
Ingram Micro Signs New Agreement With Amazon Web Services To Drive Channel Partner Services Capabilities And Scale

Ingram Micro Signs New Agreement With Amazon Web Services To Drive Channel Partner Services Capabilities And Scale

Benzinga ·  2024/12/04 21:21

Focused on advancing cloud solutions and service delivery capabilities, the new agreement refines pathways for Ingram Micro's channel partners to drive accelerated growth with AWS

新協議集中於推進雲解決方案和服務交付能力,爲Ingram Micro的渠道合作伙伴提供了加速增長的途徑,與AWS合作。

Ingram Micro Inc. (NYSE:INGM) today announced a multi-year Strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA) with Amazon Web Services (AWS) designed to drive more business to and through the global IT channel via Ingram Micro's digital twin Xvantage. Expanding on its successful global relationship with AWS and new integration whereby partners can now access AWS Marketplace through Ingram Micro Xvantage, the new SCA focuses on two key areas:

Ingram Micro Inc. (紐交所:INGM)今天宣佈與亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)簽署了一項爲期多年的戰略合作協議(SCA),旨在通過Ingram Micro的數字孿生Xvantage促進全球IT渠道的更多業務。該SCA在Ingram Micro與AWS成功的全球關係基礎上進行了擴展,新增了合作伙伴現在可以通過Ingram Micro Xvantage訪問AWS Marketplace的新集成,主要關注兩個關鍵領域:

