Levi & Korsinsky Reminds Shareholders of the Upcoming Claims Deadline for the QuantumScape Securities Settlement.
Levi & Korsinsky Reminds Shareholders of the Upcoming Claims Deadline for the QuantumScape Securities Settlement.
NEW YORK, Dec. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Levi & Korsinsky, LLP wishes to remind all eligible investors that the deadline to submit claims to the QuantumScape Securities Litigation settlement fund is rapidly approaching. All claims must be submitted by December 13, 2024 at 11:59 PT.
紐約,2024年12月3日 /PRNewswire/ -- Levi & Korsinsky, LLP 提醒所有符合條件的投資者,提交 quantumscape 證券訴訟和解基金申請的截止日期即將來臨。所有申請必須在2024年12月13日11:59 PT之前提交。
The Settlement Class consists of: All Persons that purchased or otherwise acquired QuantumScape securities between November 27, 2020 and April 14, 2021, inclusive, and were damaged thereby.
和解類包括:所有在2020年11月27日至2021年4月14日之間購買或以其他方式獲取 quantumscape 證券的個人,並因此受到損害。
If you are a member of the Settlement Class, your legal rights will be affected whether you act or do not act. Please read the Notice to fully understand your rights and options.
如果您是和解類的成員,無論您是否採取行動,您的法律權利將受到影響。請閱讀通知以充分了解您的權利和 選項。
How to Submit a Claim:
- Visit the official settlement website: quantumscapesettlement.com
- Either (a) file a claim online or (b) download the claim form, complete the form, and mail it to QuantumScape Securities Settlement c/o A.B. Data, Ltd. P.O. Box 173131 Milwaukee, WI 53217
- 訪問官方和解網站:quantumscapesettlement.com
- 您可以(a)在線提交索賠,或(b)下載索賠表,填寫表格並郵寄至 quantumscape 證券和解 c/o A.b. Data, Ltd. P.O. Box 173131 Milwaukee, WI 53217
We urge all eligible investors to submit their claims before the deadline to ensure they receive their share of the settlement. Missing this deadline could result in forfeiting your right to compensation.
If you have questions, you may call the QuantumScape Securities Litigation Helpline at (866)-778-9623 or email [email protected].
如果您有任何問題,可以撥打 quantumscape 證券訴訟服務熱線 (866)-778-9623 或發送電子郵件至 [email protected]。
SOURCE Levi & Korsinsky, LLP
來源:Levi & Korsinsky, LLP