12月5日報道,根據香港聯交所12月5日披露的文件,Innumberable Fortune Limited於12月2日以每股均價1.3港元場外增持$大方廣瑞德 (00755.HK)$2,975.87萬股普通股股份,價值約3,868.63萬港元。增持後,Innumberable Fortune Limited最新持股數目爲2,975.87萬股股份,好倉比例由0.00%升至16.66%。
補充資料:On 2 December 2024, Innumberable Fortune Limited as the subscriber (the "Subscriber") and Devgreat Group Limited (the "Company") entered into a subscription agreement, pursuant to which, the Subscriber has conditionally agreed to subscribe for, and the Company has conditionally agreed to allot and issue 29,758,703 new shares in the Company to the Subscriber. The Subscriber is owned as to 70% by Ms. Li Zhen, hence she is deemed to be interested in the shares which the Subscriber is interested in.什麼是權益披露?