
Matterport Achieves AWS Manufacturing and Industrial Competency and Energy Competency

Matterport Achieves AWS Manufacturing and Industrial Competency and Energy Competency

GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/03 02:30

Certifications underscore Matterport's dedication to delivering innovative solutions that harness the power of AWS technologies


SUNNYVALE, Calif., Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Matterport, Inc. (Nasdaq: MTTR), a pioneer in digital twin technology and spatial data capture, announced today it has achieved Amazon Web Services (AWS) Manufacturing and Industrial Competency and AWS Energy Competency status within the Health, Safety, Environment category. These two honors recognize Matterport's proven expertise in helping customers leverage AWS cloud technology and providing them with a breadth of software and service offerings that support their unique needs.

加利福尼亞州陽光谷,2024年12月02日(環球新聞社) -- Matterport, Inc. (納斯達克:MTTR),作爲數字孿生科技和空間數據捕獲的先鋒,今天宣佈已在健康、安全、環境類別內獲得亞馬遜網絡服務(AWS)製造和工業能力及AWS能源能力認證。這兩個榮譽表彰了Matterport在幫助客戶利用AWS雲技術方面的專業能力,並提供廣泛的 軟件 和服務產品以支持他們的獨特需求。

"These recognitions from AWS are a testament to the revolutionary impact of our solutions in modernizing industrial operations and promoting sustainability in the built world," said RJ Pittman, Chairman and CEO of Matterport. "By working closely with AWS technologies, we not only enhance operational capabilities but also support sustainable and safety-focused practices across industries."

「來自AWS的這些認可證明了我們的解決方案在現代化工業運營和推動建築世界可持續性方面的革命性影響,」Matterport董事長兼首席執行官RJ Pittman表示。「通過與AWS技術緊密合作,我們不僅增強了運營能力,還支持各行業的可持續和安全導向的實踐。」

Manufacturing and Industrial Competency
The Manufacturing and Industrial Competency designation recognizes Matterport for its expertise in providing customers professional services and/or software solutions for an end-to-end Industrial Manufacturing Software toolchain.


As manufacturing customers move to the cloud, they are looking for cloud experts with manufacturing experience to help them transform and use data in new ways, knowing they need to move faster than ever. AWS Manufacturing and Industrial Competency Partners provide customers with solutions across their digital transformation journey while being assured that they have support from a validated AWS Partner to meet their needs. These solutions follow AWS best practices for building secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient cloud infrastructure for industry applications.


Achieving the AWS Manufacturing and Industrial Competency differentiates Matterport as an AWS Partner Network (APN) member with demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success in running cloud solutions on AWS for the manufacturing and industrial sector. This program showcases manufacturing consulting and software partners who have domain knowledge and are providing cloud services. To receive the AWS Manufacturing and Industrial Competency designation, AWS Partners must undergo a rigorous technical validation and provide vetted customer references.


Matterport's comprehensive suite aligns seamlessly with multiple categories within the AWS Manufacturing and Industrial Competency Program. The solutions provided cover extensive ground, including:


  • Engineering and Design: Matterport advances 3D model creation for physical spaces aiding in comparison with CAD models for enhanced verification and quality control. It enables superior collaboration through interactive 3D models for design reviews and quick decision-making.
  • Smart Manufacturing: With Matterport, industries can embrace remote monitoring, improve training and collaboration, enhance productivity, and elevate worker safety. The adoption of digital twins fosters increased visibility that contributes to proactive maintenance, issue identification, and the simulation and optimization of production layouts.
  • Smart Products and Services: The integration of Matterport with AWS IoT TwinMaker consolidates sensor data to enable profound data visualization and analysis, providing actionable insights into product performances and support for troubleshooting and remote maintenance.
  • Enterprise Solutions and Operational Technology: Matterport's integration with enterprise systems enhances the accessibility and visualization of data, improving collaborative efficiency and operational decision-making processes, coupled with sensor data for extensive operational insights.
  • 工程與設計:Matterport推動物理空間的3D模型創建,幫助與CAD模型進行比較,從而增強驗證和質量控制。它通過交互式3D模型促進設計審查和快速決策的優越協作。
  • 智能製造:藉助Matterport,行業可以實現遠程監控,改善培訓與協作,提高生產力,並提升工人安全。數字孿生的採用促進了可見性的增加,助力於主動維護、問題識別以及生產佈局的模擬和優化。
  • 智能產品與服務:Matterport與AWS物聯網TwinMaker的集成整合了傳感器數據,能夠實現深度的數據可視化和分析,提供可操作的見解,以優化產品性能並支持故障排除和遠程維護。
  • 企業解決方案與操作技術:Matterport與企業系統的集成提升了數據的可訪問性和可視化,改善了協作效率和操作決策過程,同時結合傳感器數據提供廣泛的操作洞察。

"For building owners and factory and facility managers, remote monitoring is important. It's even better when you can understand the context of what is physically all around the location where an industrial IoT sensor is placed," said Alexandre Piedade, Incubation Manager at Siemens, a customer of Matterport and AWS. "Is it near a window, a compressor, or any type of machine that could be giving off heat? That context is much more clear and insightful in a digital twin than with a simple 2D dashboard."

「對於建築所有者以及工廠和設施經理而言,遠程監控非常重要。當你能夠理解工業物聯網傳感器放置地點周圍的物理環境時,這將更上一層樓,」西門子的孵化經理Alexandre Piedade表示,他是Matterport和AWS的客戶。「它是否靠近窗戶、壓縮機或任何可能會散發熱量的機器?在數字孿生中,這種環境的上下文遠比簡單的2D儀表盤清晰和具有洞察力。」

Energy Competency
The AWS Energy Competency designation recognizes that Matterport has demonstrated deep expertise helping customers leverage AWS cloud technology to transform complex systems and accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy future. The Matterport platform enables advanced energy analytics, helping facility managers to identify areas for improvement and implement strategies that reduce energy consumption.


Achieving the AWS Energy Competency differentiates Matterport as an AWS Partner with deep expertise and technical proficiency within this unique industry, including proven customer success developing solutions across the value chain, from project planning, production operations, maintenance and optimization, new energy solutions, and more. The AWS Energy Competency provides energy customers the ability to more easily select skilled partners to help accelerate their digital transformations with confidence.


Matterport digital twins empower customers to manage safety and occupational health, and support environmental sustainability by offering virtual tours and inspection of a space without physically traveling to the site. Matterport's dimensionally accurate digital twins can be leveraged by customers for:


  • Employee training: Providing a safe and cost-effective way to train employees on complex procedures and environments before they enter a physical space.
  • Remote project management: Facilitating remote design, redesign, and construction planning, often focused on improving site safety and standardization.
  • Remote monitoring & predictive maintenance: Remotely monitor building systems and equipment and enable predictive maintenance.
  • 員工培訓:提供一種安全且具有成本效益的方式,在員工進入物理空間之前對複雜程序和環境進行培訓。
  • 遠程項目管理:促進遠程設計、重新設計和施工規劃,通常重點關注改善現場安全和標準化。
  • 遠程監測和預測性維護:遠程監控建築系統和設備,並實現預測性維護。

By leveraging Matterport, customers experience a multitude of benefits including:


  • Improve operational efficiency: Identify potential issues early, preventing costly breakdowns and equipment failures, ultimately leading to significant improvements in operational efficiency.
  • Reduced carbon footprint: Significantly reducing the need for travel associated with RFPs, site inspections, customer tours, and maintenance activities.
  • Increased safety and occupational health: Equipping employees with virtual training tools to understand their work environments and safety protocols before entering a physical site.
  • 提高運營效率:提前識別潛在問題,防止昂貴的故障和設備故障,最終顯著提高運營效率。
  • 減少碳足跡:顯著減少與RFP、現場檢查、客戶巡查和維護活動相關的出行需求。
  • 提高安全性和職業健康:爲員工提供虛擬培訓工具,以在進入實際工作場所之前了解工作環境和安全協議。

Matterport's commitment to excellence and innovation has also been recognized through other AWS certifications, including IoT Competency Partner Status for Excellence in Data Acquisition, Management, Analysis, and Device Management in July 2024.

Matterport對卓越和創新的承諾也通過其他AWS認證得到認可,包括 物聯網競爭能力合作伙伴狀態 以獲得2024年7月在數據獲取、管理、分析和設備管理方面的卓越表現。

Matterport's digital twin technology is available for enterprises through private offers in the AWS Marketplace. Purchasing via AWS Marketplace simplifies procurement and vendor management, and allows customers to leverage their committed spend for AWS via an Enterprise Discount Program or Private Pricing Agreement, towards their Matterport licensing. By utilizing the AWS IoT TwinMaker Connector, customers can use Matterport to combine existing data from multiple sources with real-world data to create a fully integrated digital twin. All of this is done in a fraction of the time, and at a fraction of the cost, of traditional means, giving customers unprecedented spatial data insights that help them manage their operations more efficiently than ever before. Learn more about Matterport's offerings in the AWS Marketplace here.

Matterport的數字孿生技術通過AWS市場的私有報價爲企業提供。通過AWS市場進行採購簡化了採購和供應商管理,並允許客戶利用企業折扣計劃或私有定價協議對其Matterport許可進行承諾支出。通過利用AWS物聯網TwinMaker連接器,客戶可以使用Matterport將來自多個來源的現有數據與真實世界數據結合,創建一個完全集成的數字孿生。所有這一切都是傳統方式所需時間和成本的一小部分,讓客戶獲得前所未有的空間數據洞察,幫助他們比以往更高效地管理業務。了解有關Matterport在AWS市場上產品的更多信息。 這裏.

Matterport will be at AWS re:Invent taking place from December 2–6, 2024 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Stop by Booth #490 to discover how Matterport's AI-powered digital twin platform can help you reimagine your spaces to enable remote collaboration, reduce expenses, and significantly increase operational efficiency across facilities management, property marketing, architecture, engineering, and construction.

Matterport將於2024年12月2日至6日在內華達州拉斯維加斯舉行的AWS re:Invent活動上亮相。歡迎光臨490號展位,了解Matterport的人工智能驅動的數字孿生平台如何幫助您重新構思您的空間,以促進遠程協作、降低費用,並顯著提高設施管理、物業營銷、建築、工程和施工等領域的運營效率。

About Matterport
Matterport, Inc. (Nasdaq: MTTR) is leading the digital transformation of the built world. Our groundbreaking spatial data platform turns buildings into data to make nearly every space more valuable and accessible. Millions of buildings in more than 177 countries have been transformed into immersive Matterport digital twins to improve every part of the building lifecycle from planning, construction, and operations to documentation, appraisal and marketing. Learn more at and browse a gallery of digital twins at

Matterport公司(納斯達克代碼:MTTR)正在引領建築領域的數字化轉型。我們開創性的空間數據平台將建築物轉化爲數據,使幾乎每個空間更有價值和更易訪問。超過177個國家的數百萬座建築物已轉變爲沉浸式的Matterport數字孿生體,以改善建築生命週期的各個方面,從規劃、施工和運營到文檔編制、評估和營銷。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 並瀏覽數字孿生的畫廊在

Forward-Looking Statements


This document contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including statements regarding the products and services offered by Matterport, Inc. ("Matterport"), artificial intelligence capabilities, potential growth opportunities, and Matterport's projected future results. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words "believe," "project," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "expected," "intend," "strategy," "future," "forecast," "opportunity," "plan," "may," "should," "will," "would," "will be," "will continue," "will likely result," and similar expressions (including the negative versions of such words or expressions).

本文件包含根據聯邦證券法的定義的某些前瞻性聲明,包括關於Matterport, Inc.("Matterport")提供的產品和服務、人工智能能力、潛在增長機會以及Matterport預計未來結果的聲明。這些前瞻性聲明通常通過詞彙識別,如「相信」、「項目」、「期望」、「預期」、「估計」、「預計」、「打算」、「策略」、「未來」、「預測」、「機會」、「計劃」、「可能」、「應該」、「將」、「會」、「將會」、「將繼續」、「可能導致」等相似的表達方式(包括這些詞彙或表達的否定形式)。

Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this document, including Matterport's ability to implement new artificial intelligence initiatives, business plans, forecasts, and other expectations in the industry in which Matterport competes, and identify and realize additional opportunities. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in documents filed by Matterport from time to time with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and Matterport assumes no obligation and, except as required by law, does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Matterport does not give any assurance that it will achieve its expectations.


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