TransPerfect Legal Honored in Three Categories in Canadian Lawyer's 2024 Readers' Choice Awards
TransPerfect Legal Honored in Three Categories in Canadian Lawyer's 2024 Readers' Choice Awards
Leading Legal Technology Provider Recognized for eDiscovery, Translation, and Managed Review
TORONTO and NEW YORK, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TransPerfect Legal, the global leader in legal technology and advisory services, today announced it was honored in three categories in Canadian Lawyer's 2024 Readers' Choice Awards, highlighting the company's excellence in delivering integrated technology and service solutions to law firms and corporate legal departments.
多倫多和紐約,2024年12月3日 / PRNewswire/ - 全球領先的法律科技和諮詢服務提供商TransPerfect Legal今天宣佈,在《加拿大律師》2024年讀者選擇獎中榮獲三個獎項,突顯該公司在向律所和公司法律部門提供集成技術和服務解決方案方面的卓越表現。
TransPerfect Legal was recognized for:
TransPerfect Legal獲得了以下認可:
- eDiscovery Software/Solutions
- Translation & Interpretation Services
- Legal Process Outsourcing/Managed Document Review
- 電子發現軟件/解決方案
- 翻譯和口譯服務
- 法律流程外包/託管文件審核
The Readers' Choice Awards program, in its 10th year, celebrates organizations that consistently demonstrate innovation, creativity, and exceptional service in supporting the Canadian legal community. Winners are selected through a rigorous reader voting process that reflects real-world experience and satisfaction with services provided. This year, more than 1,550 legal professionals evaluated nearly 600 service providers and products across multiple categories including legal technology, litigation support, recruiting, and other essential services.
TransPerfect President and Co-CEO Phil Shawe commented, "The highest praise we can receive is the endorsement of our clients. We're humbled and honored by this strong showing of support from the legal community in Canada."
TransPerfect總裁兼聯合首席執行官Phil Shawe評論道:「我們能收到的最高讚揚是客戶的認可。我們對加拿大法律社區對我們的大力支持感到謙遜和榮幸。」
About TransPerfect Legal
TransPerfect Legal is a global leader in legal technology and advisory services for Am Law 200 and Global 100 law firms as well as corporate legal departments. With offices in more than 140 cities worldwide, solutions include forensic technology and consulting, eDiscovery and early data assessment, managed review and legal staffing, language services, deposition and trial support, and paper discovery, all offered alongside the Reef Technology ecosystem, TransPerfect Legal's suite of proprietary applications that address the needs of legal and regulatory practitioners around the world. For more information, please visit
關於TransPerfect Legal
TransPerfect Legal是科技和諮詢服務方面全球領先的法律服務提供商,爲Am Law 200和Global 100律所以及公司法律部門提供服務。在全球140多個城市設有辦事處,解決方案包括法證科技和諮詢、電子數據發現和初步數據評估、託管審查和法律人員配備、語言服務、審問和庭審支持、以及文件發現等,所有這些都與Reef Technology生態系統一起提供,TransPerfect Legal的專有應用程序套件,旨在滿足全球法律和監管從業者的需求。欲了解更多信息,請訪問
About TransPerfect
TransPerfect is the world's largest provider of language services and AI solutions for global business. From offices in over 140 cities on six continents, TransPerfect offers a full range of services in 200+ languages to clients worldwide. More than 6,000 global organizations employ TransPerfect's GlobalLink technology to simplify the management of multilingual content. With an unparalleled commitment to quality and client service, TransPerfect is fully ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified. TransPerfect has global headquarters in New York, with regional headquarters in London and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit our website at .
TransPerfect是全球業務中提供語言服務和人工智能解決方案的最大提供商。在六大洲的140多個城市設有辦事處,TransPerfect向全球客戶提供超過200種語言的全方位服務。超過6,000家全球組織採用TransPerfect的GlobalLink科技,以簡化多語言內容的管理。憑藉對質量和客戶服務的無與倫比承諾,TransPerfect完全獲得ISO 9001和ISO 17100認證。TransPerfect總部設在紐約,在倫敦和香港設有區域總部。欲了解更多信息,請訪問我們的網站
SOURCE TransPerfect