
180 Life Sciences Corp. Announces the Appointment of Stephen Shoemaker to Board of Directors

180 Life Sciences Corp. Announces the Appointment of Stephen Shoemaker to Board of Directors

Accesswire ·  2024/12/04 21:00

PALO ALTO, CA / ACCESSWIRE / December 4, 2024 / 180 Life Sciences Corp. ("180" or the "Company") (NASDAQ:ATNF), a biotechnology company that is currently refocusing its business on the international entertainment and iGaming sector, today announced the appointment of Stephen Shoemaker to its Board of Directors, effective December 3, 2024.

2024年12月4日,加利福尼亞州帕洛阿爾託 / ACCESSWIRE / 180 Life Sciences Corp.(「180」或「公司」)(納斯達克股票代碼:ATNF)是一家生物技術公司,目前正在重新聚焦其業務於國際娛樂和電子競技行業,今天宣佈任命斯蒂芬·修梅克(Stephen Shoemaker)爲其董事會成員,任命自2024年12月3日起生效。

Mr. Shoemaker brings to 180 a wealth of experience as a seasoned senior executive and board member with a diverse background spanning finance, operations management, capital raising, and strategic planning. With over $2 billion in capital raised during his tenure in both CEO and CFO roles across four companies, Mr. Shoemaker has consistently demonstrated his ability to lead entrepreneurial ventures and scale high-growth, team-oriented organizations.


In addition to his strategic and financial experience, Mr. Shoemaker brings 180 deep expertise in the gaming and eSports sectors. At WIN Group, where he served as Chief Executive Officer, he redefined the company's strategic direction, leading to significant growth in user engagement and financial performance. His efforts included the launch of a licensed iGaming platform, achieving impressive metrics such as a tripling of total bet volume in the second full month of operations. As CEO of Engine Media Holdings, Inc., he successfully integrated multiple acquisitions, creating the first publicly-traded pure-play eSports company, listed on both the TSXV and Nasdaq Capital Market.

除了其戰略和財務經驗外,修梅克先生在遊戲和電子競技領域爲180帶來了深厚的專業知識。在他擔任首席執行官的WIN集團,他重新定義了公司的戰略方向,帶來了用戶參與度和財務表現的顯著增長。他的努力包括推出了一款獲得許可的電子競技平台,取得了令人矚目的成績,如在運營的第二個完整月期間將總投注量提高了兩倍。作爲Engine Media Holdings, Inc.的首席執行官,他成功整合了多起收購交易,創建了第一家在tsxv和納斯達克資本市場上市的純電子競技公司。

"We are delighted to welcome Stephen to our Board of Directors," said Blair Jordan, Interim CEO of 180, who continued, "His exceptional track record in growth-oriented organizations and his strategic insights will be invaluable as we continue to execute on our pivot into the entertainment and iGaming sectors. In particular, his hands-on experience in the gaming and eSports sectors, combined with his track record in completing acquisitions, will be a strong strategic addition for our growth plans."

"我們很高興歡迎斯蒂芬加入我們的董事會,"180的臨時首席執行官布萊爾·喬丹(Blair Jordan)表示,他繼續說道,"他在面向成長的組織中的卓越履歷和戰略洞察力將對我們繼續在娛樂和電子競技領域執行轉型計劃時非常寶貴。特別是在遊戲和電子競技領域的實戰經驗,再加上他完成收購交易的履歷,將成爲我們發展計劃中的強有力戰略補充。"

In conjunction with this appointment, the Company announces that Mr. Omar Jimenez, 180's Chief Financial Officer, is stepping down from the Board of Directors to focus exclusively on his role as Chief Financial Officer. "We extend our gratitude to Omar for his contributions as an independent director during a pivotal time for 180," added Mr. Jordan, Interim CEO, who continued, "We look forward to his ongoing leadership and expertise as CFO as we continue to execute on our strategic goals."

隨着這一任命,公司宣佈180的首席財務長奧馬爾·希門尼斯(Omar Jimenez)辭去董事會職務,專注於他的首席財務長職責。"我們感謝奧馬爾在180關鍵時刻擔任獨立董事所做出的貢獻,"180的臨時首席執行官布萊爾·喬丹(Blair Jordan)補充道, "我們期待着他作爲首席財務長在我們繼續執行戰略目標時的領導和專業知識。"

About 180 Life Sciences Corp.
180 Life Sciences Corp. is an innovative biotechnology company that is focused on advancing breakthrough treatments. With recent moves into the online gaming sector, the Company is leveraging its expertise and new strategic appointments to capitalize on the expanding opportunities in this market.

180 Life Sciences Corp.是一家專注於推動突破性治療的創新生物技術公司。最近進軍在線遊戲行業,該公司正在利用其專業知識和新的戰略任命來利用這一市場不斷擴大的機遇。

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Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes "forward-looking statements", including information about management's view of the Company's future expectations, plans and prospects, within the safe harbor provisions provided under federal securities laws, including under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the "Act"). Words such as "expect," "estimate," "project," "budget," "forecast," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "may," "will," "could," "should," "believes," "predicts," "potential," "continue" and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results and, consequently, you should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. These forward-looking statements and factors that may cause such differences include, without limitation, the ability of the Company to maintain the continued listing of the Company's securities on The Nasdaq Stock Market; the Company's ability to raise funding to support its operations and commercialize its newly acquired Gaming Technology Platform; the Company's ability to commercialize its Gaming Technology Platform; the lack of experience of current management with operating a gaming company; the ability of the Company to build out or acquire a front end for the Gaming Technology Platform, and the costs and timing associated therewith; the ability of the Company to generate revenue from the Gaming Technology Platform, including timing and cost thereof; our need for significant additional funding, the ability of the Company to raise funding, the terms of such funding, and dilution caused thereby; competition in the iGaming industry; risks relating to fraud, theft or cheating; our ability to obtain and maintain licenses, and the terms thereof; our required reliance on third party cloud service providers and providers of third-party communications infrastructure, hardware and software; the review and evaluation of strategic transactions and their impact on shareholder value; the process by which the Company engages in evaluation of strategic transactions; the outcome of potential future strategic transactions and the terms thereof; our ability to commercialize our drug candidates, if proven successful for treatment in trials; risks regarding whether the administrative processes required for the issuance of patents will be completed in a timely manner or at all; risks regarding the outcome of pharmaceutical studies, the timing and costs thereof, and the ability to obtain sufficient participants; the timing of, outcome of, and results of, clinical trials statements regarding the timing of marketing authorization application (MAA) submissions to the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and New Drug Application submissions (NDA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), our ability to obtain approval and acceptance thereof, the willingness of the MHRA to review such MAA and the FDA to review such NDA, and our ability to address outstanding comments and questions from the MHRA and FDA; statements about the ability of our clinical trials to demonstrate safety and efficacy of our product candidates, and other positive results; the uncertainties associated with the clinical development and regulatory approval of 180's drug candidates, including potential delays in the enrollment and completion of clinical trials, the costs thereof, closures of such trials prior to enrolling sufficient participants in connection therewith, issues raised by the FDA, the MHRA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA); the ability of the Company to persuade regulators that chosen endpoints do not require further validation; timing and costs to complete required studies and trials, and timing to obtain governmental approvals; 180's reliance on third parties to conduct its clinical trials, enroll patients, and manufacture its preclinical and clinical drug supplies; the ability to come to mutually agreeable terms with such third parties and partners, and the terms of such agreements; estimates of patient populations for 180's planned products; 180's ability to fully comply with numerous federal, state and local laws and regulatory requirements, as well as rules and regulations outside the United States; current negative operating cash flows and a need for additional funding to finance our operating plans; the terms of any further financing, which may be highly dilutive and may include onerous terms, changes in interest rates which may make borrowing more expensive and increased inflation which may negatively affect costs, expenses and returns; statements relating to expectations regarding future agreements relating to the supply of materials and license and commercialization of products; competition, including technological advances, new products and patents attained by competitors; challenges to patents; changes to applicable laws and regulations; expectations with respect to future performance, growth and anticipated acquisitions; expectations regarding the capitalization, resources and ownership structure of the Company; the ability of the Company to execute its plans to develop and market products and the timing and costs of these programs; estimates of the size of the markets for the Company's planned products; the outcome of current litigation involving the Company; potential future litigation involving the Company or the validity or enforceability of the intellectual property of the Company or lawsuits alleging that we have violated the intellectual property of others; global economic conditions; geopolitical events and regulatory changes; and the effect of changing interest rates and inflation, economic downturns and recessions, declines in economic activity or global conflicts.

本新聞稿包括"未來展望性聲明",包括關於管理層對公司未來預期、計劃和前景的信息,在聯邦證券法規定的安全港規定下提供,在1995年《證券訴訟改革法案》("法案")下提供。"期望"、"估計"、"項目"、"預算"、"預測"、"預測"、"計劃"、"可能"、"將"、"可能"、"應當"、"相信"、"預測"、"潛在"、"繼續"等詞語旨在確定此類前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述涉及重大風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與預期結果大爲不同,因此,您不應依賴這些前瞻性陳述作爲未來事件的預測。這些前瞻性聲明和可能導致這種差異的因素包括但不限於公司能否維持公司證券在Nasdaq證券交易所的持續上市;公司籌集資金以支持其業務和商業化其新收購的遊戲技術平台的能力;公司商業化其遊戲技術平台的能力;現任管理層在運營遊戲公司方面缺乏經驗的能力;公司構建或收購遊戲技術平台前端的能力,以及與之相關的成本和時間;公司從遊戲技術平台產生收入的能力,包括時間和成本;我們需要大量額外資金,公司籌集資金的能力,此類資金的條款以及由此產生的稀釋;iGaming行業的競爭;與欺詐、盜竊或作弊有關的風險;我們獲得和維持許可的能力,以及其條款;我們需要依賴第三方雲服務提供商和第三方通信基礎設施、硬件和軟件提供商的程度;公司開始評估戰略交易的過程及其對股東價值的影響;公司進行戰略交易評估的過程;潛在未來戰略交易的結果及其條款;如果臨床試驗證明在試驗中成功治療的情況下,我們的藥物候選品商業化的能力;關於是否完成發明專利頒發所需的行政流程的風險,是否將及時完成或根本不完成;與藥物研究結果、時間和成本以及獲得足夠參與者的能力有關的風險;我們的臨床試驗能夠證明我們的產品候選品安全性和有效性,以及其他積極的結果;與180的藥物候選品的臨床發展和監管批准相關的不確定性,包括在招募和完成臨床試驗方面潛在的延遲,以及在此期間關閉未招募足夠參與者的這種試驗,FDA、MHRA和EMA提出的問題,公司說服監管機構選定的終點數目不需要進一步驗證的能力;完成必要研究和試驗的時間和成本,以及獲得政府批准的時間;180將其臨床試驗的依賴權賴於第三方,爲其招募患者,並製造其臨床前和臨床藥品供應的能力;與這樣的第三方和合作夥伴達成互相同意的條款的能力以及這些協議的條款;對180計劃產品的預估患者群的估計;180完全遵守大量聯邦、州和地方法律和法規要求以及美國以外地區的規則和法規;當前負面的運營現金流和需要額外資金以融資我們的經營計劃;進一步融資的任何條款,這可能會導致高度的稀釋並可能包含苛刻的條款,利率變化可能使借款更加昂貴,並且通貨膨脹的上升 可能會對成本、支出和回報產生負面影響;與關於提供材料和產品許可和商業化的未來協議的期望;競爭,包括競爭對手取得的技術進步、新產品和專利;針對專利的挑戰;適用法律和法規的變更;關於未來表現、增長和預期收購的期望;關於公司資本化、資源和所有權結構的期望;公司執行其計劃開發和市場產品的計劃以及這些計劃的時間和成本;估計公司計劃產品市場規模的情況;公司相關的當前訴訟結果;公司涉及的潛在未來訴訟或公司的知識產權的有效性或可執行性的訴訟,指控我們侵犯他人的知識產權;全球經濟狀況;地緣政治事件和監管變化;以及利率和通貨膨脹的變化、經濟衰退和衰退、經濟活動下降或全球衝突的影響。

These risk factors and others are included from time to time in documents the Company files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, but not limited to, its Form 10-Ks, Form 10-Qs and Form 8-Ks, and including the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2024, and future SEC filings. These reports and filings are available at and are available for download, free of charge, soon after such reports are filed with or furnished to the SEC, on the "Investors", "SEC Filings", "All SEC Filings" page of our website at . All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements concerning the Company or any person acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements above. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made, including the forward-looking statements included in this press release, which are made only as of the date hereof. The Company cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake or accept any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement to reflect any change in its expectations or any change in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such statement is based, except as otherwise provided by law.


Investor Contact:
Blair Jordan
Interim Chief Executive Officer
Email address:


SOURCE: 180 Life Sciences Corp.


