief of colon and rectal surgery at the Massachusetts General Hospital.

「我們研究中呈現的數據描述了機器人在隨機對照試驗的受控臨床環境和基於人群的研究中的價值,」馬薩諸塞州總醫院結腸和直腸外科主任、本研究的首席作者MD,MPH,Rocco Ricciardi表示。

"Ultimately, demonstrating population-based gains with robotics allows us to determine value of robotic procedures for the average person who might need surgery."


Traditional minimally invasive surgery offers many benefits but presents several technical limitations—notably lower quality vision and depth perception, camera instability, limited range of motion and dexterity due to the straight and rigid hand-held instruments, and it can take a severe physical toll on the surgeon.


Intuitive technology introduced in the da Vinci surgical system has helped surgeons overcome many of those technological limitations via advanced 3DHD vision, wristed instrumentation, and greater precision, especially in deep, limited, or narrow areas of the body such as the chest, abdomen, and pelvis.


There have been numerous studies comparing perioperative outcomes between robotic, laparoscopic, and open surgery but they have focused on individual procedures, which result in procedure-specific evaluations.


Intuitive's study in the Annals of Surgery looked at randomized controlled trials, prospective cohort, and database studies published within the last 12 years, and it shows multiple benefits for robotic surgery using the da Vinci system compared to laparoscopic and open surgery, which may be useful to decision makers who are considering the use of robotics in a multi-specialty setting.


The study scope focused on 30-day outcomes specific to oncology procedures that often require deep and narrow surgical access. It did not review oncologic outcomes.


About Intuitive
Intuitive (NASDAQ:ISRG), headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, is a global leader in minimally invasive care and the pioneer of robotic surgery. Our technologies include the da Vinci surgical system and the Ion endoluminal system. By uniting advanced systems, progressive learning, and value-enhancing services, we help physicians and their teams optimize care delivery to support the best outcomes possible. At Intuitive, we envision a future of care that is less invasive and profoundly better, where disease is identified early and treated quickly, so that patients can get back to what matters most.


About da Vinci Surgical Systems
There are several models of the da Vinci Surgical System. The da Vinci surgical systems are designed to help surgeons perform minimally invasive surgery and offer surgeons high-definition 3D vision, a magnified view, and robotic and computer assistance. They use specialized instrumentation, including a miniaturized surgical camera and wristed instruments (i.e., scissors, scalpels, and forceps) that are designed to help with precise dissection and reconstruction deep inside the body.


For more information, please visit the company's website at .


Important Safety Information
Serious complications may occur in any surgery, including da Vinci surgery, up to and including death. Serious risks include, but are not limited to, injury to tissues and organs and conversion to other surgical techniques which could result in a longer operative time and/or increased complications. For summary of the risks associated with surgery refer to .


For product intended use and/or indications for use, risks, cautions, and warnings and full prescribing information, refer to the associated user manual(s) or visit .

有關產品預期用途和/或使用指示、風險、注意事項、警告和完整處方信息,請參閱相關用戶手冊或訪問 。

Individual outcomes may depend on a number of factors—including but not limited to—patient characteristics, disease characteristics, and/or surgeon experience.


Contact Information
Peper Long, Intuitive

Peper Long, Intuitive


Source: Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

來源:Intuitive Surgical,Inc.

