
Performance Shipping Secures Time Charter Contract With Oil Major At $33,500 Per Day For LR2 Aframax Tanker, M/T P. Aliki; Charter Will Generate ~$6.6M Of Gross Revenue For The Minimum Duration Of The Charter

Performance Shipping Secures Time Charter Contract With Oil Major At $33,500 Per Day For LR2 Aframax Tanker, M/T P. Aliki; Charter Will Generate ~$6.6M Of Gross Revenue For The Minimum Duration Of The Charter

performance shipping與一家大型石油公司簽署了每日$33,500的時間租船合同,租用LR2 Aframax油輪M/t P. Aliki;該租約將在租期內預計產生約660萬的營業收入。
Benzinga ·  12/03 22:29

Performance Shipping Inc. (NASDAQ:PSHG), ("we" or the "Company"), a global shipping company specializing in the ownership of tanker vessels, today announced that, through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, it has entered into a time charter contract with SeaRiver Maritime LLC (the "Charterer"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of ExxonMobil Corporation (NYSE:XOM), for the 2010-built, 105,304 dwt LR2 Aframax tanker vessel, M/T P. Aliki. The gross charter rate will be US$33,500 per day for a period of seven (7) months +/- 15 days at the option of the Charterer and is expected to commence at the beginning of December. This charter will generate approximately US$6.6 million of gross revenue for the minimum duration of the charter.

Performance Shipping Inc.(納斯達克:PSHG),("我們"或"公司"),是一家全球貨運公司,專注於油輪的所有權,今天宣佈,通過一個獨立的全資子公司,它與海河海事有限責任公司("承租人")簽訂了一份定期租約合同,而海河海事有限責任公司是埃克森美孚公司(紐交所:XOM)的全資子公司,租約對象爲2010年建造的M/t P. Aliki,載重噸105,304 dwt的LR2阿弗拉馬克油輪。毛租金爲每天33,500美元,租期爲七(7)個月,承租人可以選擇延長15天,預計將於12月初開始。該租約將在最短租期內爲公司產生約660萬美元的營業收入。

