BlackLine Recognized as a Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Accounts Receivable Automation Applications for the Enterprise
BlackLine Recognized as a Leader in 2024 IDC MarketScape for Worldwide Accounts Receivable Automation Applications for the Enterprise
BlackLine's comprehensive platform and customer-centric innovation recognized by leading global analyst firm
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BlackLine (NASDAQ: BL), the future-ready platform for the Office of the CFO, today announced its designation as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Accounts Receivable Automation Applications for the Enterprise 2024 Vendor Assessment (doc #US51740924, December 2024).
洛杉磯,2024年12月5日(全球新聞稿)-- blackline(納斯達克:BL),爲首席財務官辦公室打造的未來-ready平台,今天宣佈其在IDC MarketScape:2024年企業應收賬款自動化應用供應商評估中的領導者地位(文檔編號#US51740924,2024年12月)。
The IDC MarketScape report highlights the growing importance of automating Accounts Receivable (AR) as a critical component of end-to-end invoice-to-cash operations, improving accuracy and driving business value. BlackLine was positioned as a Leader based on IDC's evaluation of vendor capabilities, strategic vision, buyer perceptions, and end-user feedback.
IDC MarketScape報告強調了自動化應收賬款(AR)作爲端到端發票到現金運營的關鍵組成部分的重要性,提升準確性並推動業務價值。根據IDC對供應商能力、戰略願景、買家看法和最終用戶反饋的評估,blackline被評爲領導者。
According to the report, "BlackLine offers a connected, modular, end-to-end invoice-to-cash solution that speeds up processes, eliminates double work, and removes silos between teams by providing immediate access to useful information and data."
The IDC MarketScape further underscores the power of BlackLine's unified and scalable platform: "The company's SaaS account receivable solution is delivered on a unified platform. This means that its invoice-to-cash modules are integrated seamlessly. Real-time data sharing eliminates silos and fosters collaboration and efficiency. By leveraging all available information, BlackLine empowers users to gain deep insights, optimize processes, and clinch deals with unmatched effectiveness."
IDC MarketScape進一步強調了blackline統一且可擴展平台的優勢:「該公司的saas-雲計算應收賬款解決方案是在統一平台上提供的。這意味着其發票到現金模塊是無縫集成的。實時數據共享消除了孤島現象,促進了協作和效率。通過利用所有可用的信息,blackline使用戶能夠獲得深入見解,優化流程,以無與倫比的效率簽訂交易。」
"Automating AR processes not only accelerates cash flow but also reduces errors and enhances customer relationships, positioning enterprise organizations at the forefront of financial management innovation," says Kevin Permenter, senior research director of Financial Applications at IDC. "BlackLine's current capabilities and vision for future-ready financial operations reflect a deep understanding of the end-to-end challenges faced by the office of the CFO. The company demonstrates dedication to continued investment in innovation to meet the evolving needs of its customers. For these reasons, we consider it a Leader in this category."
「自動化應收賬款流程不僅加速了現金流,還減少了錯誤,增強了客戶關係,使企業組織站在財務管理創新的前沿,」IDC 財務應用高級研究董事 Kevin Permenter 說道。「blackline 目前的能力和未來-ready 財務運營的願景反映了對首席財務官辦公室在端到端挑戰方面的深刻理解。該公司展示了對持續投資創新的承諾,以滿足其客戶不斷變化的需求。基於這些原因,我們認爲它在該類別中是一個領導者。」
The report recommends that organizations "consider BlackLine when searching for a unified platform that supports the entire AR process end to end with simple configurability and easily self-serviced functionality."
報告建議組織「在尋找支持整個應收賬款流程的統一平台時考慮 blackline,提供簡單的可配置性和易於自助服務的功能。」
"We believe this achievement reflects the value our comprehensive platform brings," said Andy Lilley, Invoice to Cash Managing Director. "BlackLine empowers thousands of companies to achieve future-ready financial operations with unified and accurate data, optimized processes, and real-time insights powered by automation and AI."
「我們相信這一成就反映了我們全面平台帶來的價值,」發票到現金的董事總經理 Andy Lilley 說道。「blackline 使成千上萬的公司能夠通過統一和準確的數據、優化的流程以及由自動化和人工智能驅動的實時洞察實現未來-ready 財務運營。」
"We are honored to be recognized by the IDC MarketScape as a Leader in AR Automation Applications for the Enterprise," said Therese Tucker, BlackLine Co-CEO and Founder. "The fact that this recognition comes so quickly on the heels of our position as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Office of the CFO Record to Report 2024 Vendor Assessment* we believe underscores our continued investment in customer-centric innovation to solve the challenges facing the Office of the CFO."
「我們很榮幸被 IDC MarketScape 評選爲企業應收賬款自動化應用的領導者,」黑線聯合首席執行官兼創始人 Therese Tucker 說道。「這個認可來得如此迅速,緊隨我們在 IDC MarketScape:全球首席財務官記錄到報告 2024 供應商評估中的領導者地位,我們認爲這突顯了我們在以客戶爲中心的創新方面持續投資,以解決首席財務官辦公室面臨的挑戰。」
*doc #US52037924, September 2024
*文檔 #US52037924,2024年9月
About IDC MarketScape
關於IDC Marketscape
IDC MarketScape vendor assessment model is designed to provide an overview of the competitive fitness of technology and service suppliers in a given market. The research utilizes a rigorous scoring methodology based on both qualitative and quantitative criteria that results in a single graphical illustration of each supplier's position within a given market. IDC MarketScape provides a clear framework in which the product and service offerings, capabilities and strategies, and current and future market success factors of technology suppliers can be meaningfully compared. The framework also provides technology buyers with a 360-degree assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and prospective suppliers.
IDC MarketScape供應商評估模型旨在提供給定市場中技術和服務供應商的競爭能力概述。研究利用一種基於定性和定量標準的嚴密評分方法,得出每個供應商在給定市場中位置的單個圖形說明。IDC MarketScape爲技術採購者提供了一個清晰的框架,可以在其中有意義地比較技術供應商的產品和服務提供、能力和策略、以及當前和未來的市場成功因素。該框架還爲技術購買者提供了一種360度評估當前和潛在供應商的優缺點的方式。
About BlackLine
BlackLine (Nasdaq: BL), the future-ready platform for the Office of the CFO, drives digital finance transformation by empowering organizations with accurate, efficient, and intelligent financial operations.
BlackLine's comprehensive platform addresses mission-critical processes, including record-to-report and invoice-to-cash, enabling unified and accurate data, streamlined and optimized processes, and real-time insight through visibility, automation, and AI. BlackLine's proven, collaborative approach ensures continuous transformation, delivering immediate impact and sustained value. With a proven track record of innovation, industry-leading R&D investment, and world-class security practices, more than 4,400 customers across multiple industries partner with BlackLine to lead their organizations into the future.
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Samantha Darilek
VP, Communications
P. 877-777-7750
Samantha Darilek