
New Year Rings in Toll Increase at Seven Bay Area Bridges

New Year Rings in Toll Increase at Seven Bay Area Bridges

PR Newswire ·  2024/12/03 07:04

Last of Three Voter-Approved Increases Takes Effect Jan. 1


SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- With the new year just weeks away, the Bay Area Toll Authority (BATA) reminds drivers that tolls at the region's seven state-owned toll bridges will go up by $1 on Jan. 1, 2025. This will be the third of the three $1 toll increases approved by the California Legislature in 2017 through state Senate Bill 595 and by voters through Regional Measure 3 in June 2018. The first of these toll hikes went into effect on Jan. 1, 2019 and the second on Jan. 1, 2022.

舊金山,2024年12月2日 /PRNewswire/ -- 新年即將來臨,灣區過路費管理局(BATA)提醒司機,該地區七座州立過路橋的過路費將於2025年1月1日上漲1美元。這將是加州立法機構於2017年通過州參議院法案595號及2018年6月經選民批准的區域措施3號,分別批准的三項1美元過路費漲價措施中的第三項。這些過路費漲價中的第一項於2019年1月1日生效,第二項於2022年1月1日生效。

BATA Logo (PRNewsfoto/Bay Area Toll Authority)
BATA 商標 (PRNewsfoto/灣區過路費管理局)

Regular tolls for two-axle cars and trucks (as well as for motorcycles) at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay, Antioch, Benicia-Martinez, Carquinez, Dumbarton, Richmond-San Rafael and San Mateo-Hayward bridges will rise to $8 from the current $7 on Jan. 1, 2025.


Tolls for vehicles with three or more axles also will rise by $1 on Jan. 1, 2025, at all seven of the state-owned toll bridges: to $18 for three axles, $23 for four-axles, $28 for five axles, $33 for six axles, and $38 for combinations with seven or more axles.


Senate Bill 595 and Regional Measure 3 continue the peak-period toll discount for motorcycles, qualifying carpools and qualifying clean-air vehicles crossing any of the state-owned toll bridges on weekdays from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The discounted toll is scheduled to rise to $4 on Jan. 1 from the current $3.50. To qualify for this discount, carpoolers, motorcyclists and drivers of clean-air vehicles must use FasTrak to pay their tolls electronically and must use a designated carpool lane at each toll plaza.


Senate Bill 595 and Regional Measure 3 also established a 50-cent toll discount for two-axle vehicles crossing more than one of the state-owned toll bridges during weekday commute hours of 5 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. To be eligible for the toll discount, which is to be applied to the second toll crossing of the day, motorists must pay their tolls electronically with FasTrak. Carpools, motorcycles and qualifying clean-air vehicles making a second peak-period toll crossing in a single day will qualify for an additional 25-cent discount off the already-discounted carpool toll.


New FasTrak customers can obtain toll tags at Costco warehouse stores and select Walgreens stores around Northern California. A complete list of participating locations — as well as an online enrollment and registration feature — is available on the FasTrak Web site at Customers also may enroll in the FasTrak program by phone at 1-877-229-8655; by calling 511 and asking for "FasTrak" at the first prompt; or in person at the FasTrak customer service center at 375 Beale Street in San Francisco. Phone service is available Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The walk-in customer service center is open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. FasTrak can be used in all lanes at all Bay Area toll plazas.

新的FasTrak客戶可以在好市多倉儲店和北加州某些Walgreens門店獲取通行費標籤。 參與地方的完整列表 —— 以及在線註冊和註冊功能 —— 可在FasTrak網站bayareafastrak.org上找到。 客戶還可以通過電話在1-877-229-8655註冊FasTrak計劃;在第一個提示時致電511並詢問"FasTrak";或親自前往舊金山Beale街375號的FasTrak客戶服務中心進行註冊。 電話服務時間爲週一至週四上午8點至下午6點,週五上午8點至下午5點。 步入式客戶服務中心週一至週五上午9點至下午5點開放。 FasTrak可在舊金山灣區所有收費站的所有車道中使用。

Major projects in the Regional Measure 3 expenditure plan include improvements to State Route 37 in the North Bay, freeway interchange improvements in Alameda, Contra Costa and Solano counties, the purchase of more new BART cars, extension of the BART system from Berryessa to downtown San Jose and Santa Clara, extension of the Caltrain corridor to the Salesforce Transit Center in downtown San Francisco, expansion of Muni's transit vehicle fleet, expansion of San Francisco Bay Ferry service and more frequent transbay bus service, an improved connection between northbound U.S. 101 and the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge in Marin County, upgrades to the Dumbarton Bridge corridor, and extension of the SMART rail system to Windsor and Healdsburg in Sonoma County.

地域測量3支出計劃中的主要項目包括北灣37號州際公路的改善,在阿拉米達、康特拉科斯塔和索拉諾縣的高速公路立交改進,購買更多新的BARt列車,將BARt系統從貝里埃薩延伸至聖何塞市中心和聖克拉拉,將Caltrain走廊延伸至舊金山市中心的Salesforce Transit Center,擴大Muni的公交車隊,擴大舊金山灣渡輪服務和更頻繁的越灣巴士服務,改善北上101號美國國道與馬林縣裏士滿 - 聖拉斐爾大橋之間的連接,在鄧巴頓大橋走廊進行升級,將SMARt鐵路系統延伸到索諾瑪縣的溫莎和希爾茲堡。

BATA, which is directed by the same policy board as the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), administers toll revenues from the Bay Area's seven state-owned toll bridges. Toll revenues from the Golden Gate Bridge are administered by the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, which joined with BATA to operate a single regional FasTrak customer service center in San Francisco. MTC is the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.

BATA,由大都會運輸委員會(MTC)同一政策委員會指導,管理舊金山灣區七座州屬收費橋的通行費收入。 金門大橋的通行費由金門大橋、高速公路和交通局管理,該局與BATA合作在舊金山運營一個單一的區域FasTrak客戶服務中心。 MTC是舊金山灣區九縣的運輸規劃、融資和協調機構。

SOURCE Metropolitan Transportation Commission

來源於Metropolitan Transportation Commission




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