
RE Royalties Announces Third Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Highlights

RE Royalties Announces Third Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Highlights

RE Royalties公佈2024年第三季度財務業績和亮點
Accesswire ·  2024/12/04 22:00

All amounts in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated


VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / December 4, 2024 / RE Royalties Ltd. (TSXV:RE)(OTCQX:RROYF) ("RE Royalties" or the "Company"), a global leader in renewable energy royalty-based financing, is pleased to announce the financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024 ("Q3 2024"). For further information on these results please see the Company's Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis for Q3 2024, filed on SEDAR+ at .

溫哥華, 不列顛哥倫比亞省 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年12月4日 / RE Royalties Ltd. (tsxv:RE)(場外交易:RROYF)("RE Royalties"或"公司"),是全球領先的基於可再生能源特許權融資的公司,很高興地宣佈截止到2024年9月30日的第三季度("2024年Q3")財務結果。有關這些結果的更多信息,請參見公司在SEDAR+上提交的2024年Q3的簡明合併中期財務報表和管理討論與分析。

Key financial highlights for Q3 2024 include:


  • Quarterly revenue and income for the three months ended September 30, 2024, of $1,692,000, a decrease of $221,000 or 12% over the similar quarter in the prior year. The decrease was due to lower finance income as a result of early repayment of loans from clients during the quarter.

  • 截至2024年9月30日的三個月季度營業收入和收益爲1,692,000美元,比去年同期減少221,000美元或12%。減少的原因是由於客戶在本季度提前償還貸款,導致財務收入下降。

  • Year-to-date revenue and income for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, of $6,157,000, a decrease of $1,018,000 or 14% over the similar period in the prior year. The decrease was as a result of a one-time royalty buyout in the prior year of $1,564,000, which was not applicable in the current period.

  • 截至2024年9月30日的九個月累計營業收入和收益爲6,157,000美元,比去年同期減少1,018,000美元或14%。減少的原因是去年同期一次性特許權買斷1,564,000美元,在當前期間不適用。

  • Quarterly gross profit, including changes in fair value of financial assets, of $1,587,000, a decrease of $218,000 or 12% over the similar quarter in the prior year.

  • 季度毛利潤,包括金融資產公允價值的變動,爲1,587,000美元,比去年同期減少218,000美元或12%。

  • Year-to-date gross profit, including changes in fair value of financial assets, for the nine months ended September 30, 2024, of $5,849,000, a decrease of $1,095,000 or 16% over the similar period in the prior year.

  • 截至2024年9月30日的九個月累計毛利潤,包括金融資產公允價值的變動,爲5,849,000美元,比去年同期減少1,095,000美元或16%。

  • Quarterly Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization ("EBITDA")1 for the three months ended September 30, 2024 of $1,038,000, an increase of $2,641,000 over the similar quarter in the prior year. This increase was the result of a $3,078,000 provision for expected credit loss in the prior year quarter, which was not applicable during the quarter. This provision also had a negative impact to the prior year-to-date EBITDA, prior year quarterly net loss, and prior year-to-date net loss (below).

  • 截至2024年9月30日的三個月季度息稅折舊攤銷前利潤("EBITDA")爲1,038,000美元,比去年同期增加2,641,000美元。此增長是由於去年同期提供的預期信用損失爲3,078,000美元,在本季度不適用。該準備金對去年累計EBITDA、去年季度淨虧損及去年累計淨虧損均產生了負面影響(見下文)。

  • Year-to-date Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization ("EBITDA")1 for the nine months ended June 30, 2024 of $3,359,000, an increase of $1,461,000 or 77% over the similar period in the prior year.

  • 截至2024年6月30日止九個月的截至目前的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤("EBITDA")爲3,359,000美元,比去年同期增加了1,461,000美元,增長了77%。

  • Quarterly net loss after income tax for the three months ended September 30, 2024 of $195,000, compared to a quarterly net loss after tax of $2,769,000 in the similar quarter in the prior year.

  • 截至2024年9月30日止三個月的稅後季度淨虧損爲195,000美元,而去年同期的稅後季度淨虧損爲2,769,000美元。

  • Year-to-date net loss after income tax for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 of $193,000, compared to a year to date net loss after income tax of $1,089,000 in the similar period in the prior year.

  • 截至2024年9月30日止九個月的稅後淨虧損爲193,000美元,而去年同期的稅後淨虧損爲1,089,000美元。

  • Cash and cash equivalents of $18,442,000, including restricted cash, as of September 30, 2024.

  • 截至2024年9月30日,現金及現金等價物爲18,442,000美元,包括限制性現金。

Key business highlights for Q3 2023 up to today include:


  • In August and November 2024, the Company completed a brokered and non-brokered private placement of Series 4 Green Bonds and issued an aggregate of 5,879 Canadian dollar denominated Green Bonds for aggregate gross proceeds of $5,879,000 and 340 United States dollar denominated Green Bonds for aggregate gross proceeds of US$340,000.

  • 在2024年8月和11月,公司完成了經紀和非經紀的定向增發,發行了總額爲5,879加幣的4系列綠色債券,獲得了總收入5,879,000美元,以及340個以美元計的綠色債券,獲得了總收入340,000美元。

  • In September 2024, the Company was recognized by the Globe and Mail for the second time as one of Canada's Top Growing Companies. The Company was ranked No. 136 on the 2024 Report on Business magazine's ranking and earned its spot with three-year revenue growth of 314%.

  • 在2024年9月,公司第二次被《環球郵報》認可爲加拿大增長最快的公司之一。在2024年《商業報告》雜誌的排名中,公司排名第136,並憑藉三年314%的營業收入增長贏得了這個位置。

  • In November 2024, the Company entered into an agreement with Abraxas Power Maldinvest Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Abraxas Power Corp., an Ontario-based energy transition developer, to provide up to $10 Million secured loan (the "Abraxas Loan") to support the construction of solar projects in the Maldives. The first tranche of $1.4 Million was advanced in mid November for the construction of two rooftop solar projects (the "Projects") with a combined generation capacity of 0.77 MWDC. The Projects are located at a hospital in Malé, the capital of the Maldives, and an island resort, approximately 50km north of Malé. They will generate revenue from power purchase agreements ("PPAs") for a term of up to 15 years. The Abraxas Loan will have an 18-month term and an interest rate of 13% per annum on advanced funds, compounded monthly. The Company will receive a gross revenue royalty of 2.0% on the Projects for the term of the PPAs.

  • 在2024年11月,公司與Abraxas Power Maldinvest Ltd.達成協議,該公司是Abraxas Power Corp.的全資子公司,Abraxas Power Corp.是一家總部位於安大略省的能源轉型開發商,爲在馬爾代夫的太陽能項目施工提供高達1000萬的擔保貸款("Abraxas貸款")。第一筆140萬的款項於11月中旬提前,支持兩個屋頂太陽能項目("項目")的施工,合計發電能力爲0.77兆瓦直流電。這些項目位於馬爾代夫首都馬累的一家醫院和距離馬累約50公里的一個島嶼度假村。它們將通過電力購買協議("PPA")獲得高達15年的收入。Abraxas貸款的期限爲18個月,已撥款的資金年利率爲13%,每月複利。公司將在整個PPA期限內獲得項目收入的2.0%的毛收入特許權使用費。

  • In November 2024, the Company entered into an agreement with a wholly-owned subsidiary of SolarBank Corporation, an independent renewable energy project developer and owner, focusing on distributed and community solar projects in Canada and the United States, to support the construction of three 4.99 MW Battery Energy Storage System ("BESS") projects to be located in Ontario, Canada. The BESS have long term contracts with the Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator under the E-LT1 program. The Company provided a secured loan of $3.0 Million with a 12-month term at an interest rate of 11% per annum. The Company also received a 0.40% royalty on the gross revenues generated for the life of the BESS, estimated at 20 years. The royalty rate will be reduced to 0.25% if the Loan is repaid within the first six months.

  • 在2024年11月,公司與SolarBank Corporation的全資子公司簽署了一項協議,該公司是一家獨立的可再生能源項目開發商和所有者,專注於加拿大和美國的分佈式和社區太陽能項目,以支持在加拿大安大略省建設三個4.99 MW電池儲能系統("BESS")項目。該BESS與安大略獨立電力系統運營商根據E-LT1項目簽訂了長期合同。公司提供了300萬的擔保貸款,期限爲12個月,年利率爲11%。公司還獲得了BESS運行期間營業收入的0.40%的特許權使用費,預計爲20年。如果貸款在前六個月內償還,特許權使用費率將減至0.25%。

  • In November 2024, the Company settled the outstanding loans with Switch Power Battery Operating Company ("SPOBOC") and with Switch Power Solar Operating Company ("SPOSOC"). Under the terms of the settlement the Company will retain the shares of SPOBOC and SPOSOC in full and final satisfaction of the outstanding debt. SPOBOC and SPOSOC became wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company. The Company currently owns and operates nine operating battery storage projects totalling 5.3MW/12.3 MWh, and a single operating 428 kWdc rooftop solar project in Ontario, Canada.

  • 在2024年11月,公司與Switch Power Battery Operating Company("SPOBOC")和Switch Power Solar Operating Company("SPOSOC")結清了未償還的貸款。根據和解條款,公司將完全保留SPOBOC和SPOSOC的股份,以最終解決未償還的債務。SPOBOC和SPOSOC成爲公司的全資子公司。公司目前擁有並運營九個電池儲能項目,總計5.3MW/12.3 MWh,以及在加拿大安大略省的一個428 kWdc屋頂太陽能項目。

  • In December 2024, the Company entered into an agreement with Alpin Solar SA, a German-Romanian renewable energy company focused on the development, construction and operation of solar power plants globally. The Company provided a secured loan ("Alpin Loan") to support a $6.3 million letter of credit ("LC") on behalf of Alpin to meet their security requirement with the Alberta Electricity System Operator for the 200 megawatt Sol Aurora Project located in Sturgeon County, Alberta, Canada. The Alpin Loan carries an annual interest rate of 13% with an initial term of 12 months. The Company will also receive a gross revenue royalty of $0.25 per MWh of energy production from the Sol Aurora Project for the life of the project.

  • 在2024年12月,公司與Alpin Solar SA達成協議,這是一家德國-羅馬尼亞可再生能源公司,專注於全球太陽能電站的開發、施工和運營。公司提供了一筆擔保貸款("Alpin Loan"),以支持Alpin發出的630萬的信用證("LC"),以滿足阿爾伯塔省電力系統運營商對位於加拿大阿爾伯塔省斯特吉恩縣200兆瓦Sol Aurora項目的擔保需求。Alpin Loan年利率爲13%,初期期限爲12個月。公司還將獲得Sol Aurora項目在項目生命週期內每MWh能源生產的0.25美元的營業收入特許權使用費。

"Since our last quarterly update, our team has made tremendous progress with the completion of 3 new investments, deploying over $10.7 million with existing and returning clients. We would like to thank the Series 4 Green Bondholders for their continued support on another successful capital raise, and with our existing cash on hand and near term backlog of opportunities under evaluation, we will continue to grow our revenue and income, EBITDA, and cash flows over the coming quarters," said Bernard Tan, CEO.

"自上次季度更新以來,我們的團隊在完成3項新投資方面取得了巨大進展,向現有和回頭客戶投資超過1070萬。我們要感謝系列4綠色債券持有人對又一次成功融資的持續支持,以及我們現有的現金和近期待評估的機會積壓,我們將繼續在接下來的幾個季度中增長我們的營業收入、利潤、EBITDA以及現金流,"首席執行官Bernard Tan說道。

Q3 2024 Results Conference Call: December 6, 2024
Management will be hosting a third quarter conference call on December 6th, 2024 at 1:00pm PT (4:00pm ET) to discuss its Q3 2024 results. After opening remarks by management, there will be a question-and-answer session open to analysts and investors. Questions can be emailed in advance to


You can join the conference call at:


Date: Friday, December 6th, 2024
Time: 1:00pm PT (4:00pm ET)


Call in (audio only): +1 778-725-6875
Phone Conference ID: 946 197 577#

撥入(僅音頻):+1 778-725-6875
電話會議ID:946 197 577#

1Non-GAAP Performance Measures
This document contains presentation of Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization ("EBITDA") as a non-GAAP financial measure. This measure may differ from similar measures used by and may not be comparable to such measures as reported by other companies. The Company believes that EBITDA is commonly used by certain investors, in conjunction with conventional IFRS measures, to enhance their understanding of the Company's performance. These measures have been derived from the Company's financial statements and applied on a consistent basis. Non-GAAP measures are intended to provide additional information, not to replace IFRS measures, and do not have a standard definition under IFRS and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. Further information on the composition and usefulness of each non-GAAP financial measure, including reconciliation to their most directly comparable IFRS measures, is included in the non-GAAP financial measures section of our MD&A, which are available on Sedar+ or on the Company's website.


About RE Royalties Ltd.
RE Royalties Ltd. acquires revenue-based royalties from renewable energy facilities and technologies by providing a non-dilutive financing solution to privately held and publicly traded companies in the renewable energy sector. RE Royalties is the first to apply this proven business model to the renewable energy sector. The Company currently owns over 100 royalties on solar, wind, hydro, battery storage, energy efficiency and renewable natural gas projects in Canada, United States, Mexico, and Chile. The Company's business objectives are to provide shareholders with a strong growing yield, robust capital protection, high rate of growth through re-investment and a sustainable investment focus.

關於RE Royalties Ltd。
RE Royalties Ltd.通過爲私有和上市公司提供非稀釋性融資解決方案,從可再生能源設施和技術中獲取基於收入的特許權。 RE Royalties是第一個將這種經過驗證的商業模式應用於可再生能源領域的公司。該公司目前在加拿大,美國,墨西哥和智利擁有超過100項太陽能,風能,水力,電池儲存,能效和可再生天然氣項目的特許權。公司的業務目標是爲股東提供穩定增長的收益、強大的資本保護、高速增長率通過再投資以及可持續投資重點。

For further information, please contact:
RE Royalties Ltd.
Talia Beckett, VP of Communications and Sustainability
T: (778) 374‐2000

關於RE Royalties Ltd.
Talia Beckett,通信和可持續發展副總裁
T:(778) 374‐2000

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Forward Looking Statements
This news release includes forward-looking information and forward-looking statements (collectively, "forward-looking information") with respect to the Company and within the meaning of Canadian securities laws. Forward looking information is typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. This information represents predictions and actual events or results may differ materially. Forward-looking information may relate to the Company's future outlook and anticipated events or results and may include statements regarding the Company's financial results, future financial position, expected growth of cash flows, business strategy, budgets, projected costs, projected capital expenditures, taxes, plans, objectives, industry trends and growth opportunities including financing. The reader is referred to the Company's most recent filings on SEDAR+ as well as other information filed with the OTC Markets for a more complete discussion of all applicable risk factors and their potential effects, copies of which may be accessed through the Company's profile page at .

本新聞稿包含前瞻性信息和前瞻性聲明(統稱"前瞻性信息"),涉及公司並符合加拿大證券法的含義。前瞻性信息通常通過諸如:相信、期望、預計、打算、估計、假設等表達,或者是那些根據其性質指向未來事件的表達。這些信息代表預測,實際事件或結果可能大不相同。前瞻性信息可能涉及公司的未來展望和預期事件或結果,並且可能包括關於公司財務狀況、未來財務狀況、預期現金流增長、業務策略、預算、預計成本、預計資本支出、稅收、計劃、目標、行業趨勢和增長機會(包括融資)的聲明。讀者可參考公司在SEDAR+上的最新備案以及在OTC Markets上提交的其他信息,以獲取所有適用風險因素及其潛在影響的更完整討論,這些備份的副本可通過公司的資料頁面獲取。

SOURCE: RE Royalties Ltd.

資訊來源:RE Royalties Ltd。

