
Top 3 Utilities Stocks That Could Sink Your Portfolio This Month

Top 3 Utilities Stocks That Could Sink Your Portfolio This Month

Benzinga ·  2024/12/03 21:19

As of Dec. 3, 2024, three stocks in the utilities sector could be flashing a real warning to investors who value momentum as a key criteria in their trading decisions.


The RSI is a momentum indicator, which compares a stock's strength on days when prices go up to its strength on days when prices go down. When compared to a stock's price action, it can give traders a better sense of how a stock may perform in the short term. An asset is typically considered overbought when the RSI is above 70, according to Benzinga Pro.

RSI是一種動量指標,它將股票在股價上升的日子裏的強度與在股價下跌的日子裏的強度進行比較。與股票價格的走勢相比,它可以讓交易員更好地了解股票在短期內的表現。當RSI高於70時,資產通常被認爲是超買的,據Benzinga Pro稱。

Here's the latest list of major overbought players in this sector.


VivoPower International PLC (NASDAQ:VVPR)


  • On Oct. 3, VivoPower's Tembo announced a definitive agreement with pre-eminent jeepney group, Sarao Motors, in the Philippines' estimated US$10 billion jeepney market. Executive Chairman and CEO of VivoPower, Kevin Chin, said, "We are absolutely honoured that Tembo is partnering with Sarao Motors, a household name in the Philippines that is well recognised and highly respected by the Philippines government and the Filipino people alike. For Sarao to have selected Tembo as its exclusive e-jeepney kits and solutions provider, it is a testament to the considered, careful, and comprehensive approach to the engineering quality and safety that underpins our culture and modus operandi." The company's stock gained around 45% over the past five days and has a 52-week high of $9.90.
  • RSI Value: 70.00
  • VVPR Price Action: Shares of VivoPower jumped 11% to close at $1.31 on Monday.
  • 截至10月3日,vivopower的Tembo宣佈與菲律賓估計的100億美元吉普尼市場中的傑出吉普尼集團Sarao Motors達成了一項最終協議。vivopower的執行主席兼首席執行官Kevin Chin表示:「我們非常榮幸Tembo與Sarao Motors合作,後者是菲律賓家喻戶曉的品牌,在菲律賓政府和菲律賓人民中享有很高的聲譽和尊重。對於Sarao選擇Tembo作爲其獨家電動吉普尼套件和解決方案提供商,這證明了我們文化和操作方式基礎上的工程質量和安全性受到深思熟慮、謹慎而全面的方法的肯定。」該公司股價在過去五天內上漲了約45%,52周最高價爲9.90美元。
  • RSI數值: 70.00
  • VVPR價格走勢: vivopower的股價週一上漲11%,收於1.31美元。

Pampa Energia S.A. (NYSE:PAM)

Pampa Energia S.A. (紐交所:PAM)

  • On Nov. 6, Pampa Energia reported quarterly earnings of $2.70 per share which beat the analyst consensus estimate of $1.90 per share. The company's stock gained around 32% over the past month and has a 52-week high of $89.69.
  • RSI Value: 83.39
  • PAM Price Action: Shares of Pampa Energia gained 1.6% to close at $86.93 on Monday.
  • 11月6日,pampa energia報告每股2.70美元的季度盈利,超過了分析師對每股1.90美元的共識預期。該公司股價在過去一個月上漲約32%,52周最高價爲89.69美元。
  • RSI數值:83.39
  • pampa energia價格走勢:pampa energia股票週一上漲1.6%,收於86.93美元。

Empresa Distribuidora y Cmrz Nrt SA (NYSE:EDN)

Empresa Distribuidora y Cmrz Nrt SA(紐交所:EDN)

  • On Aug. 6, Edenor named Daniel Marx as Chairman and CEO. The company's stock gained around 29% over the past month and has a 52-week high of $41.49.
  • RSI Value: 81.44
  • EDN Price Action: Shares of EDN gained 1.4% to close at $40.52 on Monday.
  • 8月6日,Edenor任命Daniel Marx爲主席兼首席執行官。該公司股價在過去一個月上漲約29%,52周最高價爲41.49美元。
  • RSI數值:81.44
  • EDN價格走勢:EDN股票週一上漲1.4%,收於40.52美元。

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